Knights of Nubin

The Wariors of Nubin are a large and powerful group the operate all over the emporers coast. There main job is to root out evil and lawlessnes. They have multipul chapters all over the world that send out teams to aid in requests from villagie, citys and nations.   They worship Nubin God Of Law and as such are divoted heart and soul to uphold the law in what ever country they are in.   Many nations however dilike this order as they see them selfs above the monarcks and lords and will deliver justice to whoever they deam to breck the law.


The structure of the Warriors of Nubin is very highercal. At the top oversing the justice of the world is the Primarc. Below them is the

Public Agenda

To root out lawlessness wherever it may be.


The Knights of Nubin have control to over 5000 highly train religious warriors and multiple strong holds throughout the world

No One Is Above the Law

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Knights of Law, The Paladins of Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Official State Religion


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