What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?


Round 1: Action!

Captain Jassa L. Martin

Jassa is one of the primary antagonists of the Verge Drive story and one of the top commanders under the influence of Xana. His true nature and origin are a mystery, and many are uncertain if he is actually human.  
Jassa in his office, working for the Post War Administration Bureue. 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jass is lean and agile. He is extremely quick on his feet, and what he lacks in physical power he makes up for in evasive actions.

Body Features

He is slim, often called skinny.

Facial Features

Jassa frequently is seen bearing a cruel grin or smirk on his face, especially while fighting his foes.

Physical quirks

When fighting, Jassa has a tendency to hold his hat with one hand to avoid losing it.

Special abilities

Jassa has unprecedented control over Magical Equations, capable of completing complex incantations faster than the average user. In addition, he bears a personal Drive called Infinite Serpent, giving him the ability to stop time or increase his speed.

Apparel & Accessories

Jassa wears a three-piece suit, consisting of pressed black trousers, a white dress shirt, a green waistcoat, and a black long coat. His shoes and gloves are of a brown leather, and he wears a black hat to match his suit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about Jassa's personal life or upbringing. Currently, he serves Xana as her chief source of intelligence and as a line of defense for her own agenda. Jassa is particularly skilled in the use of magical equations, hand to hand combat, and psychological warfare.

Personality Characteristics


Jassa's true motivations are unknown, though it appears he lives for the chaos of war and strife. He, by his own admittance, has no desire for the Verge Drive, but adores the chance to fight others with Drives and uses his own wit and deviant nature to try and turn other combatants against each other purely for the maddening chaos of the situation.   However, Jassa is a well known liar. He may have secret goals regarding the Verge Drive that no one, not even Xana, is aware of. Only time will tell.

Likes & Dislikes


Cold beer, well made suits, black and white films.  


Children, weak fighters, overcooked beef.

Personality Quirks

Jassa, as a deceptive "snake" of a man, has a tendancy to play the part of a polite, Southern American gentleman, but the longer he holds the facade the more likely he is to slip up and let out his cruel, twisted self shine through. He finds the pain of others amusing, and laughs often at the suffering of his foes. The longer he pretends to be a good, kind man, the more his gentle smirk slowly morphs into a cruel grin, and the expression in his eyes shifts to that of a sadist.
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
August 30th
Short, Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well, well, well...what have we here? A pitiful little doll! Ha! I can't believe Dr. Song actually went through with making your kind!" - Jassa, speaking to Eta-7.
"Little girls like you have no business fighting things like me!" - Jassa, speaking to Russet.
"Infinite Serpent!" "Freeze!" "Ha-Ha-Halt!" "No time!" - Jassa, his various phrases when he activates his Drive.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype
Jassa is based on Hazama from BlazBlue.

Articles under Jassa


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