
Orcs are powerful humanoids that strike fear into the civilizations of Verdun due to their shared ancestry with the savage Orkin, while in reality, orcs have long mastered their savagery and developed a nuanced culture around shamanistic traditions. Once living deep below the surface of the earth, a shared prophecy drove them to migrate to the surface in the hopes of discovering their true potential.  


Orcs resemble a more noble and refined form of their Orkin cousins, most prominently they have large protruding canines and sharp teeth. Orcs are normally range between 5'8"-6'4"; however, they often seem much larger due to their musclebound phsyique. Orc skin tone varies between various shades of grey to dark green or even a pale blue. Orcs posses small but pointed ears and narrow beady eyes, usually in vibrant yellows, oranges or reds. On average, an orc weighs around 210 pounds.  


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