The Student's Wrinkle Academy Handbook in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Student's Wrinkle Academy Handbook

Welcome to the Wrinkle Academy As one of the newest faces at the Wrinkle Academy of Magic, you are sure to be full of all sorts of questions. Answering them is what this handbook is about. Entering the halls of this institute of magical education in Verbobonc can be intimidating, even for the most talented prospects. After all, some of the most powerful instructors walk these halls, and it can be hard to see how any fresh-faced student might hope to measure up.   While we the Wrinkle Academy are serious about magic, we're not all potions and research. Our students don't just walk in from their homes to study every day. They live, work, and play here from the moment they first enter to the day they leave to pursue their fortunes in the Flanaess. In short, they become members of our extended family.   You are not a member of that family. If your're like most of us, that means we'll be seeing a lot of you over the next several decades - or even the next few centuries. We expect many of our students return every year to visit, catch up with old friends and learn what's happening in their old stomping grounds. Some of them never leave. Either way, we're happy to have you along the ride.   The Wrinkle Academy can overwhelm even the most jaded souls. You will learn much about the manipulation of magic in your time here, but first you must learn about the Wrinkle Academy itself and your place in it, or at least the place we hope to help you carve out for yourself.   Before you report to your first class, you should read this book through from cover to cover. The details you learn herein are sure to make your life here at the Wrinkle Academy a great deal easier. We expect our students to be able to follow rules and memorize a great number of details. After all, if you're able to learn the rules of how to manipulate arcane energies, the rules we lay down to make life easier for everyone at the Wrinkle Academy should present no problem.   So, in the unofficial motto of the Wrinkle Academy of Magic, study carefully, work hard, and play harder. Welcome home!

Obbie harr
Magic Runes by 3orcs

Wrinkle Academy Students

The students of the Wrinkle Academy hail from everywhere people aspire to better themselves. Nowhere else can you find a more diverse group of people. Parents and patrons from around the Flanaess send their children to the Wrinkle Academy to master the ways of magic, but while here our students learn so much more.

Applying for Entrance

Because the Wrinkle Academy is the most exclusive institution of arcane education, getting in is not so easy. Being the son of a powerful king or the daughter of a legendary wizard is not enough. These advantages can help a prospect hone what talent he or she has, but they cannot augment an applicant's raw ability.   To be admitted to the Wrinkle Academy, a student must pass a rigorous set of tests. Those that pas the test are admitted to the school for the following term. Normally, only one of two people are admitted each year. The standing record goes to the City of Verbobonc.

The Student Body

The Wrinkle Academy students hail from all around the Flanaess. The largest number of them are human, but there are elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and son here as well.   No matter what their backgrounds, all Wrinkle Academy students are treated equally. Discrimination on the basis of anything other than past actions are not tolerated. Furthermore, every student is given a blank slate upon entering the school. Any deeds committed before entry are entirely ignored, whether for good of ill.


Only the students from the best prospects have a chance of being admitted to the Wrinkle Academy. This means that many promising aspirants are disappointed at the beginning of each registration period.   The Wrinkle Academy takes two instructional breaks each year, over the winter and summer equinoxes. New students are admitted when classes resumes after each break. Most students enter the school in the summer, but exceptions are made each year for students able to full any vacancies that may open up during the first semester.   The Wrinkle Academy program of arcane education requires a commitment of five years, before their coming of age, but we are prepared to make exceptions for applicants that warrant them. Students are welcome to stay on behind their first five years to continue their studies, and even come back from time to time to brush up skills.   Aspirants fortunate enough to be admitted to the school must show up to register for classes the morning after the next quinox. Classes begin in earnest the following week, with any time in between dedicated to orientation, of which this handbook is a proud and vital part.   First-year students are presented with a rigid schedule of classes designed to discover their individual strengths both in terms of talents and preferences. This covers a great deal of ground, giving each student a chance to experiment with magic of all types, including the construction of various kinds of magic items, potions, scrolls, and so on. In each successive year, the students are permitted more latitude in their choices of classes, with most students preferring to concentrate in one particular school of magic.   During registration, each student is also assigned living quarters, usually a bed in a shared room. Most students spend their entire education in the same room, so it's in your best interests to get along with your roommates. Students who are unable to make peace with their fellows are normally permitted to leave the school, but rooms are rarely reassigned.
Magic Runes by 3orcs

