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Herbalism Harvesting

List of Herbs and effects

Adders Tongue

The herb has one leaf which grows from a stalk about three inches from the ground. Its appearance gives it its name. The leaf must be boiled in olive oil and set in the sun for three days. At the end of that time the infusion can be used as a balm for wounds. In the event that the wound is infected the balm will draw out the infection within one day. However, for that one day the damage caused by the infection will be twice as severe, infection damage can be determined by the DM. If the wound is not infected the balm will increase the rate of healing by 1 hp for that day.


A tall, slightly thorny plant with a large, white, sweet-smelling flower and a strong root system. When boiled in salt water, the roots can be used as a combat stimulant. When a creature drinks the infusion, at the beginning of their next turn they gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class if they are wearing no armor or light armor, which lasts for 3d10 minutes. This herb has no effect when used again on the creature until the creature completes a nights rest.


Agrimony reaches a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has leaves up to seven inches long, which are serrated, green on top and white underneath. It has yellow flowers with five petals which are arranged in a spike on top of the stem. A successful application will cure sprains and bruises in half the normal time. Agrimony was also believed to produce very heavy sleep if placed beneath a person’s head, so deep that the person could not be woken until it was removed, up to the DM’s discretion.


Plains and Cities
Alchemilla is a fairly uncommon ground cover plant, used sometimes as an ornamental on the property of the wealthy. The plant has ornate, cup-like leaves notable for catching and collecting beautiful beads of dew, and its small yellow flower that blooms in the late summer. According to legend, alchemists of old used to harvest the drops of dew and rain that would collect on these leaves for use in alchemical processes of turning base metals into gold. Although this is no longer common practice, Alchemilla is still commonly used as a tea or herbal supplement to help with feminine health.


A glowing grape-vine magically created by elves that produces grapes all year-round. These grapes count as a meal for a day and can be made into very potent wine. Mature plants sell for 100 gp and can live up to 700 years.

All-Heale (Attorlaðe)

When all-heale is mixed in a pint of olive oil and applied to a wound, (one application per day), the recipient will heal even if still working as normal, meaning that serious injuries wont interfere with intense physical activity. With rest, the recipient will heal at 1.5 times normal rate.


This plant has a thick red root, narrow hairy leaves, and small red or blue flowers. The root can be eaten directly upon being drawn out of the ground and will only keep for a week or so. The herb allows a +1 bonus to any saving throw vs ingested poisons for 1d8 hours after consumption.


Alor is a gnarled tree with broad, spiky leaves often growing to 40 feet-tall or more. The bark of the Alor peels readily and can be easily shredded by hand. Mixing the shredded bark with any liquid provides a poultice that can be used for simple healing. 2 minutes after applying the poultice to the creature's wounds, the creature regains 1 hit point. This herb has no effect when used again on the creature until the creature rests for the night.


This small, red and white mushroom can be cut finely and mashed and then added into any poisons to render the poison incapable of actual killing, instead only incapacitating the target when 0 hit points are reached; up to DM’s discretion whether incapacitated means unconscious, in a coma, or simply drugged up.


Anise grows to height of about two feet, and is distinguished by its unusual leaf formation. At its base, the leaves are heart shaped and toothed, but progressing up the stalk, they are small and feathery. It has delicate white flowers which ripen in summer to produce small ridged seeds. These seeds should be crushed and left to stew for ten minutes in boiling water. The resultant mixture should then be strained and drunk as desired. A successful application will relieve hiccups.

Arkas Grass

Type of Grass used as Horsefeed, fillies raised on Arkas Grass grow up to have a 60 ft landspeed and +2 Dex & Con, grant a +2 on Handle Animal against them and can be trained in half the normal time. Used as feed for other pets and familiars, grants 5 temporary hit points until nights sleep.


The bark of the ash tree must be stripped from its branches and boiled in clear water for one day. It should then be drunk as a cure for fevers, especially those caused by diseases such as malaria. It does not cure the cause of the fever but merely brings it under control within 2d6 hours. Ash leaves should be boiled in water and drunk as a cure for poison. The ash tree has ash grey bark, and black buds. Its flowers have no petals. Ash trees are also by tradition used to make stakes for the purposes of killing vampires according to many ancient legends.

Autumn Skullcap

A small, brown-capped mushroom with a long, thin stalk that is much more prevalent in autumn than in any other season. Autumn Skullcap is a very poisonous mushroom, and after ingestion, a creature must make a DC 20 Cons. Save vs poison after 1d4 hours have passed. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d20 poison damage and loses all un-expended hit dice. On a successful save, the creatures takes half as much damage and loses only 1 hit die.


plains and forests
The Barberry plant has thin, sharp thorns on its twigs that very easily snap off and become embedded in flesh. It can obtain a height in excess of six feet. It has roughly oval shaped leaves, which are smooth with toothed edges. It has pale yellow flowers which produce ovalur red berries, with a small black dot at their tip. Barberries should be ground up in cold water and be left to stand in cold water, and then boiled quickly. This mixture should be drunk as a cure for liver disorders such as jaundice. If successfully administered the cure should take effect within two weeks. However, three failed applications mean that there is never any hope of cure by this method.


plains, forests, mountains
Basil leaves should be applied to the bite of a venomous creature, and it will then have the effect of drawing out the poison, and effectively remove the poisoned condition. Any damage already sustained will remain. The herb has one upright stalk, oily, ovular leaves, and small white flowers.

