The Hands of Mercy

The Hands of Mercy are a small but growing criminal organization in the city of Sternburg. Though they are largely relegated to their territory in the Bregegar's Mercy district, they have recently began pushing rival gangs out of other territories. This has cause a significant increase in street violence within the city, as rival gangs vie for territory.   The Hands of Mercy make most of their income in petty crimes within their territory. They specialize in a brutal enforcement policy that keeps most of the people in their territory in line for fear of The Hands' brand of justice. Even so, there are some that prefer The Hands to the other gangs of the city, as The Hands do not discriminate in their enforcement. It does not matter if you are tiefling, human, wizard, or goblin; as long as you pay your due you will be treated fairly.
Illicit, Gang
Notable Members


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