Alvir the Frail Character in Verdun | World Anvil

Alvir the Frail

Alvir Brennland, the Frail King, is the current king of Sörenstad. Alvir suffers from several physical handicaps that result in a suppressed immune system and under-developed muscles. He is a powerful and competent wizard.   Alvir took the throne after the brutal assassination of his family and extended Brennland bloodline. During their journey to the Sörensgard, a trip which is made annually to celebrate the fieldsmen and laborers who support Jorundhamn's sister city, Bregorish brigands ambushed their caravan and set it ablaze, cutting down those who managed to escape. The Bregorish invaders had hoped to dismantle the leadership of Sörenstad and supplant an agent of their own onto the throne. However, due to a crippling condition that denied Alvir the opportunity to travel, he remained safely in the city during the expedition, a circumstance the Bregorish had not anticipated. When the usurper attempted to claim the throne, he was surprised to find that Alvir was present and very much alive. Expecting to dispatch Alvir with ease, the usurper attacked the heir on sight only to be met with a thunderous eruption of force that pulverized his bones and innards in an instant.   Alarmed by the sudden explosion, the guards and townsfolk crowded the keep. Upon realizing what had occured and the power that Alvir possessed, he became a symbol of hope to rebuild the Brennland name and restore Sörenstad to order. In addition to the standard martial training provided to the citizens, Alvir established a small body of arcane scholars and practitioners to provide schooling for those who display natural power.


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