Black Rose

plains, forests, mountains
This rare rose is easily identified by its black, velvety flower and long white thorns. The thorns are hollow and absorb liquids at a rate of a pint every 5 minutes. The liquid is stored in the plant's fibrous roots. The black rose's roots are often used to draw poison from wounds or, placed under the tongue, to absorb alcohol and prevent intoxication. Sometimes victims are tied down and pierced with the thorns to cause prolonged and painful exsanguination.


plains, forests, mountains
The leaves of these small black berries should be crushed and applied to small wounds, where they can stop minor bleeding very quickly (if applied within one round).


A thin vine that has small dark leaves, the vine predominantly grows underground near lakes and pools. The vine generally grows in places where a small bit of light occurs, sometimes thriving off of the glow provided by phosphorescent moss. Blackroot's roots can be applied to fresh wounds in order to promote quick healing (applied immediately, gives 1hp) while the leaves can be crushed into the powder known as blackroot poison. Those injured by a blade coated in the poison must succeed at a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer 16 (4d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 hour. Additionally, if the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, they are Paralyzed for 1d6 minutes.

Blackvein Flower

A dark red or burgundy flower with black-veined dark-green leaves that commonly grows in small bunches from decaying organic matter, commonly growing from corpses of animals and people. Black Vein Flowers can be turned into the aptly named Black Vein Poison which, after ingestion or injury exposure, will begin to poison the recipient, turning the victim’s blood to a toxic black ichor as it works its way through the system. The target must make a DC 12 Cons. Save vs poison. On a failed save, the target will take 2d8 Necrotic damage, and be poisoned for 1d6 hours. During the duration of poisoning, the target will also have a temporary -2 penalty to Constitution. On a successful save, the target will only take half the necrotic damage and not be poisoned.


plains, forests, jungles
A wide-bladed grass that grows in small bunches with a red-tinted central vein running the length of the blade. Bloodgrass can be ground into a green and red paste that can be added and mixed into most potions and drinks to become adequate food equivalent to a day’s rations. Cannot be altered by other ingredients.

Bone Fungus

Bulbous ivory-colored fungus that releases a 10 ft cloud of spores, in the presence of motion, that work as an inhaled poison (DC Constitution 15, 1d8-1 poison damage). If damage is taken, bone density is reduced, resulting in extra damage from bludgeoning in the form of an extra space for criticals against you (19 or 20 counts as a crit). The fungi are immune to acid and thunder, destroyed by cold or radiant damage, fire and electricity also destroy but release spores. Recovery from the reduced bone density is only capable in the consumption of magically created potions and through Lesser Restoration spells.


This plant has hollow, hairy cylindrical stalks which grow to a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has drooping flowers, red or blue in color, which are shaped as a five-pointed star at the top of the stem. The dried herb should be boiled in water and the infusion drunk. It is used to cure minor fevers such as those caused by chills, and flu. It will relieve the fever in 1d4 hours.


forests, jungles
Hard wood native to extremely old-growth forests that is as durable as steel/iron but 10% lighter, although it can't be used for chain weapons. Advantage on stealth checks in a woodlands environment while wearing bronzewood armor. Crafting of armor requires training from at least a moderate level craftsman.   These trees are slender until after many decades of growth. The average size is 40 ft. with branches growing at 45 degree angles from the trunk. The bark is a reddish-brown and hard. Leaves are narrow and toothed, from eight to ten inches long. The wood of this tree is heavy and hard, so that only experts can work it properly. If it is carefully seasoned and especially dried, the outer part will become as hard as metal, while the overall weight of the wood is unchanged.

Calcena Mushroom

Anyone who breathes in the spores of one of these small, pink mushrooms incurs a -3 penalty on all Wisdom saves vs illusions for 2d12 hours. The mushroom may be brewed into a potion by brewing tea and leaving the mushroom to stand in the tea for 2 weeks. The resultant concoction when drunk is a powerful hallucinogen. Anyone under the influence of it will see whatever the DM wants them to see. This effect lasts for 1d4 hours in which the player enters a trance and responds lazily to interaction with other characters or NPCs


plains, forests, jungles
Mustard-like shrub, whose seeds can be made into a powder that suppresses male fertility for 3d4 days (1 hour to take effect). DC 15 Medicine or Nature check can detect its effects, while a DC 20 Medicine check can reverse them.

Cave Moss

A dark-dependent moss, wilting in lighting brighter than Dim, that is grazed upon by giant vermin and cave creatures and commonly cultivated by underdark dwellers as a food source for pets and livestock.


