History of Halflings in Greyhawk in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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History of Halflings in Greyhawk

The history of halflings in the world of Greyhawk is as rich and varied as the lands they inhabit. Often overlooked in the grand tapestry of Flanaess politics, halflings have nonetheless played significant roles in its history, leaving an indelible mark through their resilience, adaptability, and peaceful nature.

Early Beginnings and Dispersal

The origins of halflings are shrouded in the mists of time, with oral traditions tracing their ancestry back to the idyllic dales of the Sheldomar Valley. From these humble beginnings, halflings spread across the Flanaess, drawn by curiosity, wanderlust, or the encroachment of more aggressive neighbors.

The Tzunk Era

A pivotal moment in halfling history came with the rise of the archmage Tzunk from the Isles of Woe. The halflings of Urnst, then a quiet, unassuming folk, found themselves on the front lines of conflict. They fought with valor and determination, showcasing a bravery that belied their peaceful disposition. The era was marked by a rare militant spirit among halflings, who formed alliances and even press-ganged their kin into battle against Tzunk's forces.

Migration and Assimilation

Following the turmoil of Tzunk's threats, many halflings sought refuge and peace in the neighboring regions. Some traveled to Furyondy and Veluna, finding kinship with the goodly Flan men. Others ventured to Geoff, drawn by its principles of unity and harmony, while some sought the wild freedoms of Perrenland or the distant lands of Tenh.

Relations with Other Races

Throughout their migrations, halflings endeavored to integrate and coexist with the indigenous populations of their new homes. Their arrival in Urnst saw them forging alliances with the Suel settlers, and in the Pawluck river valley, they established loose, peaceful cohabitations with humans, gnomes, and dwarves alike. This adaptability and openness to other cultures have been a hallmark of halfling society.

Halflings During the Great Kingdoms

The era of Aerdy's might and Keoland's imperial ambitions saw halflings experiencing varied fortunes. In regions like Geoff, Sterich, and the Ulek states, halflings were treated with respect and integrated into society. However, in other areas, they faced oppression and bigotry, particularly from some human and dwarven communities. Despite these challenges, halflings often played crucial roles in resisting Aerdy oppression, leveraging their diplomatic skills and intelligence to aid the cause of freedom.

Modern Times

Today, halflings continue to thrive in the Flanaess, largely maintaining their peaceful and community-focused way of life. While they do not control any sovereign states, they have carved out niches within larger societies, contributing through their agricultural skills, craftsmanship, and, occasionally, their adventurous spirit.


The history of halflings in Greyhawk is a testament to their enduring spirit, their capacity for bravery, and their deep-seated desire for peace and community. In every chapter of Flanaess history, halflings have shown that size does not dictate the measure of a race's heart or the impact they can have on the world.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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