Svirfneblin Deep Gnomes Species in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Svirfneblin Deep Gnomes

Svirfneblin, also known as Deep Gnomes, remain a mystery to many in the world of Greyhawk. Often misjudged based on their rugged appearance, they possess a complex society and a deep connection to the Underdark, living a life far removed from evil stereotypes. Misunderstood by those above, Svirfneblin are perceived as Rock Gnomes' malevolent counterparts.
  • Truth Beneath the Myth: Far from evil, their sinister reputation is born of ignorance; in reality, they are as benevolent as any gnome.

History and Survival

  • Reputation: Despite their grim reputation, akin to that of the Drow and Duergar, Svirfneblin are not inherently evil.
  • Secrecy for Survival: Living in a dangerous environment, they've become masters of secrecy and survival, relying solely on their wits to thrive amid threats from drow, mind flayers, and goblinoids.
  • Underdark Denizens: Surviving in a hostile environment, Svirfneblin have developed into the most reserved and self-reliant of the gnomish subraces.
  • Social and Artistic: Contrary to their reclusive nature, those who earn their trust find Svirfneblin to be sociable and culturally rich, much like their gnome kin.

Lore of the Ruby

Deep Gnomes are intensely drawn to gemstones, with rubies held in particularly high esteem for their sacred significance.
  • Sacred Gems: The ruby is revered above all by the Svirfneblin, reserved exclusively for sacred use rather than decoration or vanity.
  • Regal Symbolism: These precious stones also signify royalty, often adorning the crowns, thrones, and scepters of Deep Gnome monarchs.
  • Sacred and Royal: These gems are never used frivolously; they are destined for worship and the adornment of royal regalia.

Religious Devotion and Clerics

  • Patron Deity: Callarduran Smoothhands is the revered deity of the Svirfneblin, embodying protection, mining, and the secrecy needed for survival.
  • Clerical Duties: Clerics of Callarduran play a vital role, safeguarding their kin with protective rites and administering birth, marriage, and funeral ceremonies.
  • Clerical Roles: Svirfneblin clerics play vital roles in their community, not only as spiritual leaders but as defenders and keepers of ancient rites and secrets

Lifespan and Society

  • Life Expectancy: Though their lifespan is shorter than their kin above, averaging 250 years, their society values rapid maturity and adaptability.
  • Cultural Practices: Marking adulthood lacks the pomp of other gnome races, reflecting their pragmatic approach to the passage of time in the timeless Underdark.
  • Quick Maturation: Their first quarter-century marks childhood, with adulthood reached by 45-50 years of age, though without the grand celebrations of their cousins.

Ecology of the Deep Gnomes

  • Elemental Allies: They share a symbiotic relationship with earth elementals, aiding each other against common enemies like the dao.
  • Adversarial Stand: The Svirfneblin fiercely oppose drow and duergar over resources, and both feuds are marked by acts of mutual torment.

Hostile Environments and Adversaries

  • Genie Slavers: They are threatened by dao, genie slavers of the Underdark, necessitating their alliance with earth elementals for protection.
  • Subterranean Tensions: The constant struggle for survival is exacerbated by competition for food and gems with drow and duergar.

Sustenance and Cuisine

  • Underdark Farming: Females cultivate fungi and manage rothe herds, providing food resources in an otherwise barren realm.
  • Unusual Delicacies: Their diet includes heavily salted dishes and a potent beverage named Gogondy, treasured as much as rubies but dangerous to outsiders.

Patron Deity of the Deep Gnomes

  • Callarduran Smoothhands: Their patron deity represents protection, mining, and the deep secrets of the earth.
  • Clergy Teachings: Clerics instruct followers to seek safety by delving deep and maintaining secrecy about their findings.
Deep Gnome Harvesting by 3orcs
Scientific Name
250 years
Average Height
Average Weight
60 lbs

Physical Characteristics

  • Stature and Build: Standing between 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, they are wiry and robust, possessing surprising strength.
  • Distinctive Appearance: With prominent noses on narrow faces, their skin mirrors the colors of the earth, and their eyes are varying shades of gray.
  • Earthen Appearance: Their skin and eye colors blend with the subterranean hues, presenting an array of grays and browns that camouflage them in the Underdark.
Deep Gnome by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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