Continuing Education

Attending the Wrinkle Academy is not free, of course, but no one who is accepted into the school is ever shut out due to lack of ability to pay. For those students not blessed with wealthy parents or patrons, we have several different repayment choices available. Many of our students take out loans from the school, promising to pay us back at a future date. Others agree to serve as apprentices to older wizards while they're here, the value of their labor helping defray the expenses.   Under our administration, we have a great deal of success with a new program. In essence, the student is able to attend the school absolutely free. In exchange, the student agrees to pay the school 10% of his or her future earnings, similar to church tithe. This plan is not for everyone, for sure, and applicants for it are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but it can certainly take the burden of paying for the Wrinkle Academy off the shoulders of those who find themselves eligible for it, allowing them to concentrate on their studies instead.

Joining the Faculty

Of course, not everyone comes to the Wrinkle Academy to learn. Some come to teach. For those of you who harbor such aspirations, there are precious few positions available in the Wrinkle Academy faculty, and we only accept the absolutely finest candidates. Many wizards have left standing orders with us to contact them in case of another professor's departure or death.   Faculty members of the Wrinkle Academy, both teachers and staff, are paid a generous salary and provided with free room and board while on campus. In addition, all employees have free use of the Wrinkle Academy renowned library and various laboratories. These benefits alone are valuable enough for most applicants to offer to work free of charge.   If you feel you have what it takes to be a part of the Wrinkle Academy faculty, we encourage you to apply with the headmaster either by letter or in person. Keep in mind that there are rarely openings, but we are a growing academy and if we have your letter on file there's a much better change for us to contacting you when we need to fill a position.

Research Facilities

The Wrinkle Academy library is arguably small but growing. Have one full wing and currently building a second. We have records of many spells. Some of the tomes are one of a kind and highly prized.   The research facilities are normally only open to our students and faculty. However, outside applicants have been known to be granted limited access. For details, please contact the headmaster's office.

Consulting services

Not everyone who comes to the Wrinkle Academy is here for an education. Some imply don't have the time to unravel the secrets of magic themselves, even under the guidance of our instructors. They simply want the answers they need and to move on.   In addition to our teaching services, the Wrinkle Academy brokers consulting arrangements between our staff and those interested in hiring them on a temporary basis. Our prices are generally the standard for such fees in the area in question, apply a 10% surcharge which goes directly to the school's coffer's. If there's a doubt as to the nature of the locale, the Wrinkle Academy is considered to be a place at which the business is transacted.   The Wrinkle Academy wizards can help out with everything form long-term divination's to creation of magical devices, clothes, jewelry. Additionally, we offer healing services to those besides the Wrinkle Academy students and staff. Care is usually free to our own people. It costs the standard rate for first family members or students and staff. School graduates receive a 20% discount off these rates. Everyone else must pay double the normal rates. Otherwise, our resources would quickly be flooded beyond capacity.

Campus Life

Your life as a Student
The Wrinkle Academy has a great deal to offer it's students,no matter who they might be or from where they might hail. While our students are primarily here to experience the best in wizardly education available, they also learnt o live, work, and play alongside each other and to develop themselves as people of great intelligence and power. By the time you graduate from the Wrinkle Academy, we expect you to have learned a great deal, not just about the arcane arts but also yourself. A Wrinkle Academy education is not only about exploration of the power of magic but a journey of self-exploration as well.   At the Wrinkle Academy, we believe that a student's performance outside the classroom is just as important as inside it. We are here to create not just great wizards, but great people. You are our greatest and most important partner in that endeavor. we cannot succeed in our common goals without not only your help but your active cooperation.   The that end, there are a number of rules that you are expected to know, understand, and follow at all times. These apply no matter if you are on or off the campus. As long as you are a Wrinkle Academy student, you are a representative of our school, and you should deport yourself with care at all times. We can tolerate a great many things at the Wrinkle Academy, but the basic four rules should remain inviolate.

