Dark Elves Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Dark Elves (Drow) in City of Verbobonc

The Drow, or Dark Elves, remain one of the most enigmatic and sinister presences beneath the bustling streets of Verbobonc. Originating from the deep caverns beneath the Flanaess, these ebon-skinned elves weave a complex web of intrigue and dark magic, their very existence a whispered legend among the surface dwellers.  

History and Lore

  • Ancient Origins: Once part of the surface elven communities, the Drow were banished to the Underdark following their descent into the worship of malevolent deities.
  • Underdark Empires: In their subterranean realms, the Drow have built vast cities of twisted spires and dark magic, far removed from the light of the sun.
  • Culture: Their culture is inherently malevolent, fostering a deep-seated hatred for their elven kin above ground.

Physical Characteristics

  • Otherworldly Appearance: Drow are distinguished by their obsidian skin, contrasting starkly with their white to pale yellow hair, and eyes that shimmer with pale, almost luminescent, hues of violet, pink, or blue.
  • Complexion and Hair: Drow are distinguished by their obsidian-like skin tones, ranging from deep shades of ebony to a polished onyx appearance. Their hair provides a stark contrast, typically white to pale yellow, which accentuates their otherworldly aura.
  • Eyes: Their eyes are pale, often mistaken for white, with subtle tints of violet, pink, or blue, glowing with an internal luminance that can chill the soul.
  • Stature: Slimmer and slightly shorter than their surface-dwelling cousins, drow possess an elegance that belies their strength and agility.
  • Typical Physical Characteristics: Drow are characterized by their intelligence, charisma, and dexterity, albeit with a physical constitution that is somewhat more fragile compared to other races. Drow males often excel as wizards or fighters, while females predominantly become clerics, rarely taking up wizardry.
  • Physical Frailty: Despite their strengths in mental and agility-based attributes, drow share the comparative physical frailty common to surface elves. Their slight frames are a testament to their elven heritage, which emphasizes finesse over brute strength.

Drow Traits and Abilities

  • Innate Abilities: Drow possess innate spell-like abilities and spell resistance, granting them a natural affinity for magic and a defense against the spells of their enemies. These abilities are a reflection of their deep connection to the magical forces that pervade their Underdark home.
  • Light Sensitivity: A notable characteristic of drow is their sensitivity to light. This trait is a direct consequence of their adaptation to life in the Underdark, where light is scarce. It balances their powerful innate abilities by introducing a vulnerability that can be exploited by their surface-dwelling adversaries.


  • Worship of Lolth: Central to Drow society is the worship of Lolth, the Spider Queen, who demands and rewards ruthless cunning, deceit, and the domination over weaker beings.
  • Diverse Deities: Other gods, such as Kiaransali and Keptolo, cater to specific facets of Drow life, from the slave trade to male vanity.

Community and Society

  • Matriarchal Hierarchy: Drow society is strictly matriarchal, led by powerful priestesses of Lolth. Males, while often warriors or wizards, occupy a decidedly lower status.
  • Isolation and Xenophobia: The Drow's interaction with surface dwellers, including other elves, is minimal and often hostile, driven by their contempt for those they consider inferior.
  • Violence and Cunning: Their societal norms revolve around violence, cunning, and the belief that strength comes from survival.

Drow Societal Dynamics

Hostilities and Alliances
  • Surface Animosity: Drow hold a deep-seated hatred for surface elves, stemming from ancient conflicts and ideological differences.
  • Subterranean Warfare: They are aggressive towards nearly all subterranean races, including mind flayers, svirfneblin, and duergar, among others, engaging in constant territorial disputes and skirmishes for control and resources.
  • Spoils of War: Drow society thrives on the acquisition of territory and valuable resources, often sparking conflicts with neighboring races.

Noble Houses

  • Organized Houses: Drow society in Erelhei-Cinlu and other cities is strictly structured around powerful noble houses, each vying for dominance and favor from their deity, Lolth.
  • Noble Houses: The hierarchy includes prominent houses such as Aleval, Despana, Eilzervs, Everhate, Godeep, Kilsek, Noquar, and Tormtor, each with its own history, alliances, and rivalries.
  • Power Dynamics: These houses dictate the political, economic, and military landscape of drow cities, with power often changing hands through betrayal, assassination, and divine intervention.

Ecology and Environment

The ecology of Drow, as detailed from the provided knowledge, highlights several key aspects of these dark elves, particularly in relation to their weapons, armor, and environment:
  • Weapons and Armor: Drow craftsmanship in weapons and armor, often made from adamantine, is unparalleled, though these items lose their magic if exposed to sunlight.
  • Underdark Cities: The drow have built sprawling cities in the Underdark, with Erelhei-Cinlu being the most infamous among them.
  • Environment: Following a significant conflict among the elves, the drow were compelled to inhabit the Underdark, an extensive network of caverns and tunnels beneath the continent. They established formidable cities within this subterranean realm, with Erelhei-Cinlu and its Vault being among the most notable. The Underdark serves as the setting for many of the drow's endeavors, where they have become one of the dominant races.
  • Alignment and Society: Traditionally, drow align with evil, stemming from their worship of demonic entities and gods of elemental evil. Their society is matriarchal, with a social order heavily influenced by the worship of their spider goddess, Lolth. The drow society is steeped in violence, treachery, and the survival of the fittest, maintained by the whims of Lolth through her clergy. Despite their malevolent nature, drow are capable of complex societal structures, including noble houses and intricate political machinations.

Relationship with Verbobonc

  • Hidden Influence: Though not openly present within the city, rumors persist of Drow agents operating in the shadows, manipulating events to their obscure ends.
  • Elven and Human Relations: The Drow view the cooperative society of Verbobonc, where elves and humans live in harmony, with disdain, seeing it as a betrayal of elven superiority.

Political Concerns

  • Surveillance and Sabotage: Drow interest in Verbobonc may involve espionage aimed at undermining the city's stability or exploiting its resources for their dark agendas.
  • Potential Alliances: While outright alliances are rare, the Drow might temporarily align with certain powers within Verbobonc to achieve mutual goals, always with a hidden motive.
In the Elven Quarter of Verbobonc, where the legacy of ancient elven architecture stands as a testament to the city's deep roots, the Drow are a shadow that few dare to acknowledge openly. Yet, the vigilant eyes of the Viscount and the Lords of Verbobonc remain ever watchful, guarding against the unseen threat that lurks beneath.
Dark Elves of Greyhawk by 3orcs
Elf Table of Contents
Gender Roles in Magic and Combat
  • Male Drow: Males in drow society typically take on roles as wizards or fighters. The emphasis on magical and martial prowess among males reflects the competitive and hierarchical nature of drow culture, where power and skill determine social standing.
  • Female Dominance: Females dominate drow society, especially in religious and political spheres. They are almost exclusively clerics, wielding significant spiritual and temporal power. The matriarchal structure of drow society places women at the apex of social hierarchy, often relegating males to secondary positions unless they prove themselves as powerful wizards.
Drow of the Underdark by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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