Umbrax Ferr Item in Vequesia | World Anvil
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Umbrax Ferr

Umbrax Ferr, the Shadow’s Blade, the Dark Cut. It has many names and many victims.
— A shadow in the bar.

Description and Function

Whilst the exact apperance of the dagger varies from tale to tale, there are a few general elements which appear time and time again and can thus be taken to most likely be fact. A recorded verbal account of its description is as follows: '[a] twisted blade, 3 edges long and a black onyx at its hilt'. The verbal account goes on to say that, when using the knife, one should 'twist and turn and turn and twist, 'til the victim has all but wilt. The general impression of this melodious take would have one believe that the Umbrax Ferr is a dramatically named and decorated piece of work. Records, as well as the very same tales, however, prove differently. 'Wilt', in the poem above, does not refer to the victim's death but a more horrendous outcome. The victim is believed to be transfered from the physical world into the possibly arcane-infused gem which lay at the base of the blade. Here they are stored and from there their apperance, manner of speech, and even memories are said to be pulled for the use of the dagger's handler.  


Its apperance remains clearer, if possible, than its origins, though there are tales surrounding this element as well. Some say that it is a relic of the old, forgotten gods, older even that the One True Pantheon; specifically, the invention of a deity believed to have had powers over shadows and moons. Others yet say that this is an invention of the deity of magic and progress, Rengor, the Magi, though this is a less popular theory, believed to be such due to the lack of mystery and evidence too.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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