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Vergadain, god of Wealth, Luck
God of Wealth and Luck, the Merchant King, the Master Merchant, the Trickster, the Laughing Dwarf, the Short Father   Vergadain, known affectionately as the Merchant King among his followers, epitomizes the dwarven values of commerce, cunning, and fortune. As a god who delights in trade and trickery, Vergadain's influence extends far beyond the boundaries of the Dwarven Mountain, touching the lives of merchants and adventurers across multiple realms. His persona as a wanderer and a poet adds a layer of complexity to his character, making him one of the most relatable and approachable figures in the dwarven pantheon.

Core Attributes

  • Appearance: Vergadain typically appears as a tall dwarf dressed in merchant's attire, equipped with various hidden weapons and treasures.
  • Personality: Known for his enigmatic smile and sparkling eyes, Vergadain embodies joy, wit, and the thrill of the deal.

Divine Relations and Realms

Vergadain's place within the dwarven pantheon is as unique as his approach to life. While he shares the Dwarven Mountain with other deities, his restless spirit often leads him across various planes, seeking new experiences and opportunities.
Key Relationships and Realm Features
  • Pantheon Dynamics: As part of the dwarven pantheon, Vergadain maintains a complex relationship with figures like Moradin and Abbathor.
  • Strongale Hall: His primary realm, known for its indulgence in gambling and strong spirits, where followers can wager anything from physical possessions to intangible qualities.

Dogma of the Merchant King

The teachings of Vergadain are a blend of pragmatism and opportunism, emphasizing the virtues of hard work, clever negotiation, and the enjoyment of life's pleasures. His dogma encourages his followers to seek wealth and fortune, not just for personal gain but as a way to sustain and enrich the dwarven community.
Core Tenets
  • Pursuit of Wealth: Followers are encouraged to engage actively in trade and commerce to accumulate wealth.
  • Clever Bargaining: Emphasizes the importance of negotiation and seeking advantageous deals in honor of Vergadain.
  • Joyful Living: Urges adherents to enjoy life and partake in the pleasures their wealth can afford.

The Clergy of Vergadain

Vergadain's priests are as opulent in their appearance as they are in their practices. Dressed in gold and purple, they not only lead worship but also actively participate in the economic activities of their communities, embodying their god's attributes in every transaction.
Clerical Duties and Attire
  • Luxurious Garb: Priests wear golden chain mail and rich robes, reflecting their god's wealth. 
  • Economic Leaders: They play significant roles in promoting dwarven commerce and ensuring the prosperity of their communities.

Worship and Rituals of Vergadain

Worship of Vergadain involves unique and elaborate rituals that blend the reverence of wealth with the celebration of luck and fortune. These rituals often culminate in mystical experiences where the divine touch of Vergadain is manifested through boons and omens.
Ritual Practices
  • Coin Dance: A ritual involving the sacrifice of gold coins into flame, potentially revealing divine messages or gifts. 
  • Coin Festivals: Celebrations that align with the lunar cycle, focusing on trade and the exchange of wealth.

Temples and Holy Days

Temples dedicated to Vergadain are grand edifices reflecting his wealth and love for commerce. These temples serve not only as places of worship but also as hubs of trade and economic activity, deeply integrated into the lifeblood of dwarven settlements.
Temple Features and Celebrations
  • Architectural Splendor: Temples are opulent, often situated in the heart of trading districts.
  • Coin Festivals: Major religious and commercial events, these festivals are times of intense trading and bargaining, reflecting the god's ethos.


Vergadain's role as the deity of Wealth and Luck offers a unique perspective within the dwarven pantheon, celebrating the joys of life and the rewards of savvy entrepreneurship. His followers see him not just as a god but as a patron and a guide who delights in the success and happiness of his adherents, making him a beloved figure among dwarves and beyond.
Boyd, Eric L. Demihuman Deities. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 1998.
  Dwarven Pantheon
Holy symbol: circular gold coin
Realm: Concordant Domain of the Outlands
Domains: Knowledge, Luck, Mind, Pact, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: unable to TurnUndead
  • Cleric of the 1st coin: +1 Cha to dwarves
  • Cleric of the 2nd coin: use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 5th coin: invisibility
  • Cleric of the 7th coin: taunt a lawful creature
  • Cleric of the 9th coin: appraise goods within +/> 5% of value
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fortune Favors the Bold and the Witty."
"Wealth is not in the Coin, but in the Commerce."
"Let the Cleverest Coin Cling."
Vergadain holy symbol by 3orcs
Clergy of Vergadain
  • Novices (Levels 1-2): Known as the Impoverished. These are the beginners in the clergy who are just starting their religious journey under Vergadain's teachings.
  • Full Priests (Levels 3-8): Referred to as Gilded Merchants. These clerics have proven their devotion and skill in furthering the wealth and influence of their deity.
  • High Priests (Level 9+): Called Merchant Princes. These are the senior leaders within the clergy, possessing significant influence and responsibility within the faith.
  • Duergar Cleric/Thieves: A very rare group within Vergadain’s priesthood, these individuals blend the divine and stealth aspects, symbolizing the god's dual nature as patron of both wealth and trickery.

Cover image: Dwarf Pantheon by 3orcs


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