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Olman Historic Time Line

The Olman Race: A Historical Timeline

The history of the Olman people is a saga of triumph, tragedy, and resilience. Here is a detailed timeline that traces their journey from ancient beginnings to their present-day existence.
Ancient Beginnings
  • -2400 CY: The Olman gods discover Oerth. The Olman are still in their homeland in Hepmonaland, not yet having begun their migrations.
  • -1900 CY: The Olman civilization begins to advance significantly. They start working with bronze and stone, laying the foundations for their future cities in northern Hepmonaland.
The Rise of the Olman Empire
  • -1500 CY: Construction of great cities begins in northern Hepmonaland, marking the peak of Olman civilization's architectural and societal development.
  • -1100 CY: Disaster strikes the city-states of Alocotla and Xapatlapo when high priests make a pact with the god Tlaloc, leading to the creation of the yuan-ti.
Migration and Empire Expansion
  • -1000 CY: The Olman begin migrating from Hepmonaland to the Amedio Jungle, driven by a series of yet-unknown calamities.
  • -805 CY: The Olman in the Amedio Jungle declare themselves the true Olman nation, beginning the Olman Lunar calendar (OL 1). However, by -800 CY, the seven city-states of the Amedio declare independence but remain part of the empire conceptually.
Decline and Civil War
  • -490 CY: Tloqasikukuatl, the emperor of the Amedio Olman empire, is assassinated, a victim of the machinations of priests of Zotzilaha.
  • -425 CY: The empire plunges into civil war, culminating in the magical destruction of the city-state of Tamoachan in a single day.
Exploration and Innovation
  • 7th Century CY (Before Common Year): The Olman develop the blowgun, showcasing their innovative spirit and adaptability.
Dispersal and Current Era
Modern Day: The once-mighty cities of the Olman now lie in ruins, with the people scattered across the Amedio Jungle and the Olman Isles. The three remaining tribes on the Tilvanot Peninsula are enslaved by the Suel, though escapees continue to wage a guerrilla war against the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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