Lilac Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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In the bustling heart of Verbobonc, amidst the clinking glasses and merry laughter of The Bridgewalk Tavern, flits a serving girl known affectionately as "Lilac". With her quick steps and quicker smile, she's become as much a fixture of the tavern as the aged oak bar itself.

Background and Personality

Lilac, whose real name whispers through the tavern as softly as her nickname, brings a spark of joy and mischief to her work. With a knack for remembering faces and favorite drinks, she weaves through the crowds, a blur of efficiency and cheer. Her laughter, light and lilting, often rises above the din, drawing patrons into the warmth of her spirit.
  • Her politics are simple: fairness, kindness, and a dash of cunning to navigate the complexities of tavern life. She sees the best in people, but isn't naive to the realities of the world—a balance she's learned under Rorik Crowle's mentorship.


Barkeep Rorik Crowle: Lilac holds a deep respect for Rorik, viewing him not just as a boss but as a mentor and protector. Their relationship is built on mutual trust, with Rorik valuing Lilac's insights on the tavern's daily ebb and flow.
  • Merchants and Travelers: To the diverse clientele of merchants and travelers, Lilac is a beacon of hospitality. Her genuine interest in their tales from afar brings a sense of belonging to those far from home.
  • Thieves Guild: Her dealings with the members of The Battirovka Family are cautious yet cordial. Lilac has mastered the art of diplomacy, ensuring the tavern remains a neutral zone where all can relax, if not fully trust.
  • Billets of St. Cuthbert: With the Billets of Church of St Cuthbert, Lilac shares a respectful rapport, often facilitating their discreet meetings and ensuring their needs are met with discretion and efficiency.


Lilac's charm lies not just in her service but in her ability to create a bridge between the worlds that converge in the tavern. She navigates the delicate balance between legality and the tavern's more shadowed dealings with an innate grace, ensuring the Bridgewalk remains a place where differences are set aside, if only for a few hours. In Lilac, the Bridgewalk Tavern has not just a serving girl but a spirit of harmony, a touchstone for the weary, the adventurous, and the mischievous alike.   Lilac's story is woven with threads of ambition and necessity, colors of loyalty and survival painting her daily life. Born in the shadow of commerce and intrigue in the bustling trade city of Dyvers, her life took an unexpected turn when her brother, Corin, entangled himself with The Battirovka Family, a notorious thieves guild.

Family Ties and Turmoil

Growing up in Dyvers, Lilac and Corin were inseparable, dreaming of adventures beyond the city's crowded docks and marketplaces. Their parents, humble merchants dealing in textiles, instilled in them the values of hard work and honesty. However, Corin's adventurous spirit led him down a darker path, one that promised quick wealth and excitement but at a cost.   When their parents passed away suddenly, leaving debts and despair in their wake, Corin saw no other choice but to join the guild, believing it the only way to protect and provide for Lilac. Lilac, in turn, refused to let her brother face the guild's dangers alone. She took a job at The Bridgewalk Tavern, a place known for its eclectic clientele, including guild members, hoping to keep an eye on Corin and possibly steer him back to a safer path.

Motivation and Coping

Lilac's motivation is twofold: to safeguard her brother from the guild's more perilous ventures and to pay off the debts left behind by her parents. The tavern, with its strategic location on the Velverdyva River and proximity to the bustling market square, serves as the perfect vantage point for Lilac to gather information and subtly influence the dealings that Corin might be involved in.   Working under Rorik, a man known for his integrity and kindness, Lilac has found not only employment but a mentor. Rorik is aware of her family's predicament and offers silent support, allowing Lilac the flexibility to aid her brother when she can.

Background and Future Hopes

Lilac's family hails from Etterboak, a smaller town known for its quaint charm and close-knit community. It was there that Lilac learned the values of community and resilience, traits that now serve her well in the bustling environment of Verbobonc. Despite the challenges, Lilac dreams of a future where she and Corin can leave the shadow of the guild behind, perhaps opening their own merchant stall or tavern, free from the debts and dangers that currently bind them.   Lilac's journey is a testament to the strength found in loyalty and the lengths to which one will go to protect family. Amidst the laughter and lantern light of The Bridgewalk Tavern, she serves not just ales and tales but a reminder of the enduring power of hope and determination.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
557 19 Years old
serving girl
deep shade of green
dyed in shades of purple and lavender
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Where every drink comes with a dash of cheer and a sprinkle of stories!"
Physical Appearance
  • Eyes: Sparkling with mischief and intelligence, Lilac's eyes are a deep shade of green, reminiscent of the verdant fields surrounding Etterboak, her hometown. They light up with laughter and darken with concern, mirroring the emotions of her patrons and her brother, Corin.
  • Hair: Her namesake, Lilac's hair is a cascade of soft waves, dyed in shades of purple and lavender, lending her an air of whimsy amidst the tavern's dim lights. It's often tied back with a ribbon to keep it away from her face as she works, but a few strands invariably escape, framing her face and adding to her approachable demeanor.
  • Stature and Build: Lilac's build is slender yet sturdy, a testament to her days of hard work both in Dyvers and now in Verbobonc. Her movements are efficient and quick, a necessary adaptation to the fast-paced environment of The Bridgewalk Tavern.
  • Attire: She dresses in simple yet practical attire, suitable for her work at the tavern. Her clothing often includes an apron with pockets filled with notes and small trinkets she uses to keep the children entertained or to barter small favors around the tavern.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: by 3orcs


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