Urdlen Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Crawler Below, the Evil One

Urdlen, god of Greed, Bloodlust, Evil, Hatred, Blind Destruction   Among the myriad deities of the gnome pantheon, Urdlen stands out as a dark mirror, reflecting the deepest, greed-driven evils that can infest the hearts of gnomekind. Known as the Crawler Below, Urdlen embodies the destructive aspects of greed and bloodlust, a stark contrast to the typically benevolent nature of gnome deities.

Ethereal Horror

The Visage of Urdlen
  • Manifestation: A grotesque, blind mole, devoid of fur, with claws as hard as steel.
  • Distortion: Permanently blurred form, a disconcerting sight that cannot be dispelled.
  • Symbolism: Represents the relentless, burrowing nature of greed and evil within.

Foes and Forgotten

Relations of the Crawler Below
  • Pantheon Hostility: Universally loathed by the gnomish and halfling pantheons.
  • Notable Adversary: Roykyn, once a devotee, now a declared enemy and hero-deity.
  • Isolation: Urdlen's relationships are marked by enmity and fear, a pariah even among deities.

The Worm Realm

Urdlen's Abyssal Domain
  • Abyssal Layer: The 399th, a domain of endless tunnels and greed-driven petitioners.
  • Petitioner's Plight: Evil gnomes that mindlessly follow in Urdlen's destructive wake, embodying chaos.
  • Social Void: A reflection of Urdlen's influence, where society is non-existent and only personal greed matters.


The Creed of Corruption
  • Core Belief: Followers are encouraged to let evil and greed burrow into their hearts, mirroring Urdlen's own abyssal tunnels.
  • Destructive Trickery: Advocates harmful pranks and malevolence, particularly against the innocent and good-hearted.
  • Isolationist Doctrine: Promotes underground dwelling, away from the light and communal societies of gnomekind.


The Unholy Congregation
  • Dark Assembly: Comprised mainly of gnome assassins, thieves, and warriors who revel in the deity's malevolent dogma.
  • Lifestyle: Followers often mimic Urdlen's preference for subterranean existence, shunning the surface world and its societies.
  • Shared Malevolence: A unifying love for evil acts, especially deadly pranks that bring harm to others, even to their own kind.


The Blooded and the Burrowed
  • Garb and Symbol: White cloaks and the sacred white mole symbolize their allegiance.
  • Hierarchy: Novices (levels 1-2) as the Unblooded; full priests (level 3+) as Deep Crawlers.
  • Sacrificial Rites: Blood and valuable sacrifices are desecrated and buried as offerings.
  • Soul Risk: Clerics risk their very souls for Urdlen's favor, with the deity consuming the souls of those who fail in their earthly endeavors.

Subterranean Sanctuaries

Temples and Rituals
  • Worship Sites: Cavernous underground temples serve as centers for worship and sacrifice.
  • Ritual Practices: Annual sacrifices of blood and jewels, marked by destruction and burial.
  • Winter Solstice: The holiest of days, where the longest night serves as a dark symbol of Urdlen's far-reaching influence.


Urdlen's existence within the gnome pantheon serves as a somber reminder of the depths to which greed and malice can sink, even among a race known for its good nature and communal spirit. Followers of Urdlen tread a perilous path, one that leads away from the light of the surface world and into the endless dark of the abyss.
Gnome Deities (property of Wizards of the Coast LLC)
Gnome Pantheon
Symbol: blind mole
Realm: Infinite Layers of the Abyss
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Earth, Evil, Greed, Madness, Pestilence
Speciality Clerics
  • TurnUndead: Command at :2 levels
  • Priest of Chaos level 1: stinking cloud
  • Priest of Chaos level 2: use d6 for hit dice
  • Priest of Chaos level 5: cloak of fear
  • Priest of Chaos level 9: confusion
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Chaotic evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Blood spilled and treasures buried, such are the offerings to the Crawler Below."
"To dwell above is to bask in falsehood; true power worms its way through the underbelly of the world."
Urdlen symbol by 3orcs
Devotion Through Sacrifice
Clerics demonstrate their devotion by making sacrifices to Urdlen, using the blood of slain creatures and destroying valuables as offerings.
  • Such rituals symbolize the clerics' willingness to further Urdlen's domain of greed and bloodlust.
Rituals of Protection and Risk
Clerics can invoke Urdlen's power to cast a blur spell, enhancing their chances of survival in perilous situations.
  • This act of faith is not without risk; should the cleric perish while protected, Urdlen claims their soul, a testament to the deity's merciless nature.
The Clergy's Dark Mission
  • Clerics are tasked with spreading Urdlen's influence, engaging in acts of sabotage, assassination, and theft to undermine the surface world and rival deities.
  • They roam the underground, ever seeking to expand Urdlen's dominion and bring more souls under his sway.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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