Forest Gnomes Species in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Forest Gnomes

Forest Gnomes, while not as common as their rock and tinker counterparts, play a crucial role in the ecosystems of Greyhawk. Known for their reclusiveness and harmony with nature, they possess unique traits and cultural practices distinguishing them from other gnome subraces.

History and Lore

  • Origins: Initially from the tundra and wooded highlands of the far north, Forest Gnomes migrated to establish their first kingdoms in regions like the Lortmils, Verbobonc, Kron Hills, and Flinty Hills.
  • Adaptation: Despite human encroachments, Forest Gnomes have managed to either blend with new settlers or move to preserve their undisturbed way of life.

Lifestyle and Culture

  • Seclusion: Preferring anonymity, Forest Gnomes live in harmony with woodland areas, often in partially above-ground houses integrated with their natural surroundings.
  • Reverence for Nature: Their crafts and jewels often depict elements of their environment, with the emerald symbolizing their affinity for the verdant beauty of their homes.
  • Emerald: Esteemed above all gems, reflecting the vibrant hues of their woodland homes and symbolizing the Forest Gnomes' reverence for nature.

Physical Characteristics

  • Stature: The smallest among gnomes, they stand 2' to 2 1/2' tall, sharing the stocky build and notable noses characteristic of gnomes.
  • Appearance: Their skin has a greenish tan similar to bark, with hair and beards (for males) that can grow exceptionally long, often styled dramatically.
  • Eyes: Typically brown or blue, with green eyes also present and highly regarded as a sign of attractiveness and a fortunate life.
  • Hair Color: Ranges from brown to black in youth, transitioning to gray or white as they age, reflecting the passage of time and wisdom gained.
  • Longevity: Forest Gnomes enjoy a long life, with average lifespans approaching 500 years. Their transition into adulthood is celebrated extensively on their hundredth birthday.

Relationships with Other Races

  • Alliances: Particularly friendly with elves and willing to aid adventurers, Forest Gnomes maintain a balance between their secluded lifestyle and occasional interactions with outsiders.
  • Perceptions: They experience a range of relationships with humans and dwarves, from deep friendships in certain areas to resentment towards perceived paternalism in others.

Worship and Clerics

  • Deities: Their pantheon includes nature and craft-centric gods, with a strong inclination towards illusion magic influenced by Garl Glittergold and a respect for the technological prowess promoted by Flandal Steelskin.
  • Clerics: Forest Gnome clerics, deeply connected to their environment and the divine, play a significant role in guiding their communities through spiritual counsel and the stewardship of nature.
Forest Gnome by 3orcs
Scientific Name
500 years
Average Height
2' to 2'6"
Average Weight
60 lbs
Forest Gnome Druid by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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