Armor Properties in Venhum | World Anvil
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Armor Properties

This article contains all generic armor properties added to D&D 5e.   Craftmanship Properties   Scrappy. A scrappy armor does not your Dexterity modifier to its Armor Class if it is a light or medium armor, has -2 to its AC if its a heavy armor and -1 if its a shield.
Normal. A normal armor is your standard issue armor.
Superior. A superior armor adds a +1 to its Armor Class, but it does not stack with similiar magical enchantments.
Mastercrafted. A mastercrafted armor adds a +1 to its Armor Class, but does stack with similiar magical enchantments.
Unique. A unique armor has a special property that is preserved even if it is enchanted, depending on the craftsman.
General/Racial Properties
Angelic. Angelic armor makes the wearer radiant resistant.
Demonic. Demonic armor makes the wearer necrotic resistant.
Devilish. Devilish armor makes the wearer fire resistant.
Dwarven. Dwarven armor increases the wearer's size category for grapples and any other abilities that require size.
Elven. Elven armor removes the penalty for not properly wearing the armor, including the disadvantage on Stealth checks.
Not Properly Worn Armor. An armor that is not properly worn, reduces movement speed by 10ft. and gives disadvantage on all Dexterity ability and skill checks.
Spiked. Spiked armor deals 1d4 piercing damage on grapple checks, touch attacks and unarmed strikes. While you have a creature grappled with a spiked armor, you can use an action to apply three levels of bleed.
Steadfast. A steadfast armor makes the wearer unmoveable, unless he wishes to be moved by another creature or force.
Material Properties   Adamantine. An armor made of adamantine reduces the damage of a critical hit by half.
Mithril. An armor made of mithril makes it one type lighter, meaning: Heavy -> Medium -> Light
Sinful. Sinful armor is described in the Sinful Armory article.
Type Properties   Clothing. This is technically not armor, but it can be worn without penalties.
Heavy. This armor is heavy, requiring at least 13 Strength to wear it properly. In addition, the wearer has disadvantage on Stealth checks that require movement.
Light. This armor is light, being able to used by everyone. A wearer not proficient with light armor does not add their Dexterity modifier to the Armor Class of the armor.
Medium. This armor is medium. A wearer not proficient with medium armor does not add their Dexterity modifier to the Armor Class of the armor and their movement speed is halved.
Shield. A shield requires at least one free hand to be worn effectively, as well as an entire Action to don and no action to doff.  

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