This plant can grow up to 2 feet tall, and has a branched stem. It has few leaves, and these are finely divided. The flower heads have yellow centres which are domed in shape with a hollow cavity at their very center. The petals of this plant bend backwards towards the stem. The flowers from a single plant must be immersed in boiling water and the resultant drink consumed. This drink is very bitter and is normally mixed with honey, but this is not fully necessary. The drink will last for approximately 2 months after manufacture, while the leaves can be dried, and will then keep for up to three years. A successful use of this herb will have a calming effect on the consumer, commonly used as a minor sleep aid.

Choke Mold

Underdark/Caves and Swamps
Bright yellow mold native to caves and swamps, commonly found in patches that devour air, creating localized vacuums (can cause air-tight space to collapse inwards). Creatures within 5 ft of a patch begin to suffocate as breatheable air is pulled away from them, and within 10 feet of these patches, flames begin to sputter and go out.


plains, forests
Cow wheat is a small straight stemmed yellow-green plant. Its pale-yellow flowers produce a white powder when crushed, between two hands. If this powder is placed into food or drink it will cause a person to act as if very drunk. Each dose of this herb successfully administered will increase the level of drunkenness by one step.   Drunkeness:
  • Step 1: -1 to Intelligence until sober
  • Step 2: -1 to Wisdom until sober
  • Step 3: -1 to Charisma until sober
  • Step 4: -1 to Dexterity until sober
  • Step 5: the player now has disadvantage on all skill checks and attacks
  • Step 6: the player now has disadvantage on all saves.
  • Step 7: the player blacks out for 1d4 hours.


forests, swamps
A climbing, vine plant with broad leaves and spikes of several small, white flowers. Cubeb is commonly believed to be repulsive to demons, especially and virulently to incubi and succubi. Whether the plant actually works for this purpose is unknown, but recipes for incense designed to ward off the demons are commonly exchanged among the superstitious.


A short, gnarled tree growing to typically around 10 feet tall, Culumalda has golden-red foliage year-round and a smooth, shiny grey bark. When stripped from the trunk, this bark can be wetted and applied liberally to the skin and clothes, transferring the scent of freshly turned earth. For 2 hours other creatures have disadvantage on attempts to detect the recipient by scent.

Dainaberry (Sleepberry)

The Dainabush is a creeping, thorny vine, much like a bramble. Vines are about 5 mm thick, with 2 mm long thorns and are reddish brown, darkening to black, with leaves dark green in colour. The vines flower in early summer, with light blue, bell shaped flowers. In autumn, it carries dark blue or purple berries, which are fleshy, almost crunchy rather than juicy. The berries are slightly sweet and quite tasty, but have a strong effect on mammals: those who eat them fall asleep. The berries have this effect on mammals only (with half effects on half-mammals like half-elves and the like), but a single berry is enough to bring down any man sized or smaller mammal, and given enough berries, even the greatest mammal will fall asleep. There is no saving throw, although the sleep caused is quite normal, and a sleeping creature can simply be awakened. Although the berries can simply be eaten to cause the effect, it is also possible to dry them carefully and grind them into powder. This powder is weaker (DC 14 cons. save vs poison to avoid) but will keep for a much longer time. The powder can be added to any food or drink, but has a very sweet taste.


Underdark/Caves and Swamps
Crystallizing glossy-black fungus that grows sharp 6-ft long shards. Areas with Darkshine in it function as caltrops that deal 1d10 damage, and damaged creature cannot be magically healed for 1 minute. A patch has 20 hit points and takes half damage from piercing and slashing weapons, but it takes 1 point of damage each hour it is exposed to any light-source stronger than a candle.


very rare
Arctic and Underdark/Caves
Wood items made from this tree's magical wood are half-weight and masterwork, with shields having +3 AC. Crafting using Darkwood requires training from a master craftsman.


Plains, Deserts, and Mountains
A small white flower that grows close to the ground, and can be found across much of Faerun. The flower is often picked in spring and used for decoration among more rural folk. The petals are often used to combat poison (make another saving throw against the poison if already under its affects).


forests, jungles
The bark of Delrean should be boiled into a paste and then smeared on the skin. It will then repel any insect from coming near the recipient (disadvantage on rolls for initiative from Insectoids), but the foul stench will reduce their Charisma by 1d2. It is effective for 5d6 hours.

Devils Bloodflower

very rare
Underdark/Caves and Swamps
Only a few recorded instances of this red and yellow flower exist. This large and bold red leaf can be going back in history to the dawn of humankind. It was once a popular decoration around homes and gardens, but has become one of the rarest plants in the world. When the petals are consumed, they grant all boons of a Potion of Vitality (removes any exhaustion you are suffering, cures any disease or poison affecting you, and for the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any hit die you expend). In addition, healing magic and potions heal you for +5 additional hit points for the same period of 24 hours.

