Moon Elf Ethnicity in Verdun | World Anvil

Moon Elf

The Myth'iro, or Moon Elves, are a civilization of elves that inhabit the Island of the Moon. They have been largely isolated from the rest of the world due to their self-exile to guard the Spellstone of Myth'thelyn.  


Myth'iro tend to have the longest lifespan of the elven subraces, living to 550-600 years of age. Their skin is often pale shades of blues or purple. Their ears come to a long, sharp point. The average height for Myth'iro is 5'8" - 6'0" with an average weight of 140-150 lbs. Like the other elven subraces, they are naturally lithe and agile. Their eyes vary from silver to deep blues and purples. Their hair is often silken and straight from pure white to jet black with the rare hint of purple.  




The Myth'iro were united by Ithyriel in the Age of Abandonment to defeat the primitive human tribes that they were in conflict with. Their campaign was so successful that all humans were eliminated from their homeland, the Island of the Moon, and Ithyriel was made their queen. Since the discovery of the Spellstone and her ascension as a demi-god, the Myth'iro have become the most advanced civilization on Verdun, always exploring the hidden potential of their powers free from external conflict.  






550-600 years   Average Height
5'8" - 6'0"   Average Weight
140 - 150 lbs


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