What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Arcane Surface Toxicity

Round 1: Action!
Arcane Surface Toxicity, or AST, is the level of Magical Fallout Radiation, measured in Rads just as with other forms of radiation. TheĀ Post War Administration Bureue has created a guideline for AST survivability.

Arcane Surface Toxicity Survivability

Distributed to all Highland Cities in the year 2166, this warning label is to be posted on the surface entrances and exits of all Highland Cities, as well as on all shielded surface vehicles, airship life boats, and any other way to access the surface of Earth in potentially dangerous environments.

LevelCode SeveritySurvivability
1Code Red100% Lethal. Avoid at all costs.
2Code OrangeHighly toxic. No more than 15 minutes of exposure in containment gear. Avoid if possible.
3Code YellowSeverely toxic. No more than 2 hours of exposure in containment gear. Certified personnel only.
4Code GreenModerately toxic. Minimal exposure without containment gear. Survival indefinite with containment gear. Safe for general public.
5Code Blue0% Toxicity. No containment gear required. No precautions neccessary.
6Code BlackUnknown. Code Black is to be invoked in situations where toxicity is unknown. Treated as Code Orange or higher in official capacity.


AST is invisible in low concentrations. In higher concentrations, it manifests as a black and purple miasma that flows gaseously along the surface of the are it affects.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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