Dragontongue Mushrooms

The stout stalk of the mushroom is a pale yellow, which transitions to a dark brown at the top before it splits into six black protrusions that appear to be spines, but are soft to the touch. While the mushroom itself isn’t overly poisonous, it can cause hallucinations if brewed into a tea. Members of many cults across the realm delve into the Underdark in order to pick the mushroom, so that they may partake of the hallucinogenic properties. Many of the cultists that hallucinate claim to hear a gravelly dead voice telling them where to find the bones of old dragons or how to summon powerful and evil deities and demons.


Black-barked tree that grows 60-ft tall in tightly spaced groves, featuring small branches and smoky grey wood that's strong as iron but half the weight. Items crafted from duskwood require master-level craftwork.

Dwarf Hops

plains, forests, cities
Similar to regular hops used in the production of ale, Dwarf Hops are much hardier in terms of cold and grow slightly shorter while producing the same number of hops throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall. If harvested and preserved correctly, the hops can be worth quite a bit to someone who’s trained in making Dwarven Ale.

Dwarven Oak

forests, mountains
Stunted, gnarled tree found on the slopes of temperate mountains that looks like a sitting Dwarf from a distance. Its bark can be made into a brown, milky fluid that can be added to poisons up to 1 hour before the poison is used to increase the poison's DC by 2.


very rare
Mountains and Underdark/Caves
A pale white stalk plant that grows under rocky overhangs or deep within caves. The plant has a remarkably short lifecycle, sprouting, growing to maturity, and wilting within only one week following the Winter solstice. When broken open, the plant will ooze a black ichor that when injected directly into the bloodstream brings back characters from unconsciousness, catatonic and even comatose conditions. There is a 1% chance for each day over a week, that the recipient will slip back into their original state and that this plant will not work on them again.


This plant has a thick root, with leaves that are white on the bottom and green on top, as well as showy yellow flowers. The root may be eaten in which case it will cause the recipient to vomit. This effect, while useful in removing ingested poisons from the system, will leave the recipient weak (-1d4 to Constitution for 2d6 hours). For this reason, it may be used as a mildly debilitating poison. If used as a poison, the recipient must succeed on a DC 18 Cons. Save vs. poison.


A tiny black slime mold that slowly migrates through cave systems searching out additional moisture. When Elora is dried up and ground, it can be sprinkled over the ground and illuminates all footsteps that have traced over this area in the past 24 hours with a black glow.

Elven Willow

rivers, forests
Small tree (up to 5 ft tall) with a golden-sheened bark that produces golden buds in the spring. Grows on riverbanks in temperate areas. Its sap can be made into a tincture called Elf Hazel, which fades scars if applied over the course of a week.

Fey Cherry

very rare
Somewhat rare, but unbelievably massive cherry trees that can live forever. Area under its canopy is mystically protected, i.e. always temperate and windspeeds are dampened by 20 mph. It blossoms annually but only creates cherries every 10 years, and eating a cherry picked less than a day ago grants a Protection from Good and Evil effect for 1d10 hours. In addition, if the cherry is mashed and given via mouth to a corpse, the fruit grants the effects of Gentle Repose for 10 days.


very rare
Found in only one place, a small fungus/plant hybrid bush sprouted after a Lich poisoned the earth which necrotic magic. This abomination of nature is immune to most types of physical damage and grows back in the same place 17 years after its destruction. Whenever the fordammar grows back in this manner, it begins to fruit a medium-sized, hard, black berry with a spiky outer shell. When these berries are consumed, it will cause instantaneous, incredibly painful and irreversible death. Nothing can be done to resurrect a character that dies in this manner.


plains, forests, cities
A waist-height wildflower that typically sprouts several vertical columns of bell-shaped purple flowers in the late spring and early summer. The flowers are occasionally used in the treatment of heart conditions, but are also just as commonly used in the creation of poisons that will lead to death in a manner of a few days. After ingestion as a poison, the only cure is a greater restoration spell, or the person who ingested the foxglove will gain a level of incurable exhaustion every day as the target’s bodily functions begin to shut down.


common 2sp
Plains and Underdark/Caves
A short plant with grey stalks and olive-colored hairy leaves, the Fleshwort thrives in areas where corpses lay. Often the plant will be seen on the site of battlefields, or where the dead were quickly buried. Some healers use the fibrous body of the Fleshwort to speed up the healing process (nights rest, a character may add 1hp recovered).


forests, jungles
This briar is red in colour with bright crimson thorns. Any mammal pricked with these thorns must make a save vs poison. On a failed save, the target falls asleep for 1d6 x 10 minutes. On a successful save the victim still feels drowsy for the same period of time. The thorns can also be brewed into tea. Anyone drinking this concoction must make a Cons. Save vs. poison with a -4 penalty or fall asleep for 1d6 hours.


Jungles and Underdark/Caves
A morning glory derivative that gives off light as a torch at night. It grows 1 ft. every 2 weeks. Flowers can be harvested and provide to same light as a candle for 1d12 hours.

Goblin Rogue

forests, plains
Medium-sized bush with yellow-orange berries in autumn found in temperate regions. It can be made into Goblin Ink, which is waterproof.

