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The Way of Moradin

A Guide for the Faithful

Introduction to The Way of Moradin
"The Way of Moradin" serves as a foundational guide for dwarves seeking to embody the virtues of their chief deity, Moradin. It outlines the philosophies and responsibilities for those who choose to champion Moradin's cause. This guide is not only a set of religious precepts but also a manual for living a life that honors the dwarven ancestors and the Morndinsamman—the collective of dwarven deities. It stresses the importance of adhering to the traditions and guidance passed down through generations, ensuring that each dwarf upholds the standards set by their divine protectors.

Overview of the Guide

  • Ancestral Wisdom: Emphasizes the importance of ancestral teachings and their relevance to contemporary dwarven life.
  • Divine Guidance: Describes how Moradin's teachings directly benefit and protect the dwarven kin.

Tenets of Moradin

The core of Moradin's teachings can be summarized in three key principles: Temper, Hone, and Serve. These tenets form the foundation of moral and ethical conduct expected from his followers, guiding them in personal development and service to the wider community.
Key Tenets Explained
  • To Temper: Encourages resilience and humility, teaching followers to endure hardships and triumphs with equal grace. 
  • To Hone: Focuses on self-improvement in all areas of life, from craftsmanship to spiritual wisdom.
  • To Serve: Stresses the importance of altruism and justice, urging followers to aid others and uphold dwarven virtues.

Clerical Hierarchy and Duties

The clergy of Moradin play a pivotal role in the dissemination of his teachings and the administration of religious rites. They are structured in a clear hierarchy that dictates their responsibilities and influence within the dwarven society.
Clerical Ranks
  • Novices (Impoverished): Entry-level clergy who begin their journey in understanding Moradin's way.
  • Full Priests (Gilded Merchants): Those who have proven their dedication and have a deeper understanding of the faith.
  • High Priests (Merchant Princes): The leaders within the clergy, responsible for major decisions and guidance of the faithful.

Worship Practices and Rituals

Worship of Moradin involves several unique practices and rituals that reinforce his teachings and provide spiritual nourishment to his followers. These practices are integral to maintaining the religious and cultural heritage of the dwarves.
Ritualistic Practices
  • Coin Dance: A symbolic ritual involving the sacrifice of gold to honor Vergadain and seek divine boons.
  • Holy Days (Coin Festivals): Celebrations that align with the lunar cycle, focusing on prosperity and the exchange of goods.

Temples and Religious Sites

Temples dedicated to Moradin are not just places of worship but also centers of community and learning. These temples are designed to reflect the values of strength, stability, and endurance that Moradin embodies.
Temple Features
  • Architectural Design: Built from stone, temples are sturdy and imposing, designed to last through the ages.
  • Central Forge: Symbolic of Moradin's domain over creation and craftsmanship, the forge is a critical element of every temple.


In conclusion, "The Way of Moradin" is more than a religious text; it is a cultural touchstone that offers guidance on living a life that is honorable, fruitful, and reflective of dwarven values. By following this path, dwarves not only honor their divine leader but also contribute to the strength and prosperity of their communities.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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