Supreme Master of the Nine Hells
Asmodeus is the undisputed master of the Nine Hells, commanding fear and respect from all those who occupied his realm. Even the gods who dwelt in the Nine Hells gave Asmodeus his proper due. Though the archdevils might work to usurp him, few had the courage to act openly. Asmodeus’s machinations were long in the making, and they might take centuries, if not millennia, to see resolution. He worked on a grand scale, carefully constructing insidious and inexplicable intrigues, maneuvering the forces of wickedness like chess pieces on a board that encompasses all the planes.
He was the whole reason why The Perfidy was a success. His divinity had to be accepted by the other deities, as he helped them forsake the Primordials. The Primordials, Forsaken by the Forsaken himself, they still hold great respect.
His core concerns were simple. First, he wanted the power structure currently in place to remain exactly as it stood, with him in charge. He had spies on every layer, planted in every court. No fiend knew for sure which of its minions actually served Asmodeus, so the climate was one of justified paranoia. Asmodeus also expanded evil.
He directly opposed celestial and demons. His minions combated them, murdering them whenever and wherever they could.
Holy Books & Codes
His rules are strict and his punishments harsh:
Seek power over others, that you might rule with strength as the Lord of Hell does.
Repay evil with evil. If others are kind to you, exploit their weakness for your own gain.
Show neither pity nor mercy to those who are caught underfoot as you climb your way to power. The weak do not deserve compassion.
Divine Classification
Elder Brethren, Deity
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