Golden Crown

The golden flowers of this small yellow-green plant may be made into a poultice that is used to stop bleeding. One successful application will normally stop bleed effects. This herb is often used by midwives to staunch the flow of bleeding after birth.

Golden Lungwort

forests, jungles
Golden lungwort has large oval leaves, covered with small hairs, and small pale blotches. It grows to a height of about 1 foot, and has small bell-shaped flowers with five petals which change color from pink to mauve to blue. Flowers of different colors are often found on the same plant. This herb heals the user of all aches and pains at the cost of -1 to all Intelligence checks for the next 1d10 hours.

Grammax Creeper

A flesh colored slime mold, the Grammax Creeper slowly spreads through the Underdark, digesting any organic material in its path. The mold moves slowly enough that even people sleeping in its path have no fear of being overwhelmed, although corpses that lay in the same place for days will be overcome. The Grammax also floats on water, often spreading across the surface of underground puddles and stagnant lakes, hiding the actual depths. The Grammax reacts rapidly to the presence of flame or high heat, quickly shrinking away while expelling any trapped gas. This action of the escaping gas makes an odd shrieking sound that is akin to the sound a screaming child makes. While it is a barely palatable prospect, the mold can actually be consumed as a source of food for those lost and desperate enough (at the cost of a level of exhaustion when consumed by any race except for goblinoids). Oddly, goblins seem to enjoy the taste of the mold, and often scrape it up as a renewable food source.


A pale white mushroom with five knobby protrusions, the mushroom often resembles a skeletal hand reaching upward. When the mushroom grows in clusters, it appears as if numerous corpses are attempting to reach out of the soil. The fungus predominantly grows in the Underdark; however, it has also been seen in dark basements and unused root cellars. Several tales of superstition follow the fungus, many believing that if it appears in rooms below your house, someone will soon die in the residence. This may be partially due to the fact that the mushrooms release toxic spores that slowly inflict 4d8 poison damage over 2d8 days to people that sleep or live within 100 feet of this fungus for that period of time.

Halfling Thistle

plains, forests, mountains
Small hardy thistle with a violet flower that grows in all temperature areas, especially highlands. Soaking Halfling Thistle in water overnight under the full moon will create Shinewater, which removes all rust and corrosion from metal objects left to soak in it overnight. One dose de-rusts a medium-sized metal weapon.


A fairly common flowering shrub with purple flowers that produces small berries in warm spring months. Heather was once used by the singular village of Brookstead to create a spectacularly rare and wonderfully tasting heather mead. The village was pillaged and plundered by a rogue sect of dwarves and the few survivors were hounded for their recipe. For the most part, the villagers did not part with their recipe and the secret of heather mead is now lost to the ages. Whether or not any survivors went on to make more is still a mystery, but every now and then, a bottle of heather mead will pop up in a small, far-off market, fetching an exorbitant price.


plains, jungles, forests
A clove-like herb that is normally ground up and sprinkled into other dishes or drinks as flavoring, Jaffray acts as a mild aphrodisiac, increasing sexual interest and general sensitivity to the surroundings. Face flushes, pupils dilate, breathing quickens, and skin becomes preternaturally sensitive. The herb has a mildly cinnamon-like flavor and its potency is not affected by being cooked. The herb is also sometimes used to counteract suspected poisoning, since it increases resistance to poison yet is so common as to be inoffensive if added to a meal. (-2 to Wisdom checks, +2 to Constitution Saves, +1 to Persuasion checks, causes mild, pleasant sense of intoxication. Effects last 1d4 hours.)


forests, plains, cities
The Juniper tree can grow up to ten feet in height. It is an evergreen, which has prickly stiff foliage. The berries appear in early summer, but take roughly three years to ripen to the stage where they are useful. Unripe berries are green, ripe ones are bluish-black in colour. Because of this rather long period of ripening, it is wise to never denude a tree of berries. A normal sized tree will have between 100 and 200 ripe berries. 15 of these berries should be crushed and mixed with boiling water. When the liquid has cooled, the infusion should then be drunk in order to relieve status effects temporarily (3d4 hours). This liquid will only keep for a month under normal conditions, but can be mixed with an alcoholic spirit to increase its lifespan indefinitely. According to the traditions of some northern nomads, a sprig of juniper kept in a house would protect the inhabitants from vampire attacks. This may actually work at the DM’s discretion.

Laishaberries (Fruit of Silence)

plains, forests
Laishaberries grow on dark green, knee-high bushes. The leaves of the bushes are hard and waxy, and stay on long into autumn, sometimes even into winter. Concealed under the leaves, the red, cherry sized berries grow in spring and early summer, developing from small, fragrant, wax blue flowers that bloom in early spring. The berries taste quite bland themselves, although they can be used to add a special taste to all kinds of jellies. When ripe, the berries can be eaten raw, and will each heal 2 hp of damage, or speed the recovery from most diseases. However, they will also render the eater mute for 20 minutes for each berry eaten. Also, if more than 5 or 6 berries are eaten at a time, a DC 12 Cons. saving throw vs poison is required to avoid severe and somewhat debilitating stomach cramps that will incur a -2 penalty to Dexterity saves and checks for 1d3 hours. A jelly made from the berries themselves loses both the healing and silencing powers (and the danger of cramps) of the fresh berries, but the curative effects for most diseases is doubled; fresh berries reduce the recovery time by one day for each berry eaten, the jelly halves the total time.

