What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Krimm: A Heavy Day

Round 1: Action!
Krimm   March 18, 2169   Highland City Anatolia   Four days had passed since Krimm and the other Combatants encountered Jassa and his master, Xana, at the heart of Highland City Anatolia in the Nexus Core. The destruction of the Core at Jassa's hands was a devastating blow to the city's infrastructure, but Krimm was satisfied that the general population had remained safe, even with the Core erupting as it did. He and the other Combatants had need to recover from the battle, and Krimm finally felt strong enough to leave; that green haired bastard needed to pay for what he'd done, after all.   Krimm hooked his chain to his belt loops as be put his boots on. He was still getting his belongings together when his door suddenly came open; there stood Azure in his clean, perfect, Order uniform. Krimm glared at him for a moment before returning to tie his bootlaces. Azure crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe of the motel room. "You're going to hunt him down?" he asked flatly.   "Yes," Krimm replied without hesitation.   "Even though we all just royally got our asses handed to us? I don't know if you noticed, Krimm, but Jassa didn't even break a sweat when he picked us apart."   Krimm snorted. "He got lucky."   "No...WE got lucky, Krimm." Azure folded his arms again. "None of us were prepared for it. No one would have been."   "Well, I'm prepared now," Krimm said as he stood swiftly and got into Azure's face. "Lemme guess, boy scout...you here to stop me?" Azure opened his mouth to reply, but Krimm cut him off. "You wanna help? Do something useful? Get out of my way and let me kill Jassa."   Azure smirked. "Going after Jassa is a stupid idea and you know it?"   "Do you have a better one?" Krimm asked with venom in his voice.   "As a matter of fact, no. My idea is dumber." Krimm reached and picked up a large hard fiber case from beyond the wall and pushed passed Krimm, marching to the motel room's bed before dropping the large case on the mattress. "Open it."   Krimm hesitated. He eyed the case with careful suspicion and curiosity before inhaling sharply and exhaling slowly. He stepped closer and undid the four hard plastic clasps that held the case shut. He opened the hard case and felt the hair on the back of his neck go straight at the sight before him. There, cushioned by layers of soft foam, was a massive and mechanical red sword; Rot, it was called. "This...can't be here," he said in shock.   Azure nodded. "I know you parted from the Order on bad terms...and I know you and I have always been...shall we say difficult to one another. But I've never, ever lied to you before. So, you can trust me when I say...I respect you, Krimm. You fight well using that chain. Imagine how much better you are with a proper weapon."   Krimm looked at the sword. It was beautiful, a perfect combination of technology and art. The blade was blunt, a decision he'd made in its construction many years ago. The blade was almost as long as he was tall, and it was far too heavy for the average user. Yet, when Krimm grasped the hilt, it felt light as a feather as he hoisted it to admire the red color of the blade. "It's beautiful," he said simply.   "Use it," Azure commanded. "It was always yours. The Order had no right to confiscate it when they dismissed you."   "How did you..."   Azure smirked. "Garen owed me a favor. He overnighted it to me at my request." Azure placed a hand on Krimm's shoulder. "You don't like me. I don't like you. But...we used to make a good team back when you were a Knight. My dumb idea...is to set aside our hate for each other, and work together again."   "And if I say no?" Krimm asked coldly.   "Well...we have bigger fish to fry. I'm not gonna waste my energy fighting you when Jassa is still out there. Come with me...or don't. The choice is yours." He turned to leave the motel room, pausing at the door as he said, "I'm headed to the Air Docks. The airship Cabaret leaves in one hour. You have till then to join me." Turning on his heel, he left down the hall and vanished out of sight, leaving Krimm alone to inspect the red sword in his hand.   Krimm looked at the sword for a long time, taking in the details of its beauty. Then, he smiled. "You know what? I think I will."


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