Son of the Sun

Though Karse has a monarch, true power rests with the archpriest of Vkandis Sunlord, the Son of the Sun.


The true election of the Son of the Sun is considered a miracle-ritual where a large statue of Vkandis appears to come to life and places the crown of office upon the chosen priest.    Evidence is strong that the current succession of Sons has used various magical means to falsify this election.


The Son of the Sun is supposedly chosen by Vkandis himself; however, mage-gifted priests discovered they could use their abilities to fake miracles, including the choosing of the next Son. Thus began a period of False Sons that has lasted for centuries.   True Sons of the Sun may be reincarnated as Firecats and assigned to specific priests as advisers and assistants. They function like Valdemar's Companions in this respect.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
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