The school rules

  1. Do No Hard. The Wrinkle Academy students are expected to respect the sanctity of life. Any hard done intentionally to another member of the Wrinkle Academy community is grounds for immediate expulsion. Intentional property damage is also dealt with accordingly.
  2. Do Not Cheat. The Wrinkle Academy students are here to learn. When they cheat, they cheat themselves out of a proper education, and they cheat their friends out of a fair competition. This is grounds for immediate expulsion.
  3. Respect the Staff. All members of the facility are to be treated with the utmost respect at all times. Students should use the appropriate honorifics when speaking to any of the staff. ("Lord or "Lady" are the default terms, although many of the staff prefer and allow the use of other titles.) Students must always listen to and obey the instructions of a member of the faculty, as long as doing so would not cause the student to break the other rules.
  4. Respect the Students. Your fellow students have come to the Wrinkle Academy for the same reason as you: to learn. You are to give them every opportunity possible to realize this ambition.

Living Arrangements

All Wrinkle Academy students are required to live on campus for the duration of their studies. There can be no exceptions. Sometimes a student may be allowed to reside in their childhood homes and come to campus to study every morning.   When a student is admitted to the school, he or she is immediately assigned to one of the four dormitories on campus. These are the Far Dorm, the Near Dorm, the Middens, and the Warrens. Each of the dorms has its own style and flavor, and you can read more about each of them later in the handbook.   Most first-year students must share a room with one, two, or even three other students of about the same age. As you get older, you may have the opportunity to apply for a single room, but these cost more money as well. Meanwhile, take the time to get to know your roommates and learn how to get along with them. You're going to be seeing them every day for at least a year, so you might as well make the best our of the situation.

Class Schedules

For your first year, your class schedule is pretty much set. You end up taking a number of required courses designed to introduce you to the various schools of magic. By the end of the first year, you and your teachers should have a descent idea of what areas you have an aptitude in. At that point, you get to start choosing further courses. By the time you're ready to graduate, just about all your courses will be your core study.   First-year courses tend to be more oriented toward morning hours as well. As you work your way through your education, your classes will likely be later in the day. The notable exceptions are those classes that either require or demand darkness.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the Wrinkle Academy you need to spend a minimum of five years studying the arcane arts. You have a large amount of leeway within those guidelines however. Some students spend far more time here than that though.   Most of our students settle upon one specialty or another by the time they complete their second year, although some wait until just a bit later to do so. Almost all of them make up their minds before four years have passed. Until you declare your intended specialty, you are properly known as a "novitiate".   When you choose a school of magic in which to concentrate, you take on the title of "apprentice" in that school.   Once you graduate, you can drop the "apprentice" label. Upon graduation, for instance, the student above would become known as a "transmuter" as an example.   If you reach the end of your fourth year and have yet to choose a specialty, you are automatically considered a "general apprentice". Many times, the "general" part of the title is dropped, so you could be known as simply an "apprentice."   Those students that manage to pass their fifth-year exams are ready to graduate. They can apply for graduation for the next ceremony date, and all qualified students are automatically admitted to the ceremony.   Graduation is a bittersweet day for many of our students. While it marks the largest accomplishment of their young lives, it also means it's time to leave the Wrinkle Academy behind, at least for a while.


An education like the kind you're going to get at the Wrinkle Academy does not come cheap. Our graduates often go on to become powerful men and women in their communities and beyond. Our Many of them manage to make a great deal of gold doing what they love doing: working magic.   However, many of our students are the opposite of wealthy when they arrive at our doorstep. Talent, it seems, doesn't pay attention to the weight of one's belt pouch.   Because we hate to see such wonderful raw potential to manipulate arcane forces go untapped, we have set up or helped to develop several programs designed to lend assistance to all those who need it. Many of our scholarships are provided by influential and wealthy noble patrons. They do this to nurture the young student in their tender years with generous assistance in hopes to be their long term patron.   We also have student loan program. The most common is to make regular payments until his dept is entirely covered. This is given at a rate of 10% interest.