Latimer Orchid

very rare
A yellow-orange orchid flower commonly farmed and sold illegally. The pollen of the flower can be turns into a sticky, rich-smelling powder that can be applied to the gums and tongue. When consumed in this way, it brings about a mild hallucinatory state for 4 hours, wherein the recipient's capacity for visualization and imagination are increased. The powder is used recreationally by many, including by those of an artistic bent, but it is members of the Illusion school of magic who benefit most from its effects. Due to the greater precision and depth of imagination produced, all illusions created by one under the influence of the yellow powder gain a boon to their typical effects, be it increased save DC’s, increased damage, or increased defensive properties. The yellow powder is not addictive, but it can lead to a detrimental state of internalization and paranoia. Any session where a character uses the yellow powder, he must make a Wisdom check on 1d20. A roll of above their Wisdom score results in an episode of paranoia some time during the session (at the DM's discretion).


Small tree, which grows dozens of small nuts in the spring in temperate forests. A handful of the nuts sustains a medium creature for a day. Eating a Lish Nut as a full-round action provides limited protection from vermin of size medium or smaller, which must succeed a DC 11 Constitution save or become violently ill for 2d4 rounds due to the odor of the Lish Nut coming from the consumer’s skin. The affected creatures have disadvantage on all checks, saves, and rolls to hit while in the presence of someone who has recently eaten a Lish Nut, and an additional -3 to rolls that would directly impact the consumer.

Lumina Cap

Underdark/Caves and Cities
A yellow, glowing mushroom that takes a few months to grow to maturity, begins to spread spore powder, and then dies after a week to start the process over. Many Herbalists keep the glowing mushrooms themselves in dark cellars in order to harvest this dust every chance they can, as this powder can be used to concoct a Potion of Heroism.

Maidens Hair (Earthsilk)

very rare
forests, underdark/caves
An odd mushroom cultivated by dwarves for the silken tendrils that hang from it and collect moisture. These tendrils are tough and time-consuming to harvest, but they can be made into a very tough silk that can then be made into tough rope and shirts or woven into existing armor that then grants extra resistance to bludgeoning and slashing, although the fabric can be torn by a piercing damage critical hit, at which point it loses its properties until repaired. Crafting with Maiden’s Hair requires a DC Nature Check of 25+ or consultation with a Dwarven master craftsman.


This herb works very rapidly against damage poisons from common pests including snakes, spiders, and scorpions, quickly running through the body and absorbing any left-over poison from the blood if applied within 2 rounds of being poisoned. Removes the poison effect but does not heal for any of the damage the poison has actually done.


plains, forests
Marigold can grow to a height of two feet and has rows of flat orange and yellow petals around a central disc. These flowers must be dried and then mixed with olive or other vegetable oil to produce a soothing balm which will soothe and clean small wounds, in order to prevent infection. As a side effect, the marigold has a slightly musky scent that attracts beasts, and granting a +2 to Animal Handling checks as well as +2 to rolls for initiative from beasts for 1d8 hours.


A glowing silver mushroom that can be found in caves at least 500 feet below surface-level. The mushroom can be ground and combined with pure alcohol to create a magically enchanted secret ink. Two doses are needed for a full vial of ink. This ink is only readable in unobstructed moonlight. During day time, the ink reads as magically shifting, incomprehensible silver runes.


Location Underdark/Caves
A strange plant that grows in the Underdark, the stalk of the plant is a shade of grey similar to ashes. The few leaves that sprout from the stalk are a lighter shade of grey with dark veins running through them. Every few hours the flowers of the plant open, and appear very similar to white moths. When the flowers are open, the plant emits a strange smell which causes goblinoids to retch. Any goblinoid (including Kobolds, Goblins, Bugbears, and Hobgoblins) approaching within 20 feet of the plant must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become nauseous. Flowers that have been picked do not confer the same effect.


forests, plains
Myrthis berries grow on short, roughly 2-foot bushes resembling blueberry bushes that produce berries that also resemble blueberries. The only visual difference between the two is a slight color variation (the fading from blue to black on the bottom of the berry). Consumption of Myrthis Berries causes disorientation and loss of depth perception, -2 to melee and -4 to ranged attack rolls.


Location Plains
This plant has a single main stem with small fern like leaves, and small pink flowers growing from it. These flowers must be dried, powdered, and mixed into wine and then drunk to counter the effect of damage poisons. A successful application means that only half normal damage is taken from the poison if consumed before poisoning. In addition to this use, the flower is often counted as a symbol of faith between lovers and is used to decorate and garnish foods at weddings.


