Harfoot Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Harfoot Halflings, derived from the iconic hobbits of Tolkien's Middle-earth, represent a significant and unique subset of the halfling population in the World of Greyhawk™. Known for their cheerful nature, love of home, and simple pleasures, Harfeet are deeply integrated into the broader tapestry of Greyhawk's races. Their story, society, and lifestyle offer a glimpse into a culture that cherishes peace, comfort, and the joys of everyday life.

Historical Background

Harfeet trace their lineage back to the early days of the Flanaess, embodying traits and lifestyles that have remained relatively unchanged over centuries. Originating from Tolkien's Harfoots, they adapted to Greyhawk, preserving their love for peace, agriculture, and community. Their history is marked by peaceful coexistence with nature and a preference for avoiding the tumultuous politics that often entangle other races.

Longevity and Lifespan

  • Average Lifespan: Harfoot Halflings generally live longer than humans, with an average lifespan hovering around 100 years. This extended lifespan is attributed to their peaceful living, close-knit communities, and possibly, their deep connection to the natural world.
  • Exceptional Longevity: It is not uncommon for Harfoot elders, including both patriarchs and matriarchs, to reach venerable ages exceeding 140 years. These esteemed individuals are often revered for their wisdom, experience, and the historical knowledge they preserve.
  • Youth and Adulthood: Unlike humans, Harfeet recognize full adulthood around the age of 25. This acknowledgment allows for an extended period of youth, during which young Harfeet are encouraged to explore, learn, and engage deeply with their communities and the environment.

Harfoot Society

The societal structure of Harfeet emphasizes practical skills, community, and a harmonious relationship with nature:
  • Cultural Implications of Longevity: The extended lifespans of Harfoot Halflings contribute significantly to the stability and resilience of their communities. Elders play a crucial role in governance, conflict resolution, and the preservation of peace, drawing on their extensive life experiences to guide younger generations.
  • Extended Youth: The concept of "extended youth" among Harfeet encourages a culture of exploration and learning. Young Harfeet are given the freedom to travel, discover new aspects of the world, and experiment with various crafts and professions before settling into their adult roles.
  • Occupations: Predominantly farmers, millers, innkeepers, brewers, and artisans, reflecting their practical and industrious nature.
  • Talent Over Drive: While not the most industrious, Harfeet's ingenuity ensures their work is of high quality and efficiency.
  • Integration with Humans: Frequently engage in commerce with humans, hiring human labor or working for human employers, showcasing their adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.

Harfoot Communities

Harfeet have a distinct preference for living spaces that blend the comfort of indoor living with the closeness of nature:
  • Housing: Prefer homes that combine wood-framed structures with underground burrows, creating cozy, yet open living spaces.
  • Adaptability: Will happily reside in various accommodations, from human dwellings to natural shelters, always ensuring a space for social gatherings around a fire.


The Harfoot Halflings of Greyhawk, with their rich traditions, integrated society, and peaceful demeanor, offer a fascinating glimpse into a culture that values simplicity, community, and the beauty of the natural world. Their history, lifestyle, and characteristics serve as a testament to their resilience and their capacity to find joy and fulfillment in the simple pleasures of life.
Harfoot Merchant by 3orcs
Physical Description
Harfoot Halflings stand out with their distinctive physical traits:
  • Height: Average around 3 feet tall, presenting a slightly stockier build compared to humans.
  • Complexion: Varies from pale to dark, accommodating a wide range of hair colors from blond to black.
  • Eyes: Typically brown or hazel, mirroring the earthy tones of their rural environments.
  • Foot Hair: Notable for the thick hair atop each foot, a trademark of their sub-race. Harfeet seldom wear shoes, except under adverse weather conditions.
  • Facial Features: Exhibit round, expressive faces that often appear youthful to other races.
Clothing Preferences
Harfeet favor bright, comfortable attire suited to their active and outdoorsy lifestyle:
  • Daily Wear: Trousers, shirts, and dresses in vibrant colors, complemented by vests, jackets, and various headgear for added flair.
  • Special Occasions: May don more elaborate versions of their usual attire, highlighting their craftsmanship and aesthetic sense.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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