Internships and Apprenticeships

While we believe that every wizard needs a solid grounding in academic basics before venturing out into the Flanaess, we recognize that there is no real substitute for a true experience. To that end, we have established several internship and apprenticeship programs to guide our students a chance to try out different careers before they complete their education.   This is a winning proposition on all involved. Those who take on a Wrinkle Academy intern get essentially free labor for the period of the internship, and they have the assurance that the intern is getting the kind of education the Wrinkle Academy gives each of its students. The student learns things that he would never discover in any classroom. And that same student brings back new experiences to the school to share with both his teachers and his fellow students.   Your internship coordinator is your school counselor. If your're interested in an internship or apprenticeship, please let him know as early as possible. There are a limited number of spaces available.


The most dangerous of any of our internships involves sending our students out to work with an adventuring party. At the same time, it's also the variety most popular with our students, any of which hope to be able to say they helped save a kingdom or slay a lot of monsters over the summer break. This is the kind of thing that attracted may of our students to this arcane arts in the first place, after all, so it's difficult to deny these impulses, who ever risky they may be.   Interns often get a share of any treasure obtained in the course of their summer adventures, making this potentially one of the most lucrative internships around. Often this is a reduced share, say half that of what the full members of the party receive, but it's far more than most other interns take back to school with them. As such, these positions are given to those students experiencing difficulty making their tuition payments, for one reason or another. In such cases, the student keeps only what's left after settling his dept.  


Findiser Professor of Transmutation, Abjuration
Amarien Professor of Conjuration and Evocation schools
Karnakia Professor of Necromancy and Divination
  Lexandri Librarian
The Wrinkle Academy library has s fine collection of spells, scrolls, and research materials. Lexandri does a fine job keeping everything in order. Students and staff are allowed free access to the library. Guest of any other sort must apply with Lexandri for permission to even enter the building. Those who attempt to bypass this restriction are ejected immediately and may be forbidden from ever everything the campus again, must less the library.

School of Magic Classes

Wizardry - Conjuration

Basic Air Movements 101: Many conjurations spells involve the creation of clouds of one kind of substance or another. When you cast these spells, you're actually opening a tiny gate int our own plane of existence from a plane filled with the material in question. Once it's here, though, you have little direct control over it. Unless you wish to suffer from the effects of your own spells, you must learn some basics about prevailing winds, dissipation speeds, and how such gases fill an indoors area.   Introduction to the Planes: When most novitiates enter the Wrinkle Academy, they don't know a place of existence from a dinner plate. There are few things more important for a wizard to comprehend, especially a conjurer. n the course of this class, you will study the most important of the various planes of existence, how they relate to each other, and how to use your arcane abilities to manipulate both and the veils that keep them apart.   Introductory Summoning: Conjurers specialize in summoning creatures of all sorts from various planes of existence and using them to help them accomplish a variety of things. The traditional image of such things is a wizard summoning a dragon to lead a vast army, but most times the reality is far different, especially for novitiates. This course explores art of summoning monsters and other creatures to you, how to handle them once they are there, and whats to do if you start to lose control.   Monstrous Anatomy: Just because you are able to summon creatures to your side from other planes of existences does not mean you know anything about them in particular. It is one thing to bring a hippogriff to you and another thing entirely to know what that hippogriff can do. This course examines in depth the various kinds of common monsters that summoning spells can call to you. this includes details on temperament, diet, attack forms, special powers, and any special needs.   Something for Nothing: Conjuration is the art seemingly bringing something into existence from this air. As the saying goes, though, "You don't get something for nothing." While magic allows you to break all sorts of rules, this one generally holds true, even for the most powerful wizards. This class seeks to break down the art of conjuration into its component parts. By the end, you should be able to see that conjuration is not about creating something so much as moving things around from one place to another. Once you know what it is you are really doing with a conjuration, your mind should open up to all sorts of other possibilities as well.   Piercing the Veil: The art of conjuration is based upon the ability to see or feel the very fabric of the universe and then play with it. Conjurers are able to pierce the veils that separate the various planes of existence from each other and rearrange things more to their own liking. This advanced-level course explores the metaphysical ramifications of such acts and considers what our responsibilities as conjurers might be. That celestial creature you summoned came from somewhere. Where exactly? What was it doing at the time? Does anyone miss it? What happens to it when it returns home? These questions and others will be grappled and, perhaps, answered.  


