
Corrupted with demon essences, vrocks have a taste for carnage and flesh. They are highly untrustworthy and flighty creatures ruled by greed. However, their selfishness and fractious natures were paradoxically paired with uncanny synchronization.   Vrocks stand around 8 feet tall and weigh 500 pounds, appearing as a cross between a vulture and a humanoid. Their bodies are twisted and gnarly with a long neck and limbs all covered in sinew. The parts of their body not covered in sinew, especially their broad wings, are coated with small gray feathers, and their body stinks of offal and carrion. Their bestial appearance is magnified by their long talons and vulture heads, but burning in their terrifying eyes could be seen a keen, predatory intelligence.   Trying to bribe them is normally a mistake, as they also harbor a strong, demonic bloodlust, relishing the screams of their victims and the taste of humanoid flesh.   Every now and then vrocks can emit a bloodcurdling screech so loud it causes those nearby physical pain when they hear it, sending them into a short daze. When a vrocks' wings were shook, small glands scattered across them could release a cloud of tiny spores that would spread about the nearby vicinity and burrow under the skin of those nearby. From that point, they would grow into thick vine-like structures for a short time and poison the victim, eating away at their skin. If allowed to run its course, assuming the victim survived that long, they stopped causing pain after a few minutes at most, and would wither away in a few days. Poison diminishing magic or the sprinkling of holy water can stop their effects.