What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Harkon: A Meeting of Fate

Round 1: Action!
Harkon   March 29th, 2169       PWAB Headquarters   Secretary Harkon Snow paced tirelessly in the waiting room of the Post War Administration Bureue's secret HQ deep underground, the bright lights humming gently as he walked from one side of the room to the other. It had been quite some time since the Council had called on him; not since his promotion to Secretary of Silent Operations some seven years ago.   It was a position that came with its own set of perks and responsibilities, but also an endless list of demands and obligations. And when it came to the demands, well, Snow was the only one who could do anything about them. He was proud of his covert operations; they had a ninety percentile success rate, after all. Still, it nagged on his nerves that the Council would summon him now of all times. After the sudden destruction of Highland City Anatolia's Nexus Core, the source of power for the whole city, he had assumed that an investigation was underway. If they were calling on him...maybe they needed more.   "Mr. Snow." The voice from behind startled him. He turned around and found himself looking into the familiar face of a woman in her late twenties. She was average height, with short black hair and piercing green eyes. She sneered at him with a cocky smile that disgusted him. "Fancy meeting you here," she said with a playful tone.   He nodded at her. "Secretary Carmine Meyer. I wasn't expecting you."   "Always so formal," she said as she sat in a nearby waiting chair, crossing her legs. "Have you met with the council yet?"   "No...but now I am wondering why they would summon the Secretary of Resource Management along with myself."   She shrugged. "Who knows what goes through the minds of our superiors. I was called, so I came."   "That is your job."   "It is," she agreed. "But I'm no fool. You know what this is about."   Snow sighed. "I've heard rumors. Rumors of an attack on Highland City Anatolia."   "Rumor has it that a certain snake of a captain was behind it."   "Captain Jassa Martin? What business would he have to sabotage a Nexus Core?" Harkon asked.   "Who knows. Jassa always struck me as an odd one. I don't know if he's gone rogue...or if the Council ordered it."   "The Council wouldn't order such a thing. Not directly."   "You think they'd send a low-level operative like Jassa out on a mission like that? I wouldn't put it past them," she said with a wicked grin. "He does have a Drive, after all. Not many in the PWAB's military branch do. Oh, except for you I believe. Ah, yes...you DO have a drive."   "I do not speak of such things in public," Harkon said, turning away from him. "I recommend you stick to your business, and your business alone, Secretary Meyer."   Carmine laughed. "As you say, Secretary Snow."   The door opened, and a messenger appeared with a nervous expression. "Secretary Snow, the Council will see you now."   "Good luck, Harkon!" Carmine chimed, but he ignored her as he followed the messenger into the council chamber.   There, seated on their elevated daises, sat the five members of the Post War Administration Bureue's Council; on the far right sat Counciler Haley, next to her sat Counciler Joel, to the far left sat Counciler Zaff, next to him sat Counciler Tyra, and in the middle was Lord Counciler Artules. Each hid their faces behind porcelain masks, showing only their various hair colors. Harkon swallowed hard before kneeling, saying, "Councilors, I have come as summoned."   "Get up," Haley said, pointing at the chair opposite in the middle of the chamber.   Harkon did so, taking his seat. "Yes, Councilor?"   "You have a spectacular service record, Secretary Snow," Councilor Zaff said as he thumbed through a pile of documents. "Your covert operations have a resounding success rate. You have quieted many of the PWAB's enemies in your tenure."   "Thank you, Councilor," Harkon said, his heart beating fast. "It is my job to serve the people of the PWAB."   "I'm sure it is," Councilor Tyra said with a sarcastic tone. "Tell me...what do you know of the attack in Highland City Anatolia?"   "Only hearsay and rumors. I had no agents there during the attack."   "I suppose you've heard the rumor that Captain Jassa L. Martin may be involved?"   Harkon frowned. "If the rumors are true, then yes."   "Despite the rumors...we did NOT authorize this attack. Captain Jassa L. Martin...has gone rogue. We believe he is serving an entity from the Outer Boundary."   "A Deity? I thought they didn't involve themselves with human affairs."   Lord Artules spoke up, garnering everyone's attention. "True enough...but there are rumors that the fabled Verge Drive has surfaced. According to legend, it resides within the Outer Boundary, home realm of the Deities...but the Deities are unable to touch it. They require a mortal Combatant skilled enough to survive the trials and to prove themselves worthy to wield the Verge Drive. We believe Jassa is one such Combatant, being used as a pawn to gain access to the Verge Drive."   "I see," Harkon said, hiding his shock. "What...are my orders?"   "Eliminate Jassa...and become a Combatant. We wish to possess the Verge Drive. Imagine the power the PWAB will possess with such a mystical force. If you can secure the Verge Drive for US, and stop Jassa and all the other Combatants...you will have given us the leverage we need to break away from the UN and to enforce our rule."   "Understood," Harkon said, bowing his head. "I will not fail you."   "We would be most grateful," Councilor Joel said, handing him a pile of papers. "This is all the information we have on the known Combatants...but there may be more that have yet to reveal themselves. The vast majority of them...have Drives. Like you, Secretary."   "Thank you, Councilors. I will take care of this matter immediately."   "You don't seem too worried about the idea of war," Councilor Zaff said.   "The PWAB was founded to ensure peace in our time...sometimes to bring peace, you must burn the waste from before," Harkon said as he bowed.   "You're dismissed," Councilor Tyra said, waving her hand.   Harkon rose and left the chamber, leaving behind the five councilors.


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