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Berronar Truesilver

Berronar Truesilver, god of Safety, Truth, Home, Healing
The Revered Mother; the Mother Goddess; Matron of Home and Hearth; Mother of Safety, Truth, and Home   Berronar Truesilver, revered as the dwarven goddess of Safety, Truth, Home, and Healing, stands as a central figure in the dwarven pantheon. Known for her unwavering devotion to dwarven culture and civilization, Berronar's influence transcends the domestic sphere, positioning her as a guardian of her people's well-being and moral integrity. Her divine presence is felt in the smallest of home rituals and in the grandest temples, as she works tirelessly to protect and nurture the dwarven way of life.

Majestic Presence

  • Appearance: Berronar manifests as a formidable dwarf woman, her strength evident in her muscular build and the resolute set of her jaw. Her beard, intricately braided into four distinct rows, symbolizes her deep connection to dwarven traditions. Adorned in battle-ready chain mail, she embodies the dual nature of nurture and protector.
  • Symbol: Her holy symbol, a silver necklace, is often worn by her followers and depicted in sacred dwarven art, representing her protective embrace.

Divine Relations

  • Pantheon: Berronar is the consort of Moradin, the chief deity of the dwarves, sharing his celestial domain in Mount Celestia. Together, they form a divine partnership that upholds dwarven ideals and laws.
  • Alliances: Beyond her matrimonial alliance with Moradin, Berronar aligns with deities of other goodly races, fostering relationships that enhance mutual protection and respect among the allies.
  • Adversaries: She staunchly opposes the deities of the orcs, goblins, and giants, mirroring her husband's enmities and reinforcing her role as a defender against threats to the dwarven peoples.

Sacred Realm

  • Celestial Domain: Berronar co-rules the divine realm of Erackinor with Moradin. This celestial bastion, nestled within the stoic peaks of Mount Celestia, serves as a sanctuary and a fortress, reflecting her protective nature.

Divine Teachings

  • Dogma: Berronar’s doctrine emphasizes the sanctity of the dwarven home and community. Her followers are taught to uphold truth and justice, to heal and protect their kin, and to foster strong, honest relationships within their communities.
  • Protection of the Home: Devotees are encouraged to safeguard their homes not just physically but spiritually, maintaining an atmosphere of honesty and sanctity.
  • Healing and Care: Her clergy are skilled healers, tasked with not only mending physical ailments but also nurturing the spiritual and emotional well-being of their communities.

Guardians of the Hearth

Worshipers of Berronar Truesilver
Berronar Truesilver's clerics, known as faenor or "those of the home," play a pivotal role in preserving and nurturing the cultural and familial traditions of dwarven society. They serve as both the moral compass and the guardians of dwarven clans, deeply involved in the education, health, and moral upbringing of their communities. Their efforts are crucial in maintaining the strength and integrity of dwarven culture across generations.

Faenor: The Moral Custodians

  • Role and Responsibilities: Faenor are tasked with archiving lore, traditions, and family histories, ensuring that the rich heritage of the dwarves is preserved and passed down intact. Educators and Healers: As teachers, they impart essential knowledge and skills to the young, fostering good health and character. As healers, they care for the physical and spiritual well-being of their kin.
  • Conservatism and Discipline: Known for their conservative nature, faenor uphold traditional values and are quick to discourage foolhardiness and controversial innovations among the youth, especially in light of the unpredictable outcomes of the Thunder Blessing.
Clerical Hierarchy and Customs
  • Rigorous Structure: The church of Berronar is structured with precision, mirroring the organized and disciplined nature of dwarven society. Each clan's church is a replica of the others, promoting a sense of unity and familiarity among dwarves from different clans.
  • Ceremonial Practices: The exchange of rings among dwarves, a practice believed to be inspired by Berronar, signifies deep trust and commitment, paralleling human marital customs but reserved for the most profound bonds.
  • Divine Intervention: On rare occasions, Berronar may grant a pure-hearted dwarf the temporary powers of a paladin, highlighting her role as a nurturer of dwarf virtues and protector of the righteous.

Sacred Observances and Rituals

  • Holy Days: The faenor honor Berronar particularly on New Year’s Day with sacrifices of silver, symbolizing purity and renewal. Midwinter Day and Midsummer Night are also significant, marked by extensive underground and above-ground celebrations, respectively.
  • Community Engagement: While predominantly focused on dwarven affairs, the faenor’s well-known expertise in organizing marriage ceremonies sometimes attracts non-dwarven couples seeking their blessing. These events are opportunities for cultural exchange and strengthening bonds with allied communities.
  • Rituals of Silver and Bloom: Annual offerings of silver coupled with white flowers on Berronar's holy days symbolize the dwarves' gratitude for her motherly protection and love, reinforcing her status as a nurturing deity.
  Through their rigorous dedication to tradition and their community-centric rituals, the faenor embody the teachings of Berronar Truesilver, reinforcing her revered position within the dwarven pantheon as the protector of hearth and home. Their actions ensure that the spiritual and cultural fabric of dwarf society remains robust and vibrant, guarding against external and internal adversities.
  Dwarven Pantheon
Holy symbol: silver necklace with two interlocked rings
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: TurnUndead at -4 levels
  • Cleric of the 2nd home: use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 5th home: detect lie
  • Cleric of the 9th home: wall of force/iron/stone
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the Forge of Home, We Temper Strength."
"Every Home a Fortress, Every Dwarf a Defender."
"Blessings of the Mother, Strength of the Mountain."
Berronar Truesilver holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchical structure of Berronar Truesilver's priesthood
Detailing the levels from the initial stage to the most revered:
  • Daughter of Berronar: The initial rank for novice clerics who are just beginning their journey in Berronar’s service.
  • Hearth Mistress: Clerics who have demonstrated an ability to manage small community or family issues effectively.
  • Homesteader: These clerics oversee larger community aspects, focusing on the prosperity and safety of dwarven homes.
  • Lore Keeper: Entrusted with the sacred texts and histories, they maintain and impart the dwarven traditions and teachings.
  • Faith Keeper: Guardians of the spiritual well-being of their community, tasked with upholding and spreading Berronar’s teachings.
  • Fidelite: Senior clerics known for their unswerving loyalty and dedication to Berronar’s principles.
  • Sacred Heart: These clerics have shown exceptional compassion and leadership in healing and protective services.
  • Revered Sister: A high honor that denotes their authority over significant temples and their regions.
  • Keeper of the Truesilver: The highest rank, overseeing all major religious ceremonies and representing the pinnacle of clerical achievement within the church of Berronar.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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