
Most dragonborn hail from Vs'shtak Shehad (The Draconic Empire), located in Central Myrthana. Dragonborn are not often seen outside of Vs'shtak Shehad, as their society is quite insular and distrusting of other cultures. They are ruled by an authoritarian military regime at the top, and the people are controlled through a strict caste system.   Though running into dragonborn outside of Vs'shtak Shehad is rare, there are a few reasons that they may be found outside their territory. If a dragonborn has sufficient sway within the ruling class, they may be found as explorers, spies, or diplomats. Those without that level of social standing can be found as exiles, deserters, or defectors. Explorers are usually frowned upon within Vs'shtak Shehad, but occasionally a noble will decide to venture out to see the world. Most of the time this brings a small amount of shame on the explorer’s family, as any time spent outside of the dragonborn’s territory is thought to potentially taint the explorer with thoughts and ideas from outsiders. Occasionally, an explorer may have the backing of the ruling class if there is a specific goal they’re seeking out, such as a powerful artifact. Even those that bring shame on their clan may turn the tables if they return with enough of a prize to show that their adventures were worth it, though they themselves may still be viewed with suspicion for the rest of their lives.   Diplomats are usually only sent out before or after times of war to negotiate conditions of surrender or victory. Very, very rarely do the dragonborn of Vs'shtak Shehad have any interest in diplomacy with what they consider the lesser races, though there have been a few occasions. Working out terms for the joint research into airships is one such example. They may also be sent to other territories to bring in dragonborn deserters for punishment. Spies, obviously, would not be so obvious. Vs'shtak Shehad usually uses other races as spies, as a dragonborn spy would have difficulties moving about outside dragonborn territory unnoticed. However, there have been spies who venture out under the guise of some other reason, such as an exiled noble or a curious explorer. Most punishment in Vs'shtak Shehad is swift and severe, though if one has enough social status they may get exiled instead. To those of the more noble classes this is often viewed as worse than death, but it is thought that the exile at least has a chance to redeem themselves and may one day return and absolve their crimes through some sort of great deed.   Life for those born into the lower classes live lives of constant toil and poverty, so it is not unheard of for them to try and defect or, if serving in the military, desert. Even then, those that try and leave Vs'shtak Shehad are still not free, as discovery of anyone fleeing Vs'shtak Shehad, especially deserters from the military, are hunted down through both spies and diplomats.


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