Birthplaces of all races in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Birthplaces of all races


The Baklunish (Arabic)

The Baklunish people are mostly the northwestern regions of the Flanaess in Zeif, Ull, Ekbir and the Tiger Nomads. Their skin is golden and their eyes are most commonly green or gray-green with gray and hazel less frequent. They are split into two major groups. Nomadic heardsmen and farmers and traders. The Baklunish people have golden skin, and tend toward grey or green eyes and dark hair.

The Flannae (Native American)

Nations and states that identify with Flan heritage are the Duchy of Tenh (which claim to be pure Flan and immensely proud of that fact), Geoff, Sterich, Rovers of the Barrens, Stonehold, and the Theocracy of the Pale. The early Flannae were peaceful nomads and traveled the land seasonally. They lived off the land and held nature in high regard. Today some of the pureblooded Flanne show many characteristics of their ancestors.

The Oeridians (UK/Ireland/Scandinavian / German Europeans)

When the Oeridians came to the Flanaess from the west they eventually took what is now Furyondy, Perrenland, the Shield Lands, the Great Kingdom of North Aerdy, the United Kingdom of Ahlissa, Onnwal and Sunndi.

The Rhennee (Gypsies)

They live on the waterways mostly with whole clans of families living on barges. They tend make their living by transporting goods and people.

The Suloise (Aryan Nation crossed with Japanese and Mid East)

The barbarians to the north, Ice, Frost and Snow are examples of perfect Suel blood. They are also located in the Duchy of Urnst, islands off the coast of the Flannaess, and the Scarlet Brotherhood on the Tilvanot Peninsula.

Elves (The Olvenfolk)

Elves had inhabited the Flanaess long before the Baklunish-Suloise wars and the subsequent intrusion of Oerid and Suel peoples. The newcomers forced the elves to retreat from the plains into their forest strongholds, and they have remained there ever since. High elves and Sylvan elves primarily inhabit the areas around Highfolk, although other elven subraces do exist in other areas of the Flanaess.

Dwarves (The Dwurfolk)

Dwarves are a steadfast people that inhabit the underground reaches of hills and mountains of the Flanaess. Although they keep to themselves for the most part, dwarves have ever been loyal allies against giant and humanoid invasions no matter where they live. Near Bissel, dwarves are mainly found in the Lortmil Mountains and their lesser cousins, the Lorridges.

Gnomes (The Noniz)

Gnomes prefer more open country than their cousins the dwarves, being found in the hills and forests of the land. They do make their homes underground for the most part, but do not delve as deep as the dwarves, nor remain underground for the better part of their days. As with the dwarves, gnomes near Bissel are found in the Lorridges and the Northern Lorridges, the latter being allied with Highfolk.

Halflings (The Hobniz)

Halflings live in the gentle grassland hills of the Sheldomar valley, keeping mainly to themselves unless disturbed. A subrace of halflings (Tallfellows) live amongst the elves of Highfolk and are commonly seen in that area. The more common Hairfoots are mostly located near the Lorridges in Bissel, where they have established small burrow communities.  


A demi-human character’s place of birth.

If a character is of one of the demi-human races, use the table below to determine birthplace. Half-elves are treated as elves: half-orcs appear where humans and humanoids (specifically orcs) reside.on and Table on birthplaces of races

Place of BirthElfDwarfGnomeHalfling
Use sub-table01-0501-0501-0501-05
  • Sunndi
  • 06-1006-1206-08-
  • Irongate
  • 1113-140906-16
  • Onnwal
  • -15-18--
  • County of Urnst
  • ---17-29
  • Ratik
  • -19-3610-13-
  • Duchy of Urnst
  • -37-4314-1730-58
  • Spindrift Isles
  • 12---
  • Highfolk
  • 13-15---
  • Veluna
  • 16-23-18-26-
  • Duchy of Geoff
  • 24-28---
  • Sterich
  • -44-52--
  • Sea Princes
  • 29---
  • Ulek(all)
  • 30-4053-7227-3359-82
  • Celene
  • 41-52-34-38-
  • Wild Coast
  • 5373-7439-4183-88
  • Dreadwood
  • 54-69-42-
  • Gnarley Forest
  • 70-74-43-46-
  • Verbobonc
  • 75-76-47-52-
  • Grandwood Forest
  • 77-81---
  • Flinty Hills
  • --53-5489-95
  • Gamboge Forest
  • 82-90-55-58-
  • Stark Mounds
  • --59-60-
  • Kron Hills
  • --61-89-
  • Glorioles
  • -75-97--
  • Menowood
  • 91---
  • Silver Wood
  • 92---
  • Vesve Forest
  • 93-99-90-98-
  • Welkwood
  • 0098-0099-0096-00

    Birthplaces (demi-human)

    Given below are places where “few” or “some” demi-humans live.

