What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

The Outer Boundary

Round 1: Action!
The Outer Boundary is the domain of magic and the home plane of both the arcane and the Deities. It is rumored to have originally been discovered by The Original circa 5000 years ago. In the modern day research of magical science, however, Aiden Revel and Millie Erwin are credited with it's discovery.


To normal mortal humans, the Outer Boundary is very nearly incrompehensable and impossible to percieve. The entire realm is like one endless white void, with no beginning or end. According to many of the Deities who hail from this realm, however, with the right use of magic and imagination one can percieve the true beauty of the realm. Rumored to be filled with cities, mountains, valleys, and more, it is the home plane to the Deity race.
Alternative Name(s)
The Divine Realm, The White Void,
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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