Vkandis Sunlord

Divine Domains

Light, Fire, Forge, Knowledge, Order, War, Tempest, Life

Holy Books & Codes

The Writ of Vkandis  (basic tenants)  
  • demanded that a person learn how to think, and come to the Sunlord having thought through everything for himself
  • spoke against witch-powers that tried to predict the future, not for being "evil," but because "knowing" a future might close people's eyes to other possibilities and curb Free Will"
  • says the future is mutable
  • says that "when Vkandis wished the future to be revealed—or steered—He would find a way to do so."
  • tells us that a man’s home is where his family is, and that friends are the family one can choose

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sun in Glory   Firecats  
In Karse, firecats are linked to Vkandis, and his favor is clear when a firecat appears.   Firecats are direct representatives of the sun god Vkandis and are sent to accompany and advise a human. They are known symbols of Vkandis' favor, and they may identify a new Son of the Sun. Firecats will also accompany and advise individuals who will be central in coming events that the Sunlord wishes to influence.   The first one or two were created by Vkandis, but the ones after that are the reincarnated forms of previous true Sons of the Sun and others Vkandis deems worthy. Firecats do not make any attempt to hide their reincarnated nature, and use the name they were known as when they were Son of the Sun. To the general public, they are known simply as a sign of Vkandis' favor.   They resemble Siamese cats except that they are much larger, and have cream-colored fur with brick-red tail, ears, and mask around blue eyes. Though they may like to pretend otherwise, Firecats are mortal.   Firecats have several special abilities in addition to universal Mindspeech. They can protect themselves and others magically, usually by setting their attacker on fire, and can travel long distances by a method known as 'jumping,' which is a form of teleporting. They can bring people and objects with them using this method, though people tend to feel sick after this, which usually manifests as headaches. The extra "load" is also very tiring for the Firecat.

Tenets of Faith

"I cannot interfere with the free will of my people, not until the fate of the very world is at stake."


The prime holiday associated with Vkandis is Midsummer Day as the longest day of the yearly cycle.


Contacts & Relations

Vkandis was once known to have a female companion, who is suspected to be the Star-Eyed goddess of the Tayledras and Shin'a'in.
Divine Classification