Basic Evocations: What is it that separates evocations from other schools of magic? This class introduces you to the basic evocation cantrips and uses these minor spells to help explain the core concepts underlying all evocations.   Defenses against the Undeath: Many lay-poeple believe that to be able to mount an effective defense against the undead you must have a cleric of some sort on your side. Nothing could be further from the truth. A great number of the creatures of eternal unlife shy away from magical lights and the like, preferring the safety of the darkness from whence they come. Wizards have the power to stops such creatures by many means both arcane and mundane. Intrigued? Be sure to register for class, or the next undeath you have to deal with may be your own. Note: Bring some vials of oil.   Discovery and Disarming of Traps for Adventuring Wizards: Just because you are a wizard doesn't mean you have to run straight on into every trap placed in your path. There is a lot you can do to protect yourself, and even disarm the traps you are bound to encounter as an adventurer, if you only know what to look for. this course discusses such details in depth and even presents practice traps for the students to test their skills upon throughout the year.   First and Light: The evoker can directly tap the power inherent in fire, including both heat and light, either together or separately, in ways both large and small. This course examines the various methods of contacting the source of that power rand the proper way to control the resultant flow of energy in as many different ways as possible.   Introduction to Magic Missle: The magic missile is the quintessential evoker's spell. You can almost pick out young evokers by how often they use it and even come to rely on it. This course explores the proper time and place for the use of this spell, as well at how to make sure you get the best crunch for your coppers worth.   Running Hot and Cold: Even the novitiate evoker realizes that cold is merely the absence of heat. Or is heat the distinct absence of cold? When you cast a spell that uses cold, are you releasing some sort of cold energy or instead absorbing heat? This fundamental question is addressed, along with practical applications of the answer. Note: Students are advised to dress in several layers when taking this course.   Now Hear This: Sound is yet another kind of energy that evokers can tap directly into, often with smashing results. Did you realize that about the shout and sending spells share the same root? Each requires a certain amount of control but in an entirely different way, although their basic source is the same. We come to grips with various means of manipulating sound, and all without instruments!   Give Me a Hand: There is an entire series of spells that mimic the use of a giant hand, with effects ranging all the way from interposing to crushing. In fact, this is not a true hand but a direct manipulation of the invisible force. In this course, we explore the various means of employing this force and the details that must be dealt with for each permutation of the spell. We also examine whether the use of the spell is limited to the metaphor of a giant hand, could a good be used instead, we wonder, and if so, why?   Power in Tight Spaces: One of the biggest mistakes many young evokers make is letting loose their most powerful spells in an enclosed space. A fireball can literally bring the roof down, and it might land on you if you forgot that you are too close. Similarly, a lightning bolt can bounce right back at you if you are not careful. This class trains you to be able to estimate rough distances on the fly and gauge the how likely any spell you cast is to endanger you or those you hold dear.   Timing Is Everything: The most important thing an evoker can learn is control. The best evokers manage to get their magic to help them manage that control in spells like contingency and delayed blast fireball, each of which manipulates exactly when a particular spell goes off. Such versatile spells have all sorts of applications, and this course examines many of them in depth. We also instruct you on the skill of properly counting off seconds to help you gauge exactly when a spell might take effect.   Working with Staves: The most powerful and flexible sort of magic item is a wizard's staff. It is the badge of the archmage, as well as a symbol of the power of magic throughout the Flanaess. This course examines the proper means of fashioning a staff for your own use, as well as the best ways to use it.  

