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The Church of The Divine Mother

The Faith of The Divine Mother is the dominant faith on the eastern half of the continent.

Mythology & Lore

The Book of Loranna – Chapter 1-5 – Summery: Loranna Created the world in an instant. The world we know sprung into existence, and with it the first men spread across the continents. Elves, the messengers of Loranna, taught humans the ways of the world; Arcane magics since lost, and the ways of the earth. How to work metal, wood, and stone. Then the Elves vanished. Loranna’s ancient battle with Drakdel, and his dragons, calling them home to the heavens.

Tenets of Faith

The Tenants of The Forebearer are these: 1. Honor Loranna with service, and do not waste the precious life she has given you. 2. Honor your fellow man, and do not waste the life Loranna has given them. 3. Do not give life wantonly. 4. Do not Take life needlessly. 5. Honor and love your mother and father. 6. Honor and love your sons and daughters. 7. Honor and love your husbands and wives. 8. Guard your heart from Evil, but open it to that which is Good. 9. Protect that which is yours. 10. Do not steal that which is your neighbors.


The Faith and Magic: While Magic is not outlawed, nor is it shunned, it is feared. As humans have always feared what they do not understand, so too do they fear magic. Rare as it is many assume it legend, or no longer accessible. Those that either know of magic, or of those that can use it, often seek the Divine Mother for guidance. Magic is typically seen by priests as either a blessing from Loranna or a Curse from Drakdel; depending largely on the type of magic someone uses. The former being largely left alone, while the latter is likely to undergo several exorcisms to rid the user of this “evil” magic.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Faith of the Divine Mother
Permeated Organizations

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