    Place of BirthElfDwarfGnomeHalfling
  • Use sub-table
  • 01-0501-0501-0501-05
  • The Great Kingdom
  • 01-0301-0301-0301-03
  • The Sea Barons
  • 04040404
  • Lordship of the Isles
  • 05050505
  • Idee
  • 06-0806-0806-1806-08
  • Almor
  • 09-0909
  • Frost Barbarians
  • 10091010
  • Snow Barbarians
  • 11-1310-1211-1311-13
  • Ice Barbarians
  • 14131414
  • Rovers of the Barrens
  • 15141515
  • Duchy of Tenh
  • 16-1815-1716-1816-18
  • Theocracy of the Pale
  • 19-2118-2019-2119-21
  • Shield Lands
  • 22212222
  • County of Urnst
  • 2322-2323-24-
  • Greyhawk
  • 24-2624-2725-2823-24
  • Kingdom of Furyondy
  • 27-2928-3029-3125-28
  • Wolf Nomads
  • 30313229
  • Tiger Nomads
  • 31323330
  • Tusnmit
  • 32333431
  • Spindrift Isles
  • -34-3635-3732-34
  • Ket
  • 33373835
  • Perrenland
  • 34-3638-4039-4136-38
  • Highfolk
  • -41-4342-4439-41
  • Veluna
  • -44-50-42-48
  • March of Bissel
  • 37-3951-5345-4749-51
  • Gran March
  • 40-4254-5648-5052-54
  • Valley of the Mage
  • 43-49-51-58-
  • Duchy of Geoff
  • -57-5959-6155-57
  • Sterich
  • --62-6858-64
  • Sea Princes
  • -60-65
  • Kingdom of Keoland
  • 50-56-69-7566-72
  • Celene
  • ---73-79
  • Dyvers
  • 57-5961-6376-7880-82
  • Grandwood
  • -64-6679-8183-85
  • Lorridges
  • -67-7382-89-
  • Gamboge Forest
  • ---83-92
  • Stark Mounds
  • -74-80--
  • Barrier Peaks
  • -81-87--
  • Axewood
  • 60-67---
  • Fellreev Forest
  • 74---
  • Hornwood
  • -88--
  • Rieuwood
  • -95--
  • Vesve Forest
  • ---97
  • choice of any
  • 00000098-00

    Humanoid Races of the Flanaess

    Gnolls (Kells)

    Gnolls are big, nocturnal, hyena-headed scavengers who band together very loosely. Their packs are riddled with infighting and treachery. Filthy and vile, gnolls are also strong and roam widely through every clime, threatening outlying areas. They take slaves but always look for more, as gnolls tend to eat them. Some of their largest and most feared warbands include the Scarsavage, Gashclaw, Lowgorge, Foulpelt, Retchtongue, and Battlehowl. Many gnolls dwell in the Pomarj and in Bone March.  

    Hobgoblins (High Jebline)

    Hobgoblins are larger and more disciplined than orcs. Their tribes always fight to determine dominance, but once this order has been established the tribes frequently work together. Some of the most successful tribes are the Rippers, the Leg Breakers, the Skull Smashers, the Flesh Renders, the Marrow Suckers, the Flayers, and the Slow Killers. A great many hobgoblins live in the western part of the Empire of Iuz, and some in Bone March.  

    Orcs (Euroz)

    Evil orcs are all too common across the Flanaess. Undisciplined, bestial, and savage, orcs have severe tribal rivalries and do not cooperate unless controlled by a very strong leader. Major tribes include the Vile Rune, the Bloody Head, the Death Moon, the Broken Bone, the Evil Eye, the Leprous Hand, the Rotting Eye, and the Dripping Blade. Orcs are frequently encountered as mercenaries in the Empire of Iuz, Pomarj, Bone March, and across the North Kingdom. Orc-ogre crossbreeds are particularly dangerous and are known in several areas.   Half-orcs (the children of orcs and humans) are usually born under unhappy circumstances in border areas between orc and human cultures. Dark of mood and nature, many half-orcs achieve renown despite their rejection by their parents’ folk and many others. In this regard, they are similar to the much rarer half-ogres.  

    Gobins (Jebli)

    Goblins are insidious nighttime raiders averaging 4 feet in height. More powerful creatures usually dominate them, though all goblins swear fealty to the name of the local goblin king. The names of their best-known tribes include Night Terror, Death Feast, Black Agony, Poison Wound, Bitter Ruin, and Dire Oath. Goblins are scattered across the Flanaess in hundreds of places.  

    Kobolds (Celbit)

    The kobolds are small, vicious, reptilian scavengers, picked on by every larger race. Their most numerous tribes include the Torturers, the Impalers, the Gougers, the Cripplers, and the Mutilators. Like goblins, they are found in many places.  

    Other Folk

    Certain huge, wicked races gather only in loose bands that are highly unstable, though often large in size. Members of these races are strong and fierce, and some prefer to ally with or dominate other wicked folk rather than associate with their own savage kindred.   The most vicious of these beings are the trolls, called truknt. Trolls are without fear and often band together with the eiger, as ogres are known; trolls can also be found as guardians in gnoll dens. Stupid, huge, murderous ogres readily join orcs or gnolls to raid and plunder. Buchveer, the hairy goblinoid bugbears, assume mastery of smaller goblin communities whenever it suits them.   Beyond these groups are centaurs, sprites, giants, dragons, lizardfolk, bullywugs, and uncounted other nonhumans on the fringes of civilization. Most do humanity no good, though some ignore the civilized world in the main and a few, such as centaurs, are sometimes allies.

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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