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When souls die, they are reincarnated into the new worlds being crafted by the gods. Should they die before destruction devours them they are reborn in a new world. Should they return to Venterra via travel they become Samsarans. These mysterious humanoids with pale blue flesh and transparent blood like the waters of a trickling brook. A samsaran’s life is not a linear progression from birth to death, but rather a circle of birth to death to rebirth. Whenever a samsaran dies, it reincarnates anew as a young samsaran to live a new life. Her past memories remain vague and indistinct—and each new incarnation is as different a creature and personality as a child is to a parent. Samsarans appear similar to humans, with dark hair and solid white eyes with no pupils or irises. Skin tones are generally shades of light blue.   Physical Description: Samsarans appear as humans with pale blue skin, solid white eyes with no pupil or iris, and dark hair. A samsaran’s blood is crystal clear, like the water of a pure mountain spring.   Society: Samsarans prefer to live simple lives of reflection, scholarship, and worship. They try to live their lives free of the ambitions and greed that mortality often imposes, since they view their lives as only the latest incarnation of many to come. Any accomplishments left undone in this current life can surely be achieved in the next, or the one after that. Samsarans’ memories of their past lives are not complete—they most often feel like half-remembered dreams. Samsarans can give birth, yet they do not give birth to samsarans—instead, they birth human children. Typically, samsarans give up their children not long after birth to be raised in human society, where the children grow and live their lives normally. Upon death, such offspring sometimes reincarnate as samsaran children. Samsarans do not keep family names, but often retain the names of their previous one or two incarnations, regardless of gender, as a sort of replacement for a family name to honor their previous lives’ accomplishments or to remind them of their past shames.
Starting Ages
Adulthood  Intuitive  Self-Taught  Trained
60 years  +4d6 years (64-84 years)  +6d6 years (66-96 years)  +8d6 years (68-108 years)
  Height and Weight
Gender  Base Height   Height Modifier   Base Weight  Weight Modifier
Male  5 ft. 4 in.  +2d8 in. (5 ft. 6 in. – 6 ft. 8 in.)  110 lbs.  +(2d8×5 lbs.) (120 – 190 lbs.)
Female  5 ft. 6 in.  +2d8 in. (5 ft. 8 in. – 6 ft. 10 in.)  110 lbs.  +(2d8×5 lbs.) (120 – 190 lbs.)
Standard Racial Traits
  • Ability Score Modifiers: Samsarans are insightful and strong-minded, but their bodies tend to be frail. They gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Constitution.
  • Size: Samsarans are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Type: Samsarans are humanoids with the samsaran subtype.
  • Base Speed: Samsarans have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Samsarans begin play speaking Common and Samsaran. Samsarans with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: any human language, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Nagaji, Tengu, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Lifebound: Samsarans gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.
  • Shards of the Past: A samsaran’s past lives grant her bonuses on two particular skills. A samsaran chooses two skills—she gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and they are treated as class skills regardless of what class she actually takes.
  • Low-Light Vision: Samsarans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • Samsaran Magic: Samsarans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level for these effects is equal to the samsaran’s level.
Venterra Made

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