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Robed in silk and its own regal wings, this humanoid assays its surroundings with the lethal detachment of the owl it resembles.   From lofty monastery-cities entrenched in soaring cliff sides and high mountain valleys, the syrinx seek to bring peace to all lands that fall within sight of their homes. Erudite and aloof, the owl-like scholars embrace art, philosophy, and nebulous faiths, seeking to distance themselves from a history of barbarism and ruin.
Racial Traits
  • Ability Score Modifiers: Syrinx are contemplative and patient, traits that make them somewhat slow to act. As a result, syrinx gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom but suffer a –2 penalty to Dexterity.
  • Speed: Syrinx have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Flight: Syrinx have a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability.
  • Languages: Syrinx begin play speaking Syrinx. Syrinx with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Celestial, Strix, or Infernal. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Pride: Syrinx receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
  • Nocturnal: Syrinx gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks at night.
  • Speak with Avians: Syrinx can speak with all birds of the animal creature type and birdlike magical beasts (like phoenixes and thunderbirds).
  • Low-Light Vision: Syrinx can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • Darkvision: Syrinx have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Fifth Era

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