Thaumaturgy - Transmutation

Arcane Alterations: Transumation is about taking a property of a subject and changing it. Notice transmuters may only be able to alter a single aspect of the subject at a time, while masters of the art can make wholesale changes. This class outlines how we can recognize and define these changeable elements, which we must accomplish before we can hope to begin casting spells.   Buffing Up: There is an entire series of "animal quality" transumation spells that are available to those who can understand how they work. This course examines first the basic abilities that can be affected inn this way and then explores the best ways to effect those sorts of changes.   Change Starts at Home: While many transmutation spells allow you to change all sorts of different subjects, some of the first ones you learn concentrate on changing yourself around instead. Presumably, this is because it is easier to know yourself. But is it really possible to know yourself in a holistic and unbiased way? Or are such foolhardy attempts doomed to fail?   Dealing with Heights: One of the biggest hazards for an adventuring wizard is falling from a large height. It is possible for a wizard to survive such a fall, to walk away from it. In fact, but to do so requires lighting reflexes and a solid plan. This course examines the various kinds of height hazards one may encounter, and what you as a wizard can do about them.   The Need for Speed: Often it is not what you can get done as such as how quickly you can accomplish it. Transmutation offers many answers for you here, including the ever-popular haste spell. this course investigates this spell in depth and discusses the recent changes that have been made to "improve" it.   Breaking the Rules: In a real sense, transmutation is about breaking the rules of the physical world in strange and amazing ways. In "Arcane Alterations," you discovered the nature of these rules and explored some basic notions about how to alter them. Now you get ready to turn everything on its ear once again and with feeling.   Brewing Potions: A potion is more than the sum of its parts. It an alchemist mixed together the same solution as a wizard, it would not have the same sort of power, once you take the time to imbue the liquid with arcane energies. this class explores the creation of potions, as well as how to make them test best.   Polymorphing: one of the most powerful and controversial spell series around is that which permits you to polymorph as subject. As the word "polymorph" suggests (poly = "many; morph = "change), the spell permits you to make many different changes at once. Even this sort of spell has its own set of internally consistent rules you must work within however. This course pokes around in that matrix of rules and asks if it is possible to break these as well.  


The Arcane Detective: The basic job of a diviner is not only to learn things but to apply that knowledge in a meaningful way. It is not enough to learn that there are a small army of zombies waiting for you on the other side of a door. How did they get there? Who put them there? How can that information help you either defeat them or circumvent them? this class teaches you the kind of critical thinking that helps you determine what the information you gather really means.   A First Look at Second Sight: Some refer to the arcane ability of the diviner to see things that others cannot as "second sight." To develop your own "inner eye," you need to understand this metaphor and what it means.   I Know What You Are Thinking: Some divination's spells allow us to pry into the thoughts of those amung us. There are few things that are more perilous in civilized cultures, or more potentially damaging to your own ego. Many people have strange thoughts that flit through their minds all the time, and picking out the right ones can be an art. Even openly reading someone's thoughts can be awkward. Doing so surreptitiously can be disastrous if you are not careful with your interpretations. This course teaches how to handle this kind of information in a discreet and thoughtful way.   Introduction to Language Theory: Just because you can understand a language, or even speak it, doesn't mean you now how it works. There is more to a language than a jumble of words, and not taking cultural differences or dense references into account can leave you more confused than ever. This course explores how to sort such things out and provides you with strategies for setting it all straight. Don't let your first experience with a strange language spoken by a hostile people end up being your last.   Privacy and You: Diviners have access to all sorts of information that some people would prefer better left alone. Just because you want to know something does not mean you have the right to violate someone else's privacy to get it. This class examines the ethical and moral issues involved in poking around is someone's thoughts or future and what your responsibilities are once you have certain knowledge. If you know someone is going to die, do you have the right to interfere? Are you required to? What if the alternatives are far worse? These and other questions are explored in depth.   Looking Over Shoulders: Scrying can be a tricky art. Sometimes it is not what you see but what you do not that can tell you what is really going on. In this class, we discuss various means of picking out visual details via scrying that can help you accurately interpret what it is you see.   Scribing Scrolls: The most basic of all magic items is the scroll. Every wizard must master the construction of these temporary receptacles of arcane power fashioned with only ink and a handy writing surface. This class explore the proper preparation of the ink and the paper or vellum to be used, as well as the best means of storing and caring for your personal collection of scrolls. How to read a scroll without activating it is covered, as are the proper means of triggering any spells you may find. Note: this class meets in the Wrinkle Academy Library and features the assistance of the Librarian Lexandri .


