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Descended from Humans whose ancestry came into contact with primordial magic. Even at first glance, one notices the potency of their ancestry, for an undine’s very flesh mimics the color of lakes, seas, and oceans. All undines define themselves through their ancestry. They perceive their individual differences as gifts and explore the supernatural aspects of their unique heritage to the fullest.   The undines are a proud race and show little outward fear. While good-natured and somewhat playful among their own kind, they behave with slightly more reserve and seriousness in the company of non-undines. They have excellent emotional control, and can edge their tempers from calm to raging and back again within but a few minutes. While some might dub their behavior erratic, undines are simply a bit more outwardly melodramatic than most races. Certainly, they are not moody and do not become angered, excited, or otherwise emotional without provocation. As close friends, some find them overly possessive, though they are also extremely protective of those they care about.   Undines tend to settle near water, usually in warmer climates. Though land-dwellers, they spend a fair amount of time in the water. For this reason, most dress sparsely, wearing only enough clothing to protect themselves from the elements, and few wear shoes. They avoid wearing jewelry around their necks and keep their hair slicked back and tied into tight knots. This prevents hair or other objects from becoming a distraction or hindrance while swimming. Similarly, undines pursuing martial classes choose weapons that they can wield efficiently on land as well as in water.   Physical Description: Undines display a wide variation of skin tones, ranging from pale turquoise to deep blue to sea green. An undine’s straight, thick hair tends to be of a similar, yet slightly darker color than her skin. All have limpid blue eyes. Physically, undines most resemble humans, and their physiques show human diversity in regard to overall height and body type. Aside from their coloration, their most racially defining traits remain their fin-like ears and webbed hands and feet.   Society:  A typical undine community lives under the guidance of a small council comprising officials appointed by consensus. Council positions can be held indefinitely, though a community unhappy with the performance of a council member can call for her resignation. Children are raised communally.   Relations: Undines hold no biases or prejudices toward any particular races. Their communities rely primarily on trade, giving them ample opportunity to interact with a diverse range of outsiders and foreigners. They have no qualms about establishing neighborhoods within the settlements of other races, provided adequate respect is given to both the undines and any nearby bodies of water. Still, in such instances, a given undine community does what it can to retain its autonomy.
Starting Ages
Adulthood  Intuitive  Self-Taught  Trained
60 years  +4d6 years (64 – 84 years)  +6d6 years (66 – 96 years)  +8d6 years (68 – 108 years)
Height and Weight
Gender  Base Height  Height Modifier  Base Weight  Weight Modifier
Male  4 ft. 10 in.  +2d10 in. (5 ft. – 6 ft. 6 in.)  120 lbs.  +(2d10×5 lbs.) (130 – 220 lbs.)
Female  4 ft. 5 in.  +2d10 in. (4 ft. 7 in. – 6 ft. 1 in.)  85 lbs.  +(2d10×5 lbs.) (95 – 185 lbs.)
Standard Racial Traits
  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Undines are both perceptive and agile, but tend to adapt rather than match force with force. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Strength.
  • Type: Undines are outsiders with the native subtype.
  • Size: Undines are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Undines have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a swim speed of 30 feet, can move in water without making Swim checks, and always treat Swim as a class skill.
  • Languages: Undines begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Undines with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defense Racial Traits
  • Energy Resistance: Undines have cold resistance 5.
Magical Racial Traits
  • Spell-Like Ability: Undines can use hydraulic push 1/day (caster level equals the undine’s level).
  • Water Affinity: undine sorcerers with the elemental (water) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. undine clerics with the Water domain cast their Water domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Senses Racial Traits
  • Darkvision: Undines can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Third Crossing

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