Narration Monastery of the Reverent Brothers Rao A1 in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Narration Monastery of the Reverent Brothers Rao A1

Entering the Gatehouse

  The open gates and very walls towers over the Bridgewalk road, the wharf's and the Waterfront District. The entrance of the monastery proper is an open gatehouse with the words carved over the arched heading stone. Peace through Strength of Words and Weight of Reason, A pair of grey robed acolytes of Rao and two very well equipped (splint heavy armor, helms, longswords, shields with Viscount Herald and crossbows) men of the Viscounts High Guard nod at the people entering the compound.

Monastery Compound

The compound is filled with the heavy scent of incense and quiet chanting coming from the room over the open gate house and other buildings within. The grey robed acolyte on the left gives you an open accepting nod. You noticed his calm manor belies the visage of the symbol of Rao amulet around his neck. With agreeable calmness he asks, "your arrival among the reverent brothers is most welcome. What is the purpose of your visit today?"

Tower of Reason

Tower of Reason to the grand assembly hall of Reverent Brothers. Stunning stained glass and high arched ceilings grace this congregation. The scent of meditative incense drifts heavy from the massive open gilded doors. The incense seemed to ride the current of heavy chanting of a ceremony taking place within the hollowed hall. Two more grey robed acolytes are positioned on each side of the doorway nodding in acceptance as each worshiper enters.

Halls of Peace

The monastery courtyard her route takes a left to a large stand alone 4-sided stone building with the words engraved over its massive Oaken doors, "Halls of Peace." You enter a a library like quiet hall with stairs on either end where the brotherhood obviously has their accommodations. Here in the great hall are dozens of tables with chairs laden with food and drink.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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