High Elves Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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High Elves

High Elves, also known as Quel'Dorei or "the people of the stars," stand as one of the most iconic and widespread elven subraces within the World of Greyhawk. Their rich history, vibrant culture, and distinctive physical characteristics set them apart from their elven kin. High Elves of Greyhawk embody a blend of ancient wisdom, magical affinity, and a nuanced approach to the world around them. Their societies, though sometimes seen as reclusive, contribute profoundly to the broader tapestry of the Flanaess through diplomacy, warfare, and cross-cultural exchange.

History and Lore

  • Ancient Origins: High Elves have dwelled in the Flanaess for millennia, tracing their lineage back to the first elven civilizations.
  • Diplomatic Wanderers: Unlike other elves, High Elves have frequently ventured beyond their ancestral homelands, engaging with the broader world.


  • Woodland Realms and Beyond: Predominantly found in the Fairdells and Vesve Forest, High Elves have also established presences in human and mixed communities.
  • Architectural Harmony: Their settlements blend seamlessly with natural surroundings, featuring elegant wooden structures in forested areas and sturdy stone keeps in mountainous regions.

Physical Characteristics

  • Ethereal Beauty: High Elves are noted for their pale, unblemished skin and slender physiques.
  • Hair and Eye Color: Commonly sporting blond or dark hair with blue or intense green eyes, their appearance often dictates social perception within their society.

Society and Culture

  • Adventurous Spirits: High Elves are the most likely among elves to interact with other races, driven by curiosity and a spirit of exploration.
  • Art and Magic: With a deep appreciation for the arts and a natural affinity for magic, their society is rich in both traditional and arcane knowledge.
  • Against Isolationism: Many High Elf communities oppose strict isolationism, with movements like the Knights of Luna advocating for greater interaction with other races.

High Elves and Lifespan

  • Centuries-Long Lifespan: Capable of living up to 1,600 years, High Elves witness the ebb and flow of history firsthand.
  • Reverie: Instead of sleeping, High Elves enter a trance-like state known as the Reverie, allowing them to remain semi-conscious and rejuvenated after just four hours.

Racial Characteristics

  • Fey Step: Some High Elves possess the ability to step between the Material Plane and the Feywild, showcasing their deep fey connections.
  • Martial and Arcane Prowess: While all High Elves are trained in the use of longswords, their society also greatly values the practice of wizardry and other arcane arts.
  • Cavalry Excellence: Known for their adeptness with horses, they serve as formidable light cavalry, showcasing their skills in archery and lancing in various armies.
  • Grace and Intelligence: High Elves possess a natural grace, superior intelligence, and a strong will, making them resistant to enchantments.
  • Unique Rest: Their need for rest is fulfilled by a four-hour trance, known as the "Reverie," allowing them awareness of their surroundings.
  • Enchantment Resistance: Their willpower grants them a resistance to enchantment spells, showcasing their mental fortitude


  • Detached Worldview: High Elves possess a detached view of the world, stemming from their longevity and connections to the Feywild. They often view events of the world with indifference unless these events span decades or longer.
  • Guardians of the Realm: Despite their detachment, many High Elves actively protect their lands from evil, serving as champions who defend the borders of their magical cities.
  • Complex Nature: To outsiders, High Elves may appear distant or haughty, yet their loyalty to friends and allies can provoke a fierce response to threats, showcasing their depth of character beyond initial perceptions.

Relations with Other Races

  • Diplomacy and Caution: High Elves maintain diplomatic relations with many races but remain cautious, particularly around humans and dwarves, due to past betrayals.
  • Military Prowess: High Elves are adept in using horses for mounts, making them exceptional in roles such as archers and lancers in various military formations, including the Duchy of Ulek and the Knights of the Hart.
  • Isolated Yet Open: High Elves maintain a balance between isolation in their own communities and openness to the outside world, often participating in mixed societies but keeping their elven identity distinct.
  • Role in the World: Often serving as mediators and diplomats, High Elves strive to foster unity and peace among the diverse peoples of Greyhawk.
  • Varied Interactions: While they have a natural affinity for dwarves, gnomes, halflings, humans, High Elves experience a notable xenophobia from Grey Elves, reflecting a complex network of interspecies relationships.
High Elves embody the quintessential elf archetype: wise, graceful, and in tune with the magical essence of the world. Their long history within the Flanaess has seen them become integral to its many tales and legends, playing pivotal roles in its most significant events. Through their interactions, architectural marvels, and magical achievements, High Elves continue to leave an indelible mark on the world of Greyhawk.
High Elves of Greyhawk by 3orcs
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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