What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Gabriel: A Dark Hunter

Round 1: Action!
Gabriel   May 5th, 2169 A.D.   Solomon Manor   Gabriel stepped into Solomon manor, their expression flat and unreadable. They wore black thigh high boots, a pair of black shorts, a white dress shirt with a red necktie, and a black coat befitting their position as a Dark Hunter, and a black and white Cornette atop their head. They were silent as they entered the foyer of the manor, their red eyes sweeping over the room, their mind focusing on the task at hand.   No sign of the old man yet, they thought. They walked down the hallway, stopping outside a door on the right side of the hallway. Gabriel began to reach for the knob when the door suddenly swung open; Rona, the female butler and werewolf of Solomon Manor stood expectantly as she politely bowed to Gabriel. "Master Gabriel," she said plainly. "Lord Solomon is expecting you. May I take your coat?"   "No," Gabriel said flatly. "Thank you."   "Perhaps some tea?"   "Earl Gray, please."   Rona's lips curled up in a smile as she bowed once more and walked back into the hallway. Gabriel walked through the door, leaving it open behind him. They entered the study to find Solomon, the lord of the manor and an ancient vampire in his own right, reading a aged red hardcover. He barely glanced up from his book to meet Gabriel's red eyes before smiling kindly. "I was expecting you sooner, Gabriel," he said cooly. "I've been waiting for you."   "You have," Gabriel said evenly. "And I apologize for being late. I had a few things to attend to."   Solomon nodded. "A shame, I would have liked to see you sooner. What brings the great Dark Hunter to my humble home?"   Gabriel approached and lay a paper on Solomon's arm rest; it was a dossier from the Post War Administration Bureue with Jassa's name and photo at the top. "His Holiniess, the Papal King Domezio Genova has recieved chilling news regarding the PWAB and this Jassa. He appears to be a rogue agent, and is responsible for the destruction of the Nexus Core at Highland City Anatolia back in March of this year. I've been tasked with hunting him down." Gabriel took a breath before motioning to an empty chair nearby. "May I sit?"   Solomon nodded, placing his book aside as he walked around the desk. He sat in a leather chair, the armrests decorated with gold. He gestured to the chair opposite him. "Please, do." He picked up the dossier and began reading. "News does indeed travel slow in the Papal Kingdoms. I'm shocked it took you this long to receive word of the Anatolian Incident. Jassa is but one of the enemy. He is but a pawn in a larger plot...one that we still do not have the full picture for yet."   Gabriel leaned back in their chair, folding his arms across their chest. "We know little more than what has been reported by the PWAB."   Solomon sighed. "It's a mess. A Deity called Xana...Jassa of the PWAB...Hikari the Manslayer...and a mysterious man called Orpheus. They are all allied together. Xana is the leader, of course."   "A Deity meddling in mortal affairs?" Gabriel asked. "That is...troubling. But, well within my purview."   Solomon nodded. "And what of the other two? The man known as Orpheus...and Hikari?"   Gabriel's face darkened. "Orpheus is a name I've heard before. A puppet master. Uses dark magic to hijack to bodies of others and forces them to do his bidding. Hikari I know nothing of."   "She is one of the Japanese Colonists from Neo Kyoto. She earned her nickname 'Manslayer' because she is a murderer. Kurama tells me Hikari serves Xana not out of loyalty, but out of fear."   Gabriel grunted. "The Japanese are a strange breed. What can you tell me about this Xana?"   "Ah, Xana. A radical Deity. She is not to be underestimated. She, like so many other Combatants, seeks the Verge Drive for her own personal goals. Domination, destruction, who can really say. Just know that if she were to find the Verge Drive it would be disastrous for everyone."   "Orpheus may be the easier target for me to track. I'm already familiar with him." Gabriel smiled. "I believe I've seen his work before."   Solomon chuckled. "You certainly have. And the Manslayer...a woman you will be hunting down, I assume?"   Gabriel shook their head. "I'll leave her to the Japanese authorities. You said Lord Kurama is familiar with her?"   Solomon nodded. "Yes. Hikari was his student."   Gabriel's eyes widened. "Oh, I see. That explains why he seems so familiar with her. I'll leave her to Lord Kurama. There are plenty of others hunting Jassa from what I can gather. The Order of the Knights of Justice and the NER are already searching for him. I'll focus on Orpheus." Rona returned then with Gabriel's tea cup, filled with Earl Gray. "Thank you, Rona," they said with a polite smile as they sipped the tea gently.   Solomon chuckled. "How I enjoy when you seek aid from me, Gabriel. A monster hunter...getting help from monsters. The irony is so...tasteful."   Gabriel smirked. "If it helps, I've always considered myself more of an ally than an enemy."   Solomon laughed. "So you do. That's good to hear. We have much in common, after all. Still, seeking help from a vampire and his werewolf butler...must be somewhat frustrating to you."   Gabriel looked at the floor for a moment before responding. "I'm not sure if I'd say frustrated. More like...surprised. Good natured monsters are rare in this world. I've slain my fair share of vampires, Solomon. Though...if I were ever ordered to hunt you, I fear I may not but up to the task."   Solomon chuckled. "Ah, well, you can't be expected to know everything about everyone. No one does. That's part of the fun."   Gabriel nodded. "You're right." They set the teacup down and stood. "I must be going. Thank you for the hospitality and the information, Solomon. Till we meet again. Farewell, Rona."   Rona nodded and bowed politely to Gabriel as they left the room.   Solomon sipped his own tea softly before turning to Rona. "My dear, I have a mission for you."   "Yes, my lord?"   He smiled. "I want you to follow Gabriel."   Rona's eyes widened. "What? Why?"   Solomon shrugged. "Just because. They may be in over their head. I fear Gabriel may need some backup. Only reveal yourself if the situation is dire, do you understand, my dear Rona? And only if it's absolutely necessary."   Rona nodded. "Of course, my lord."


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