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Venlya Warqueen

War Queen Venlya Warqueen (a.k.a. Savage Wolf of the North)

Venlya is the product of the surprising romance, between her mother at the time, reigning orc War Queen and her father a noble human paladin. Who both had joined forces to face a Lich, who had been causing problems not only for the villages in the surrounding area. But had earned the ire of Frigga the War Queen. Who would meet a party of ten, that was lead by the large Paladin Mikkle. It had led to combat between the two and had pleasantly surprised Frigga, that this human male had been able to meet her blow for blow. This is where both Mikkle and Frigga, would enter a tentative truce, that would later build into a strong friendship to eventually a mutual attraction.   They would in some months later head into face the Lich. Which the bard of Mikkle's party would write and epic ballad about the War Queen and the Noble Paladin who destroyed the Lich while falling in love on the way.   It would be a few years later, that the two would be blessed with their daughter Venlya. The half- orc woman grew up with loving parents, a father practically wrapped around her finger, that amused her mother to no end. And a mother who was both fair and firm with her daughter, training her rigorously to take on her mantle as the future War Queen of the hoards. Venlya thrived under her mothers firm but steady hand, and her fathers patient, compassion as he also worked to help in her training.   By the time she was 16, she led her first raid against a corrupt noble at the request of her father (her mother indulged her father in his sense of "Justice for those who cannot help themselves"). It had been a bloody successful fight, ending in the nobles death and his officials. Along with spoils for her hoard, while having freed the oppressed people of the area. This would gain her a reputation of both admiration, love and equal amounts of fear to hatred.   For who knew despite her ruthlessness in her campaigns that she had compassion and a strong sense of freedom. One that would lead this War Queen, to become the hero of the common people and the scourge of those who tried to oppress. (Her father is still giddy and gushes to this day to hear his "baby girl" who has four inches on him. Was a "hero") There is a few campaigns though that leave a sour taste in half orc's mouth. Ones where those she was after who had earned her ire had escaped. Cowards and mongrels she called them, especially of the one king who escaped her.   His death when she found him again, would be the sweetest to taste after the atrocity he committed. For even she found it bad taste, the slaughter of children used to hang and strewn around his castle like morbid decorations. She would find him and make him suffer just like he may have sworn revenge on her.   After 19 years of being the War Queen, Venlya would feel a restlessness in her. An urge to go out and explore, for while she may have traveled, it was mostly done in the act of war. A wanderlust had hit the the half-orc, and like very much free spirited orc woman she was. She decided to answer it, for there was more to the world she wanted to see. Venyla would go to her parents expressing this urge, and with her mothers blessing, who took back up the title of War Queen, with along side her husband Mikkle. While her father worried he understood, and her proud orc mother would only grin, bending down to bump her forehead against hers. While whispering a travel prayer for the adventures and new experience her daughter would face.

A strong fearsome half- orc woman who's reputation as the War Queen of the Northern hoards have left her both famous and infamous. A surprising hero to the common folk, even while leading her fellow orcs into battle along with allies.

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chaotic neutral
Thick long dark wild locks, with jewelry strewn though out it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A soft green that looks grey in the dark

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