Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker

Nightmare speakers are yuan-ti halfbloods with a humanoid head and upper body and a serpentine lower body. They are always female. Nightmare speakers are among the cruelest of the yuan-ti, and they delight in torturing prisoners and slaves, keeping their victims in a state of constant dread and fear.   Like other yuan-ti, nightmare speakers have many odd natural abilities. They are immune to poison and resistant to spells and other magical effects. At will, they can turn into a medium-sized snake (or back into their natural form), although any equipment they carried was not also transformed. They can bring a wash of negative energy to bear against opponents twice each day.   Nightmare speakers can reach into the nightmares of any creature within 60 feet of them that they can see, and create an illusory manifestation of that creature's deepest fears. The illusion is immobile and visible only to the targeted creature, which could still be damaged and frightened by the illusion if they thought it was real. The nightmare speaker can maintain the illusion for up to 1 minute but had to concentrate to do so.   Nightmare speakers wield scimitars in combat. They can also use their lower body to constrict an enemy, slowly suffocating them. However, they prefer to terrify their opponents rather than kill them.