Plains and Rivers
A common ground-cover plant that grows in wide open places and occasionally marshy environments. Apart from wanting to avoid the plants due to their stinging hairs, the leaves of nettle plants can be used in teas and ointments treating conditions ranging from constipation to skin disease to excess bleeding. Aside from its common uses, Nettle is one of the plants mentioned in the Nine Herbs Charm, which is supposedly capable of curing any poison or disease.

Nightmare Root

Location Underdark/Caves
Nightmare Root is a woody, tuberous plant that grows in deep Underdark locations, sprouting up from even lower places in the abyss. The root can be ground into a fine paste that, although tasteless and without odor, adds the texture of very fine sand to a dish it is added to. Those that consume nightmare root often find themselves plagued by haunting dreams upon falling asleep. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw vs poison. On a failed save, the creature's sleep is haunted with a combination of their greatest fears and everything they've ever done wrong. After these fears are presented, the strong willed and wise can overcome the surface horror of these dreams and attempt a DC 20 Wisdom Save vs fear. If this save is failed, the affected creature cannot benefit from a nights rests, and therefore gains a point of exhaustion at the beginning of the next day. The poison leaves the creature's system 24 hours after ingestion.


Orach grows to about 3 or 4 feet in height. It has a whitish stalk, pale green leaves and greenish-white flowers. The seeds must be gathered, bruised and left to stand in pure alcohol for six weeks. The mixture must then be drunk, one spoonful a day for a week. This tincture will cause extreme intoxication but also cure almost any disease. It leaves a yellow color in the skin.


very rare
Extremely rare flower with a root that looks like a pale white fist, found in temperate forests with trees of at least 150 years of age. Fey within 20 yards can smell its earthy aroma and find it easily. If the root is pulped it can be made into Night Venom, which when added to a poison, adds an additional saving throw (at the poisons' normal DC) to the initial save against the poison. Failure causes the creature to fall asleep until the secondary effect of the poison kicks in.


A small purple flower found alongside paths and roads that wind through temperate forests. The petals can be ground and combined with water or pure alcohol to yield a simple pesticide. Kills rodents and small animals when consumed by them, has no effect on larger animals and humanoids.

Quicksilver Lichen

Location Underdark/Caves
A slimy, glittering silver lichen that can be ground into a soluble, flavorless powder that can be added to food or drink to grant damage weakness to poison for 2d6 hours.


Plains and Forests
A small, mildly invasive plant with almost star-shaped leaves and small, white or pink bell-shaped flowers atop a slender, offshooting stalk. Sanicle leaves should be crushed and left in white wine, the strained through a cloth and drunk. The resulting concoction, when consumed, has the effect of binding wounds so that they are not reopened by action. (+2 to rolls made with hit dice expended during a short rest.)

Scarlet Heart Mushrooms

Forests and Swamps
Large black mushrooms covered in heart-shaped red spots, those trekking through swamps may encounter this dangerous and obnoxious fungus. When a living creature comes within 5 feet of the fungus, the red spots are capable of detecting heat and will release a noxious cloud of spores within the same radius. Anyone within the affected area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 2d4 hours.

Silver Tassel Toadstool

very rare
Location Underdark/Caves
Growing deep within damp caves, Silver Tassel Toadstool is a slightly fluorescent shelf toadstool that has small structures resembling tassels hanging from its edge. These tassels are actually the fungi’s reproductive organs, and the spores from these structures can be harvested and mixed with oil to create an ingested poison called Pale Tincture. This milky liquid is the primary choice of cruel manipulators that often use it to coerce favors out of unwilling acquaintances. The poison is introduced unknowingly, and slowly chips away at the victim's vitality, always threatening a slow and painful death. The promise of a cure is enough to make most people do things that they would otherwise avoid. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw vs poison or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become poisoned. The poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw every 8 hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can’t be healed by any means. After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally, and only a greater restoration spell can end this poison outside of the cure or making the successful saving throws. The cure can be made by harvesting the toadstool’s spores and combining these with alcohol that is then exposed to at least 15 points of radiant damage, which is enough to mutate the poisonous compounds in the spores.


A type of tree nurtured by sylvan elves to grow into unique forms, be free of disease and produce delicious sap that is made into the famous Elven Silvermead. The sap is clear and slightly sticky, and provides a +2 bonus on Constitution saves VS poison for 1 hour.


This highly unusual plant grows in the deepest parts of dark forests, far from the eyes of civilization. The stalk is a blue-green color, and several pale leaves grow along the length. During nights of the full moon the plant buds a flower, which appears wispy and translucent. Attempting to touch the flower reveals that it is incorporeal, and has the substance of smoke. Come morning the flower disperses on the wind, sending the seeds of the flower on their path. The roots of the flower can be used to make an oil that allows blades to strike incorporeal creatures, called Ghostbane Oil. Using the roots of the Specterflower, alchemists are capable of distilling an oil, that when applied correctly, allows non-magical weapons to inflict full damage upon incorporeal creatures as if they were physical creatures. The benefit lasts only for a few swings, up to the DM’s discretion.


