Baklunish Bakluni Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Baklunish Bakluni

The Baklunish, or Bakluni, are a profound and storied race of humans within the expansive world of Greyhawk. This article explores their rich history, unique culture, significant locations, distinctive physical characteristics, religious practices, and political dynamics.

Origins and History

  • Ancient Empire: Originating from the ancient Baklunish Empire, the Baklunish people have a history marked by grandeur and tragedy, notably the Twin Cataclysms that reshaped their civilization and the geography of their lands.
  • Twin Cataclysms: The Invoked Devastation obliterated the Baklunish Empire, which led to their retaliation with the Rain of Colorless Fire against the Suel Imperium. These cataclysmic events forced the Baklunish to migrate northward and westward.
  • Current Settlements: Today, the Baklunish primarily inhabit the northwest of the Flanaess, in regions known as the Baklunish Basin, alongside Zeif, Ekbir, Tusmit, Ull, Ket, the Dry Steppes, and the Plains of the Paynims, among others.

Culture and Lore

  • Cultural Resilience: Despite the fall of their empire, the Baklunish have retained much of their rich cultural heritage, including their polytheistic religion, which venerates the elements of earth and sky.
  • Cultural Influences: The Baklunish culture draws parallels with real-world Arabian people in aspects such as their traditions and the influence of magical beings like genies. Additionally, some Baklunish groups resemble nomadic horse tribes of Central Asia.
  • No Temples: In Baklunish lands, worship is conducted under the open sky on altars, where burnt offerings are made to their gods, reflecting their deep spiritual connection to nature.

Deity Worship in Baklunish Culture

The spiritual life of the Baklunish people is deeply intertwined with the worship of their deities, who embody the essential elements of nature and the universe. Their pantheon reflects a sophisticated theological structure that emphasizes harmony with elemental forces and the overarching destiny guided by Istus, the Lady of Fate.

Istus and the Unifying Force

  • Istus, Lady of Fate: Central to Baklunish theology, Istus represents the unifying force behind all existence. She is the weaver of destinies, with the other gods acting as aspects of her divine will.

The Four High Gods

The Baklunish pantheon is anchored by four "good" deities, each representing an elemental aspect of the world:
  • Geshtai: Goddess of rain, rivers, and wells, embodying the essence of elemental water. Her worship signifies the importance of life-giving waters in Baklunish society.
  • Atar: God of the Sun, symbolizing elemental fire. Atar's light and warmth are revered for their life-sustaining properties and as a manifestation of divine presence.
  • Suwat: God of mountains, metals, and stone, representing elemental earth. Suwat's domain underscores the Baklunish reverence for the land and its bounties.
  • Waadi: Goddess of the moon, sky, and wind, signifying elemental air. Her realm encompasses the vast skies and the breath of life.

Opposition and Balance

  • Dorgha Torgu: The embodiment of evil in Baklunish belief, often equated with Nerull. Dorgha Torgu and his forces stand in direct opposition to Istus and the forces of good, representing the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

Minor Deities and Hero-Gods

  • Mouqol: God of trade, reflecting the Baklunish penchant for commerce and exchange.
  • Xan Yae: A goddess of Suhfeng origin, adopted into the Baklunish pantheon, representing mysticism and martial prowess.
  • Daoud and Zuoken: Mortal heroes elevated to godhood, embodying the ideals of courage and discipline.

Worship Practices

  • Yazna Ritual: A communal meal inviting the presence of the deity, featuring the consumption of hauma, a sacred drink prepared from local plants. This ritual facilitates a spiritual connection with the divine.
  • Sacred Fire: Kindled during the yazna, fire is both a sacred element and a divine manifestation, particularly of Atar.
Life Philosophy
  • Choice of Patron Deity: From a young age, Baklunish children are taught to choose a patron deity, a decision that shapes their entire life and destiny.
  • A'sha vs. Druj: The choice between following the path of truth and order (A'sha) or lies and chaos (Druj) dictates one's actions and moral alignment.
  • Cultural Paradox: Baklunish culture acknowledges the necessity of evil for the existence of good, encapsulating this belief in the idiom, "As above, so below."

