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Astral Elves

The Astral Elves are a race of Elves native to Verde. Millennia ago Dark Elves from the Spinal Mountains crept out of the mountains and gazed upon the stars. They thought they were pretty and wished to be closer to them. In their pursuit they opened up gates to the Astral Sea, but they could not control them. Some elves were sucked into the portals as others tried to close them. Those left behind were infused with bits and pieces of the Astral Sea itself, leaving them marked with galaxy colored skin and star-like designs adorning their bodies. These elves are tall and slender, have midnight toned skin in various colors of blue and purple, with hints of soft gold or silver. Their hair comes in other pale metallic or pastel colors. Star-like designs adorn their bodies and they have unique horns growing from their head.


Major language groups and dialects

Astral Elves speak both Elvish and Undercommon. This is due to regional influences as well as their heritage.   The Elvish comes from the region in which they live, which is mostly populated by Elven people (i.e. the Astral and the Lunar Elves). While Elvish is the general name for all Elvish tongues within Verde, the Astral Elves do have a very distinctive dialect, most closely resembling that of the Lunar Elves.   Undercommon was the first spoken language of the Astral Elves upon their inception, and they still often use this language in their day to day communication. The most ancient texts of the Astral Elves are all written in Undercommon. This is because of their Dark Elf origins, as opposed to the High Elven origins of the Lunar and Solar Elves.    Many Astral Elves are either bilingual or speak Elvish. 

Culture and cultural heritage

Astral Elven culture in general is very detached. Detached from both other societies and the world at large, as well as detached from each other. The few travelers that have visited Astral Elves describe them as stuck with both feet floating above the very soil they live on. They look at the larger picture, the world as it was intended and 'written in the stars'. They hardly meddle with worldly affairs such as politics and conflicts. Their focus lies on the spiritual and the arcane.

Average technological level

Astral Elves are very advanced in regards to arcane knowledge and skill. Their magic crafts and arcane practitioners are amongst the most skillful in Verde. They are also well versed in knowledge fields related to space, such as astrophysics and gravitational studies. More advanced technology as observed within some parts of the Spinal Empire and The Guild Dominion of Asosall are lacking, however. Most technology in Astral Elven society is fueled by magic or is simply absent. 

Common Dress code

Clothing worn by Astral Elves nearly always include open chest tunics to openly display the big star-shaped mark on their hearts, as well as overlapping, layered robes. Most robe designs incorporate a dark color scheme with accents reminiscent of constellations, planetary orbits, and other celestial phenomena.

Art & Architecture

Most Astral Elven art and architecture features astral themes such as galaxies, black holes, or stars. Dominant color schemes include blues, purples, and silvers. Often they also incorporate fluorescent pigments or light magic into their creations. General shapes that are characteristic of Astral Elven design are flowing and with occasional hard edges. 

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

A common occurrence in Astral Elven society is a form of prayer they perform to their ancestral deities. They draw the same star shape they carry over their hearts in i.e. a body of sand and proceed to lay down in it. Their horns, arms, and legs forming the four points of the star. When they light up the star over their hearts, it is said they can connect and converse with those that came before them. 

Funerary and Memorial customs

When Astral Elves die it is said their connection to the Astral Sea carries them 'home' where they turn into stars. Because Astral Elves have a very long lifespan, their deaths are not mourned, for most of them have had a long and fulfilling life. Besides, their life continues in their true form. 
The remains of their brethren are buried in the towers of Starwatchers. The middle of these towers are hollow, allowing for starlight to reach the tombs of the Elves. That way the stars can maintain a connection with their previous material forms. 

