One year has 324 days, split in 8 Months, with a 5 day Week.
The creation of Vellaxir, a perfect equilibrium where once all the elements dwelled. In the mids of the eternal devine quarels, vile dark magics spilled in Vellaxir. The equilibrium was shaken, echoed away its fundament engulfed in shadows. The equlibrium demands same scales, entagnled by the Weave the Shadowfell and the Feywild were born. After a consequitive cataclismic events, Morag interfered and spread life on Vellaxir, and the equilibrium started to heal.
Being disturbed by such events was not in favor of the primordial. The embodiments of fire, water, air, earth lead the oppositon against the cosmic entities from the outerplane. Divine Occasional connections with the Shadowfell and Feywild. With the first creations, the divine realized the power of worship. The Primordials responded with anger, Vellaxir should have been only theirs, it was representation of their power. The avatar of Voh'da created the wast oceans, Kah'men touch spawned mountains, Ogh'gan heat held everything together and Voz'duh enveloped everything as the weave reality.
More then a hundred millennia lasted the war between the inner and outer planes. Vellaxir was left to grow. Within this period nations were build, civilizations grew and perished. Times passed where the divine entities and primordials walked Vellaxir. Times came where some civilizations learned how to manipulate Weave on their own. The mortal yearned for immortality, they wanted divine powers. At least one of them even succeeded, she took charge of the power of the soul itself. This was frightening to the divine powers, too many ongoing battles, and a lot more battles to come. They were no longer fighting a single war, betrayed by their creation, they had to act as a divine deity would. With The Perfidy, all the wars came to an end the Weave was no longer in its raw form, and the equilibrium had its due. Series of cataclysmic events followed with floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions reshaped the world. The Weave protected Vellaxir survived but the cost was great. The equilibrium limited the Weave in strange and mysterious ways.
Most civilization their culture, riches and story had perished. It was rare that civilization pillars stood after *The Perfidy*. The continent of Karumval held some of those pillars. Old civilizations reshaped to new, old organizations evolved to circumstance. The divine power in Vellaxir seemed to be a mere image of what it was before. Which only meant for the possibility of other powers to came to fruition.