Skandranon Rashkae

Skandranon Rashkae was an eagle-type gryphon created by the Mage of Silence, Urtho, and who fought for him during the Mage Wars. Like other gryphons, Skandranon displayed the barred markings found in the raptorial birds that they were partially derived from. However, he had a preference for dying his feathers black, a practice that led to his nickname "The Black Gryphon."   During the Mage Wars, Skandranon served in the army of his creator, Urtho, and was his close friend. Skandranon was extremely skilled at fighting, and his success made him well-known to his enemies. Being highly opinionated and outspoken in general, as well as a talented mage, he eventually became the leader and spokesperson for the gryphons in matters concerning all of their race. 
After successfully courting and winning the affections of the gryfalcon Zhaneel, he strove to find a way to allow the gryphons to successfully mate so they wouldn't be bound to anyone to have offspring and the future of their race would be secure. With the help of some trusted members of Urtho's court, he was able to secure the detail and spell required for the mating flights and shared it amongst the gryphon ranks.
At the end of the Mage Wars, he set off Urtho's doomsday weapon in a last-ditch effort to defeat Urtho's enemy. Ironically, the interaction of this blast and the self-destruction of Urtho's Tower directly caused the Mage Storms. He only just managed to Gate to safety just before the Tower exploded and what happened to him after remains lost to history.
Date of Birth
2021 BF
Date of Death
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tawny gold, dyed black