Betham Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Gnome Sage of Verbobonc City

Betham, the venerable gnome proprietor of Betham’s Books, is a cornerstone of the scholarly and magical communities in Verbobonc City. At 163 years old, his life and work offer a window into the rich tapestry of gnome culture, the pursuit of knowledge, and the nuanced politics of the region.

History and Background

  • Long-standing Establishment: Betham’s Books has been a fixture in Verbobonc City for decades, offering a vast collection of books, manuscripts, diaries, and treatises.
  • Private Collection: Rumors suggest that the public offerings in his shop are just the beginning, with many more volumes hidden away in his private living quarters beneath the establishment.

Personality and Interests

  • Obsession with the Written Word: Betham's life revolves around his collection, to the point where he converses with his books as if they were sentient beings.
  • Distracted Yet Insightful: Despite often seeming distracted, Betham possesses a remarkable ability to unearth solutions to complex puzzles and riddles, particularly those pertaining to ancient lore.

Community and Religion

Betham’s apolitical stance and focus on the past mean he seldom engages directly with the current political machinations within the Viscounty or the broader religious movements. His contributions are more cultural and intellectual, offering a haven for scholars and a bridge to the gnome community’s rich historical legacy.

Location and Services

  • Cramped Yet Magical Shop: His shop, crammed with a lifetime’s collection, is both a chaotic maze and a treasure trove, made navigable only by Betham's unique organizational system.
  • Specialized Services: Betham’s expertise is not limited to selling rare tomes; he also provides consultations on historical and arcane matters, leveraging his deep knowledge to assist adventurers and researchers.

Political Stance and Relationships

  • Neutral in Politics: Betham shows little interest in the day-to-day politics of Verbobonc, focusing instead on his passion for books and knowledge.
  • Connection to the Gnome Community: While not overtly political, Betham’s operation, particularly his reliance on gnomish technology for his copying service, subtly aligns him with the technological prowess and cultural contributions of the gnome community.


Betham stands as a testament to the power of knowledge and the enduring value of the written word. His shop serves as a crucial nexus for those seeking understanding of the Flanaess’s history, magic, and lore. Beyond the cluttered aisles and the constant murmur of conversation with his 'children,' Betham offers a portal to the past and a reminder of the depth and complexity of gnome culture within the bustling life of Verbobonc City.
Sage | Wizard Level 12 Gnome
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
413 163 Years old
Large round blue
Frizzly long white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In every page, a world; in every word, a universe. The true magic lies not in the spells they cast but in the minds they enlighten."
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Batham Sage by Yngve Martinussen


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