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History of Veridyn

The First Era (The Era of Dragons)

0 1E - 10112 1E

The era that began when Loranna created the universe. It was the Era that saw the birth and fall of the Dragons.

  • 0 1E
    Loranna Creates the Heavens and Earth
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 8622 1E
    Order of Sorcerers Founded

    Seeing the need for an organization of powerful sorcerers to address the worlds problems and rogue elements. Three dragons Kandara, Azureth, and Drakdel form the Order of Sorcerers and vow to serve the goddess Loriakna (Loranna) in keeping the world stable.

  • 10112 1E
    The First Reordering
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Drakdel is defeated and imprisoned at the hands of Azureth and the loyalist armies of Loranna. Drakdel's perversion of magical power causes the world to begin to collapse. Kandara sacrifices his soul in a ritualistic spell that halts the collapse and directs drakdels destructive energy into one of rebirth. Thanks to Kandara's sacrifice the world doesnt collapse, but rather reorderes itself in a violent magical rebirth. Kandara dies and is uplifted to godhood by Loranna to serve as Drakdels warden. Some dragons survive but the majority perish in the reordering.

Third Era (The Era of Humans)

3027 3E VA and beyond

The Current Era

  • 2799 3E VA
    City of Valessa Founded

    The City-State of Valessa is founded by Elven survivors and local humans in order to create a bastion for learning, cultural development, and magic. The remnants of the Order of Sorcerers plays a large roll in the cities early development.

  • 2713 3E VA
    Valessan Republic Founded

    Valessan Influence over other nearby city-states and settlements grows to the point that many nearby independent villages and cities join Valessa and form the worlds first republic.

  • 2712 3E VA
    Order of Sorcerers establish headquarters in the city of Valessa

    With Valessa quickly becoming the cultural, economic, scientific, and magical center of southern Veridyn, the Order of Sorcerers sets up their headquarters in the city in order to maintain a strong political and social influence over the city.

  • 8th of Apris, 2434 3E VA
    Oleus Vanteries is Born
    Life, Birth

    The Future Grand Master of the Order of Sorcerers is born in Valessa