Anatomy for Humanoid and Monstrous Creatures: Death is a simple enough concept, but when faced with the myriad of creatures extant in the Known Realms, it is not always easy to determine whether or not a creature is dead. To know this, you need to know more about that particular creature and what makes it tick.   Fear and Loathing: The actuality of death often is not nearly as troublesome as the emotions that surround it. these are natural feeling arising from a strong self-preservation instinct, but they can be overcome. This course examines the source of these emotions, how we can alter that in ourselves, and what we can do to change the feelings of others.   Graveyard Exploration 101: The best place to learn about death is where the dead are, and there are graveyards near just about every community of any size. This class teaches you the basics of navigating your way around a graveyard, finding the freshest materials with which to work, and how to best go about disinterring your selections.   Monster Identification 101: The work of a necromancer is often that of a detective. You have found a body or some bones, but can you tell where they came from? Were they humanoid or not? From a dwarf or an elf? This course starts out with an introduction to the major kind of monsters found in the Known Realms. In the following year, we teach you proven techniques for identifying these creatures remains.   Morals and Ethics 101: When working with magic of any type, must less death magic, you are abound to stumble upon difficult situations in which the right thing to do is not always clear. This series of classes examines a number of different moral and ethical codes and the reasoning behind each, as well as how they apply to the practicing wizard.   Bringin Undeath: Bringing a semblance of life, often referred to as "undeath", to a dead thing is an amazing and useful power, but one that must be treated with reverence and care. This course shows you how to use such power and examines when it is the right thing to do.   The Wrinkle Academy of Magic(F13) obeys the Wizard spell casting principles :   Postulate of Invariance: governance dictate, nine rules abide.
The Postulate of Invariance states that there can only be nine schools governing magic   Axiom of Least Contradiction:
The Axiom of Least Contradiction states that an existing magic cannot be cancelled or superseded by the opposite specialization   Verity of Exclusion: specialism of a school prohibits another
The Verity of Exclusion states that those who are capable of wielding a magic school are inherently incapable of wielding another magic of the opposite school and vice versa. The increasing complexity of magic and the increase in both breadth and depth made it impossible for a wizards to work across disciplines.

In closing

Your education is just beginning   I you have made it all the way through this book to this point, you have just taken the first step on the road of your education at the Wrinkle Academy of Magic.   In a way, I am envious of you. The Wrinkle Academy is one of the most amazing and incredible planes in the Flanaess, and you will soon be stepping into it for the first time, seeing it through fresh eyes.   For you, now, The Wrinkle Academy of Magic is your new home too, a sage haven for you from the outside world, a place where people about whom you will soon care a great deal live. And - I have no doubt, we will come to care about you too.   Coming to The Wrinkle Academy of Magic campus for the first time can be intimidating. For many of you, it may be the first time you have lived in a walled community, or so close to other people. No matter who you are or where you may be from, though, you should know this:   You're one of use now. You're a wizard. And you're a bright star.   That's never going to change. No matter where your life may take you after this, no matter how many years your life may span, those facts wil remain the same.   And that means that as long as there is a Wrinkle Academy of Magic, you will have a home.   Welcome home Magister Obble Har

Cover image: Astral Plane Travel by 3orcs


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