Common Myths and Legends

Legend says that the first Astral Elves were Dark Elves that crawled out from the dark depths of the Spinal Mountains to follow a glorious and magnificent light they saw on the surface. This light did not burn their eyes like the sun did, and was gentler and more subtle than the light of the Moon. They'd travel for weeks on end to reach the surface and see this light. It filled them with a sense of joy and hope. Some said the light gave them power of foresight, and that the pattern in which these specks of light would organize themselves foretold the future as it should be.    Eventually, some Dark Elves decided to settle out in the open so they could be with the light forever. This would later become the Blanket of Stars.    Some time during their early years, the newly formed society of star-worshipping Elves tried to get closer to the stars. In their efforts they accidentally opened gates to the Astral Sea. While the gates were swiftly closed again, they could not manage to do so before some of their most prominent members of society were jettisoned out into space. More importantly, their bodies had undergone permanent changes. Infused with the Astral Sea itself, their lives were extended by centuries or sometimes even millennia. Their skin transformed into the color of the starry night sky, with constellations and stars painting their bodies like an artwork. Over their hearts a giant star with a centered black hole signified their connection to the Astral Sea. Finally, the ravaging Astral energy that still lingered in their bodies when the portals closed solidified into elaborate horns sprouting from their heads.    Their leaders who had been shunt into the Astral Sea were believed to have turned into stars themselves, and thus the Court of Stars was named as the deities to the newly born Astral Elves. When an Astral Elf dies, they are believed to join their ancestors in the night sky, ever shining bright upon those that come after. The worthiest ones join the Court to oversee the course of fate and determine the messages passed down through the stars.

Historical figures

Eldamar; The Court Overseer. One of the first members of Astral Elven society. One of the figures who were lost to the Astral Sea upon the creation of the Astral Elven race. He is often depicted as the leader of the Court of Stars, being the oldest and the wisest amongst them.
Oonagh; The Astral Mother. One of the first members of Astral Elven society. She is the mother of the religious dogma still practiced by the Astral Elves today. As the wife of Eldamar she remained in contact with him even after his departure to the Astral Sea and wrote down his messages that came from the stars. Upon her death millennia later she joined Eldamar in the Court of Stars and is often depicted in imagery of them dated post-mortem. 
Ry Ysele; The Diviner. Ry Ysele was an important figure in the development of Astral Elven arcane traditions. They took the learnings from the Starwatchers and applied them to their arcane practice. Through this they created many spells based upon divination. These days it's still the most important arcane school used by magic practitioners amongst the Astral Elves.    Tínu; The Mapper. Tínu was a druid and Starwatcher within Astral Elven society that mapped many constellations and their meaning for later generations. Her efforts gave birth to an entire circle of Astral druids that are still numerous to this day.


Beauty Ideals

The Astral Elves idealize an appearance that reflects the night sky. Their idea of beauty is a close resemblance to the stars they worship. More complex skin colors with gradients that paint the picture of a galaxy are generally considered more attractive. This does not mean only pureblooded Astral Elves apply for that condition. Mixed Astral Elves often display a variety of colorations on their skin, possibly making them more desirable on that front. Same goes for the amount of star-shaped markings on one's body and their shapes, sizes, and constellations they might form. Their Elven heritage makes them prefer longer and elegant hairstyles over shorter ones. Though a subset of Astral Elves has taken it upon themselves to make a shorter hairstyle equally elegant. Braids are a common sight. 

Gender Ideals

Being Elves that are extremely long-lived, gender isn't something that is set in stone or even considered as something important within the Astral Elf community. Many Elves are fluid in their identity and/or expression throughout their lives, making it so that there is no defined standard of what a woman, man, or neither should act/look like. 

Courtship Ideals

Courtship for the Astral Elves happens mostly through the Starwatchers. These priests of their ancestral deities spend their lives looking at the stars; interpreting their messages and deciphering what destinies are written within them. Sometimes a pair of Elves might be linked to each other in these messages. Eager to follow the wishes of the gods many of the Elves accept this linkage through fate and engage in a relationship. Sometimes it may take centuries before they find a partner this way, or it doesn't happen at all. Nevertheless still there's couples who find each other in different ways. An evening of celebration together, a little too much wine, chance meetings while at work, etc. These forms are, however, still looked down upon. 

Relationship Ideals

As many Elven cultures most relationships for the Astral Elves are monogamous in nature. Because of their longevity, 'mating for life' is far from the norm. Often when looking at Astral Elf family trees, they form a complex network where many family lines are interwoven with each other. An individual may have had multiple long lasting relationships in their life across centuries. 
Interracial relationships aren't controversial and quite common. Most common partners include Lunar Elves from the Nightinvale and Dark Elves from the Spinal Empire.
Same sex relationships are as normal as opposed sex relationships. This is both because of Elves' outlook on gender in general and because of the indiscriminate will of the stars.  
Image credit: VictoriaDAEDRA on DeviantART. (Link)
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Oct 18, 2023 18:03 by Eris Fioren

Yeah, hi, so that art doesn't belong to you and I HIGHLY doubt you got permission from the artist to use it since that is one of their OC's