Forests and Plains
This herb will cure poison from any spider bite if applied within 2 rounds. The successful application will negate the poisoned effect and heal the amount of poison damage dealt. This plant may be found anywhere in temperate regions where there is chalky soil.


A bushy climbing vine with tubular yellow flowers, the leaves and flowers of tempin can be boiled and made into a poultice that will draw out poisons from bites and stings and allow the wound to heal cleanly and without complications. (When poultice is applied within 1 round of taking poison damage, the recipient may make an extra Cons. Save vs poison to avoid the Poisoned effect. Also grants +1 hit points to recovery hit dice expended during every short rest for the first 2 days after poultice is applied.)


Tephrosia consists of a small woody stem, with fern like leaves along its length, and the plant is topped by several small flowers (or in summer, seedpods). Either the flowers or the seeds may be boiled in water and then drunk to calm the recipient. This is very useful when a person is delirious, or otherwise insane. It also has a mild pain-relieving effect and may be given to the slightly wounded. The seedpods are more effective than the flowers and may also be dried. This herb is mildly addictive and should be used with care (DC 11 Cons. Save, addiction causes mild insomnia, turning long rests into short rests).


Plains and Forests
A spiky, medium-length grass that grows in patches in areas of direct sunlight. As summer turns into fall, the tips of the grass begin to swell and turn into white, thimble shaped flowers. These flowers are a common cure for fevers and involved in a remedy that allows for a delay in the onset of illness or its symptoms.


Location Forests and Underdark/Caves
Non-magical mushroom that can serve as a torch. Takes 1d4-1 minutes to ignite, but burns for 24 hours shedding bright illumination in 10 ft radius. Has a sub-species that explodes into choking spores after 30 seconds of burning, requiring anyone within 20 ft to make a DC 15 Constitution save to negate 1d10 poison damage. DC 18 Nature allows differentiation between the two types.


Rare oak-like tree with leaves that are a silver-sheen brown on top and velvet black on the underside, often protected by Dryads and Treants. Can grow huge and many-branched, will not burn from non-magical fire, and imparts a warm clear tone to musical instruments made from it. It can replace oak or holly in any spell, and living Weirwood has quadruple fire resistance (no means to preserve this quality after harvesting is known). Weirwood within the illumination radius of a magical light source emits light as a candle for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the area.

Wizard Hats

Location Underdark/Caves
A small conical mushroom that grows in the Underdark. The stem of the mushroom is pale white, and the cap is generally light orange to dark ochre in color, and sometimes covered in spots. Drow often collect the mushroom, as even though it is bitter while it is still fresh, cooking the fungus over an open flame causes it to shrink and take on a surprisingly meaty flavor. Some underkdark-dwelling chefs send out foraging parties to harvest the mushroom so that it can be prepared for feasts.


Forests and Jungles
The effects of this herb last for two hours. During this time the character is granted +10 temporary hit points and can function beyond the point of exhaustion. Wormwood normally grows to about four feet in height. It has a stiff and angular stem, reddish brown in color. It has deeply incised smooth leaves which are silvery white with a slight tinge of green. It has small, yellow-green flowers arranged in long spikes at the top of the stem. The herb is also a rather effective insect repellent and is often left with clothing to keep fleas away. It also makes a very effective antiseptic when mixed with Rue (Intelligence check to remove all infection from a wound within 5d6 hours, healing an additional 2d6 during the next short rest to whoever the antiseptic is applied to). In addition to its above effects wormwood is also a prime ingredient in a very dangerous, very addictive drink called Absinthe which is milky green in color.

Yagdav Bush

Plains and Forests
A rather robust bush covered with waxy stiff leaves, the Yagdav is prominent in the north, and sometimes used as topiary decoration. During the warmer months the bush grows small yellow flowers. The flower petals are often dried and ground to make a tea that promotes fertility to couples that are having difficulty conceiving. The female is instructed to drink the tea every morning upon first awakening.


Forests and Plains
The pollen of this flower must be inhaled. A successful roll means that a person’s sense of smell and of taste are doubled for one hour (advantage on perception checks for this period of time). The herb must still be growing or have been cut in the last 10 minutes.

Yew Tree

A tall, evergreen tree found in old growth forests, Yew have long been held sacred by druids as a symbol of death and rebirth, as dropping limbs of older trees will sometimes yield new sprouts. In addition, the yew has come to represent especially death since a poison can be prepared from yew needles and berries if soaked in oil under a full moon (3d6 poison damage to the recipient with no save).


Location Underdark/Caves
This lean and stalky, pale yellow fungus must be brewed for six hours in water harvested from an underground stream. A successful nature roll for the beverage’s preparation means that a person’s senses of smell and of hearing are doubled for one hour. (Advantage on perception rolls based on smell or hearing.)


Location Underdark/Caves
Giant 30-40 ft high mushroom. Has large spores that can be eaten as bread if baked properly, and its hardy stalks serve as an Underdark substitute for wood.
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Cover image: Apathecary shop banner by 3orcs


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