What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Kurama: Observer No More

Round 1: Action!
Kurama   April 10th, 2169 A.D.   Highland City Neo Kyoto, Japanese Colonies     The bamboo water fixture clacked gently as it spilled into the pond, the wind rustled the cherry trees, and Kurama sat peacefully on his porch with a cup of freshly brewed tea in hand, sipping it quietly in solitary contemplation. The humanoid fox spirit, sworn to non-interference as an Observer for the Verge Drive, was enjoying his peace and quiet in spite of the fighting that was happening around the world as Combatants fought tireless in search of the Verge Drive for their own gain.   "The wars will continue until there is no one left to fight," he mused. "They are so stubborn, all of them." Kurama sighed and took another sip of his tea, watching the breeze play with the cherry blossom petals drifting down from the cherry tree branches. "One will claim the Verge Drive...but be they good or ill? Only time will tell." The chirping of a swarm of black bats broke his contemplation momentarily, though he nary glanced away from his cup as he greeted his guest with a polite, "Good afternoon, Solomon. I trust your journey to my domain was pleasant, my old friend?"   The swarm of bats coalesced into a man shaped figure before the vampire, Solomon, emerged from the swarm, letting the bats melt into nothingness. The gentlemanly vampire gave a polite bow as he said, "Good day to you, Kurama. My journey was satisfactory."   "So I see." Kurama lifted his cup to his lips and took a sip of tea. "I trust you have come to see me about the matter at hand, my old friend?"   Solomon nodded. "We are both sworn to be merely Observers...but I fear that task is now impossible. The world is in grave danger should the wrong Combatant acquire the power of the Verge Drive."   "Indeed," Kurama said between sips. "I have faith that the right hands shall prevail."   "We have the power to turn the tide, Kurama. We are more powerful than most of the Combatants."   "Twould be unwise to involve ourselves, Solomon. Besides," Kurama went silent as he reflected on the last time he tried to directly guide humanity in the right direction; over a century of war, billions dead, and all for an uneasy truce that could fragment at any moment. "I have sworn to not involve myself in the matters of humanity again."   "But it is the Verge Drive we must fight for! We must act!"   Kurama sighed. "We must do what we can, but we cannot interfere."   "But—"   "No, Solomon. I have done as much as I can. I personally have trained one of the combatants. Takumi is my hope now."   "And he has made some progress, yes, but he still lacks the skills to win. He needs us, Kurama!"   Kurama sighed again. "He needs only to keep fighting, and I have faith in him."   "Do you truly believe that, Kurama?"   Kurama nodded. "Yes."   "Then I shall go, Kurama. I am sure he will understand."   "Solomon," Kurama said softly, "do not be so hasty. We both...have a history of interfering with mankind. And we both have seen the worst happen as a result."   Solomon nodded. "And we have learned from our mistakes, Kurama."   "And yet..."   "And yet we are both still here, Kurama. The world is in great peril, and we must do all we can to help it."   Kurama sighed and shook his head. "I cannot let you go, Solomon," he said, standing as he belted his katana. "We have a sworn duty as Observers."   Solomon's red eyes narrowed, he stroked his mustache, and then poised himself into a fighting position with his fists. "I do not wish to fight you, old friend. But I will do what I must."   "Know that I do not threaten you out of malice, Solomon. I have naught but respect for you."   The vampire nodded. "As do I for you." He lunged forward to punch Kurama with his superhuman strength, but Kurama drew his katana and blocked the strike with the flat of his blade."   Kurama smiled softly as he said, "Come now...do not pull your punches on my account, friend." Solomon glared at him and swung his fist again, but Kurama danced back. "You are stronger than you think, Solomon."   "Then you would not mind if I were to give you a demonstration of that fact?"   "By all means."   Solomon growled and teleported to Kurama, punching him square in the gut. Kurama was sent flying back, his body breaking several of his cherry trees in the process. "Forgive me for damaging your garden," Solomon said as he poised for another strike.   Kurama shook his head and spat out some blood. "You're just showing off."   Solomon frowned. "Perhaps I am. But I am a Combatant, Kurama. An Observer no more!"   Kurama looked up at Solomon and grinned. "If you truly believe that, then I suppose it is true."   "Do not taunt me, Kurama!"   Kurama sighed. "I would never, Solomon." He sheathed his katana. "Forgive me. I was merely testing your resolve to break your oath. You truly have abandoned your role as an Observer. I wish you well, old friend." He approached the porch and sat back down, snapping his fingers. With that snap, the damage to his garden and trees was instantly repaired.   Solomon took a deep breath, calming himself. "Ever the teacher, old friend...even to a fellow immortal."   "I find those of us of the eternal persuasion need life lessons most of all," Kurama said with a gentle smile as he poured himself a new cup of tea. "But we must all remember to take time for ourselves now and again. Life is precious, Solomon."   "Indeed," Solomon said as he turned, teleporting once more into a swarm of bats.   Kurama sighed and put his teacup down. "Good luck...old friend."


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