Rock Gnomes Species in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Rock Gnomes

Rock Gnomes are a pivotal demihuman race within the World of Greyhawk setting, known for their ingenuity, cheerful disposition, and remarkable skills in gemstone craftsmanship. This article delves into the history, lore, physical characteristics, worship practices, and cleric traditions of Rock Gnomes, offering a detailed view of their place in the Greyhawk setting.

History and Lore

  • Origins: Originally from the far northern forests, Rock Gnomes were trappers and reindeer herders who migrated south centuries before the Twin Cataclysms.
  • Adversities: Throughout their history, Rock Gnomes have faced oppression from various malevolent rulers, including Keraptis, the Vecna-possessed Gnomelord of Blemu, Azalin, and various orc and goblinoid forces.
  • Settlement: Rock Gnomes have integrated with other demihuman races across the Flanaess, adapting their language, magic, and culture while maintaining their unique gnomish identity.

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Characterized by their leathery, brownish skin, blue eyes, and typically light-colored hair. Males often exhibit baldness but compensate with beards.
  • Distinguishing Feature: Notably large noses, which are a status symbol within their culture.
  • Stature: Averaging about 3 1/2 feet in height, Rock Gnomes are lighter in build than dwarves but comparably strong.
  • Lifespan: Can live up to 750 years, with the eldest among them revered as patriarchs or matriarchs.

Worship and Clerics

  • Garl Glittergold: The leading deity of Rock Gnomes, symbolizing protection, humor, and gem craftsmanship. His followers adorn their religious artifacts with diamonds, the gemstone symbol of their subrace.
  • Other Deities: In addition to Garl Glittergold, Rock Gnomes revere a pantheon that includes Segojan Earthcaller, Flandal Steelskin, and Urdlen, among others, reflecting a wide spectrum of gnomish values and interests.
Clerical Traditions
  • Role of Clerics: Gnome clerics act as counselors, mediators, and judges, holding significant influence in non-criminal matters within their communities.
  • Religious Practices: While many Rock Gnomes view their deities in allegorical terms, their religion deeply permeates their culture, with each community housing chapels and, in cities, temples dedicated to their gods.
  • Spiritual Perspective: Most Rock Gnomes lack a creation myth, favoring a steady-state view of the cosmos, though some legends speak of Garl Glittergold creating their race from gems.


Rock Gnomes are found in diverse environments throughout the Flanaess, from northern forests to the rolling hills and caves rich in gemstones. Their adaptability to various climates and natural settings is a testament to their resilience and ingenuity.

Lifestyle of Rock Gnomes

Rock Gnomes in Greyhawk exhibit a unique and endearing lifestyle that reflects their jovial nature and love for the finer things in life. From childhood through adulthood, their lives are filled with joy, learning, and celebration.

Early Years

  • Childhood: The first fifty years of a Rock Gnome's life are marked by a carefree and indulgent childhood. Elders nurture their young with kindness and guidance rather than strict discipline, fostering a community where learning through emulation and positive reinforcement is valued.
  • Education and Skill Development: Upon reaching the age of 50, Rock Gnomes begin to focus on honing a specific skill set and learning the basics of self-defense and weaponcraft. This period of exploration allows them to find trades and activities that align with their individual talents and interests.

Coming of Age

  • Adulthood: The hundredth birthday is a significant milestone, marking the transition into adulthood. This occasion is celebrated with a large, month-long party, drawing gnomes from various clans to honor the young adult.
  • Gift-Giving Tradition: Practical gifts are bestowed upon the new adult by attending clans, emphasizing the value of practicality over ornamental luxury. Boots, shields, tunics, and tools are considered appropriate gifts, symbolizing the community's support for the individual's future endeavors.


The Rock Gnomes of Greyhawk embody a rich cultural and spiritual heritage, marked by their resilience against oppression, skilled craftsmanship, and deep-rooted worship practices. Their history of migration, adaptation, and survival showcases their enduring spirit and significant role in the tapestry of the Greyhawk setting.
Rock Gnome by 3orcs
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
80 lbs
Rock Gnome Miner by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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