Exotic Weapons in Venhum | World Anvil
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Exotic Weapons

This article contains the exotic weapons added to D&D 5e and their properties. These weapons can only be taught by proficiences from classes, feats or origins.
Katanas are usually found in the possession of eastern warriors and samurais, as they have had the most experienced and skill with such blades, but with growing techniques from the western cultures, many others have begun adapting their unique fighting style.
  Damage Die: Piercing or Slashing damage equal to 1d10 + Dexterity or Strength modifier
  Properties: Exotic, Finesse, Sharp, Two-Handed
Totem Cracker
An advanced version of the totem, that is carried by Totemic Ashen, instilled with the flames of their lords it can spew fire when used in combat.
  Damage Die: Bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + Strength modifier
  Properties: Exotic, Specialty, Two-Handed
  Specialty: After successfully hitting a creature with a melee weapon attack made with this weapon, you can use your reaction to open one of the mouths on the totem cracker to release a gauge of flame, dealing 1d4 additional fire damage on the attack. In addition, whenever you use your Totemic Ward subracial feature, you can use your reaction to attack a creature, that starts its turn within 60ft. of the totem or enters its range for the first time, with the totem using your Wisdom modifier for both the attack and damage, and the totem cracker deals 1d10 fire damage on a hit if it is used this way.

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