Baklunish Culture: Traditions and Virtues

The Baklunish people, with their rich history and deep spiritual connection, embody several core virtues that are reflected in their daily lives and societal norms.
Core Virtues
  • Honour and Piety: These are the pillars of Baklunish society, guiding interpersonal relationships and the community's spiritual practices.
  • Family and Generosity: Strong family bonds are cherished, with generosity extended not just within families but to guests and the less fortunate.
  • Honesty: A valued trait, honesty is seen as foundational for maintaining trust and honour within the community.
Language and Tradition
  • Ancient Baklunish: The classical language is revered and used in religious observances, higher learning, and the arts, serving as a vessel for preserving ancestral traditions.
Astrology and Equestrian Culture
  • Astrology: Many customs and taboos stem from an intricate understanding of astrology, influencing daily life and decision-making processes.
  • Equestrian Beliefs: The Baklunish's reliance on horses, especially among nomadic groups, has fostered numerous traditions and beliefs honoring these vital companions.
Social Life and Exploration
  • Arts: Singing and dancing are widespread, highlighting the community's love for expression and celebration.
  • Trade and Exploration: Major pursuits reflecting the Baklunish spirit of adventure and their role as skilled traders and navigators.


  • Settled Baklunish: Favor bright patterns and gaudy colors, with gowns, robes, or long coats paired with short breeches.
  • Nomadic Attire: Prefers pastel colors with elaborate decorations, opting for more practical leather or hide garments for travel or warfare.
  • Clan Symbols: Shields and banners bearing clan allegiances are common among nomads.

Baklunish Wizardry

  • Elemental Magic: Baklunish wizards are renowned for their mastery over elemental magic, divination, and the summoning and binding of extra-planar beings.
  • Genie Lords: The aristocracy often engages in the intrigues of Genie Lords, making Baklunish lands a hotspot for encounters with Dao, Djinn, Efreet, Marid, and their kin.
Bakluni Merchant by 3orcs
Physical Characteristics
  • Appearance: The Baklunish people are known for their golden to olive skin tones, dark hair (ranging from dusky brown to bluish-black), and almond-shaped eyes predominantly in shades of green or gray-green.
  • Physique: They are characterized by long limbs and facial features, with high cheekbones, embodying an exotic beauty that reflects their diverse genetic heritage.
Baklunish warrior by 3orcs

Baklunish Traits

The Baklunish people, hailing from the west of the Flanaess, are renowned for their expertise in equestrianism, trade, and mastery over the elemental forces. Their unique traits reflect a deep connection to their heritage and the lands they inhabit.
Ability Score Increase
  • Wisdom and Flexibility: Your Wisdom score increases by 1 due to your deep spiritual connection and insight. Additionally, choose one other ability score to increase by 1, reflecting the versatile talents of the Baklunish people.
  • Linguistic Heritage: You can speak, read, and write Common and Baklunish, including its ancient form, showcasing your deep cultural roots and education.
Yazna Ritual
  • Spiritual Insight: Once per long rest, you can engage in the yazna ritual for one uninterrupted hour, gaining insights as if you had cast the Augury spell, with the ability to perform this ritual again after a long rest.
As a member of the Baklunish race, you are entitled to one of the following bonus racial feats, further defining your connection to your heritage:
  • Baklunish Weapon Training: Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, and gain proficiency with the scimitar, shortbow, spear, and lance.
  • Elemental Attunement: Choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. You have advantage on saving throws and resistance to that damage type, illustrating your elemental affinity.
  • Horse Lore: Your upbringing with horses increases your Wisdom or Constitution by 1. You are proficient in Animal Handling and have an advantage on checks involving horses, which tend to be friendly towards you. You also begin with a riding horse and standard tack.
  • Mercantile Upbringing: Reflecting your lineage of traders, your Charisma increases by 1. You have an advantage on skill checks to appraise items and trade goods, starting with 4 times your standard starting gold in trade goods.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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