Cult of Orcus

The Cult of Orcus like its name is a group that worships Orcus Lesser God of Stagnation


The Cult was orignally run by five litchs know as the Pentagram that control the orgnisation using message and scraying spells. Next down are the prime necromancers and undead monsters such as vampires that each are the leader of a cult in differnet areas of the world

Public Agenda

The agenda of the cult is the gathering of worshipers for orcus and the search for the shards of undeath. They are also working towards destablising the religion of Demier Lesser God of Spirts. To acomplish this goal many of the cults are working on atracting new members in places of high socity with the proime of a boon form orcus making them imortal.   SInce the betralyl of femto however the new primary goal of the cult is hunting him down and retriving the stolen shard of undeath.


The cult of Orcus has many members in high society with all of their wealth and power and has access to legions of undead at the command of their many smaller cults.


The Cult of Orcus was founded by Orcus during the Time of Strife. He chose his 5 followers to lead this cult, all of whom later with the help of orcus become litch. The cult slow spread to all corners of the world and eventually they found the second shard of undeath. It was at this time that one of the Pentagram Femto, the most powerful litch of the 5 stole the shard, killing one litch and fled to an unknown location.

The Final State of the Universe is Stagnation

Alternative Names
The Dark Ones


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